Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Ascites is a condition in which there is fluid accumulation in the space between the abdominal lining and other internal organs of the abdomen.

Causes :

Having ascites is a clear indication of liver disease. When high Blood Pressure develops in the liver, it lowers the albumin levels causing ascites. It can also be due to liver cirrhosis and hepatitis infection. People suffering from cancer in the colon and ovary, and those affected with pancreatic cancer will also show symptoms of ascites.

Some other diseases like Pancreatitis, acute heart failure and clots in the liver vein may also cause ascites. A person having kidney dialysis problem may also have fluid accumulation in the abdomen.

Water Retention in the body is the main cause of ascites. Congestive Heart Failure is also another factor that triggers fluid accumulation in the abdomen. Presence of any tumor on the portal vessels of the abdomen may also cause this condition. Various types of cancer like Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer, ovary cancer, Stomach Cancer and lymphoma can affect the abdomen severely causing ascites.

Symptoms :

This disorder does not show any other symptoms except accumulation of fluid in the abdomen. That too the signs are very slow and will not be prominent. Some people report of having abdominal pain and back pain and even bloated condition after meals. Very rarely, they may get shortness of breath.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor will initially examine your body and evaluate the liver using kidney function tests, creatanine and electrolyte test, urine analysis and liver enzyme test.

Pictures of Ascites :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Ascites

Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites
Treatment :

Giving diuretic drugs may improve the condition thereby removing the excess of fluid from the abdomen. If needed lasix is administered by injection to propel excess of fluids. In case of severe infection, giving antibiotics may provide relief.

Those with ascites condition should reduce the salt intake in their daily diet. Further you have to limit taking sodium and diuretic substances. Your daily diet has to be monitored for controlling bloating sensation. You should also avoid taking alcohol completely.

In case if the patient does not respond to medicines, then depending on the health condition, a tube is inserted in the abdomen to remove excess of fluids (therapeutic paracentesis). In severe case of liver cirrhosis, transplantation of liver is done.

Surgery is done for refractory cases using the method of transjugular intrahepatitic portosystemic shunting (TIPS) by inserting a shunt in the venous system of the jugular vein for reducing the pressure inside.

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