Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Asteatotic Eczema

Asteatotic Eczema

Asteatotic eczema is a common skin condition seen on the elderly people. It is described as cracks on the skin surface and it was first identified by Dr. Brocq, French dermatologist. Extreme dryness is believed to cause this eczema and the rate of asteatotic eczema is high during winter season.

Symptoms :

The skin becomes totally dry forming several cracks on the upper surface. The skin becomes totally dry due to loss of natural oil and shows cracks. The skin may lose its elasticity which makes it prone to bacterial infection and other allergens to easily penetrate it. The skin surface resembles a cracked porcelain piece and cracks are widely distributed throughout the body. It can cause itchiness of skin rarely.

Causes :

Asteatotic eczema is caused due to loss of sebum, an oily fluid that occurs naturally in the skin. Owing to loss of oil the skin becomes dry and develops several cracks on its surface. As one grows old, secretion of sebum gets reduced drastically or completely stops resulting in brittle skin.

Old aged people above 65 or 70 years are more prone to develop asteatotic eczema than others. Extreme loss of water from the body (dehydration), living in low humidity, using irritants like soaps or detergents persistently, and taking hot water bath frequently can trigger asteatotic eczema.

Tests :

Mere physical examination of the skin is enough to identify asteatotic eczema.

Images, Pics, Photos and Pictures of Asteatotic Eczema :

Asteatotic Eczema Asteatotic Eczema Asteatotic Eczema Asteatotic Eczema

Treatment :

  • There is no cure for asteatotic eczema that occurs in elderly people.

  • You can manage further cracks on the skin by following certain precautions.

  • Use only mild soaps without fragrance and avoid using perfumes.

  • Avoid taking hot baths for long duration. Use additional humidifiers if you remain in air-conditioned rooms for long.

  • Apply moisturizing creams regularly since they are effective in reducing dryness. It is necessary to apply emollients after taking bath.

  • You can make use of creams that contain steroids if you cannot manage itching and inflammation of the skin.

  • For severe cases your doctor may prescribe triamcinolone cream for dressing the skin. He may also give you oral antibiotics if he suspects bacterial infection on the skin.

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