Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Agranulocytes are white blood cells in which there is no granule in the Cytoplasm. Two different types of agranulocytes are available namely lymphocytes and monocytes. Normally the human blood has 3 types of lymphocytes namely B cells, T cells and NK cells. Lymphocytes are commonly found in lymphatic system of the body in particular the NK (natural killer) cells. Each type of cells has different set of function. B cells are responsible for binding the pathogens that make up antibodies in our body. T cells trigger the immunity system and takes control of immunity level when the body metabolism is affected. NK cells do the work of destroying the cells which are infected by virus. Among these, T cells are highly important because they not only control the immune system but also remember the earlier infections and diseases caused by invaders.

In the absence of granules in the cytoplasm, agranulocytes have a big nucleus region. Lymphocytes are manufactured from the lymph nodes of man and useful in healing wounds. Monocyctes have one nucleus in them and contain non granular cells.

Pictures of Agranulocytes :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Agranulocytes

Agranulocytes Agranulocytes Agranulocytes Agranulocytes Agranulocytes Agranulocytes

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