Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Athletes Foot

Athletes Foot

Also known as Tinea pedia, athlete’s foot is caused by fungal infection. Tinea is the name of fungus that attacks the feet causing infection. It can occur in heels, toes, palms and sometimes between fingers. The person who often exposes his feet to unclean atmosphere is prone to get fungal attack and athlete’s foot.

Wearing closed shoes in which there is no air circulation, walking barefoot in wet areas, having a nail injury are some of the factors that cause athlete’s foot. This infection is contagious and can spread to other persons who are in direct contact with the foot of affected person. Sharing of socks and shoes can transmit athlete’s foot to others.

Formation of red patches, dry Itchy Skin, having burning sensation on the affected area and growth of blisters that discharge pus like liquid are some of the symptoms of athlete’s foot. For some persons, the nail may change its original color becoming dark and discolored. Taking a skin lesion biopsy test will diagnose the illness.

Athlete’s foot can be treated easily from over the counter medications and topical ointments. Creams containing miconazole, tolnaflate and clotrimazole are used for controlling fungal infection. Prevention and self care is necessary even after the infection settles down. Wear cotton socks to keep your feet aerated, wash the feet with soapy water and dry them completely. Give no room for moist and wet feet and pay more attention for the areas between the toes.

Pictures of Athletes Foot :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Athletes Foot

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