Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Bladder Infection Symptoms in Women

Bladder Infection Symptoms in Women


Infections of the bladder do not always cause any symptoms or sign but when they are symptoms they may include:

You're reading Bladder Infection Symptoms in Women posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

  • A persistent, strong need to urinate

  • A sensation when urinating that feels like burning

  • Frequent passing of amounts of urine that are small

  • Urine that may appear cola colored or bright pink – symptom of blood in the urine

  • Cloudy Urine

  • Pelvic pressure in women

  • Urine that is strong-smelling

  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen

  • Urine with foul odor

  • Bladder spasms

  • Chills and fever

  • At night there is a lack of urinary control

  • Fever, bed-wetting as well as irritability in a child

The physician will diagnose a bladder infection based on symptoms and also the individual‘s medical history. Usually a physical exam is done and a urine specimen caught mid-stream is collected in order to identify any evidence of inflammation, as well as the type of bacteria that could be causing the infection.

The physician will also advise fluid intake be increased, especially cranberry juice, which is known to help prevent infections. Avoid alcohol and caffeine and drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily.

It is important that proper treatment is received for any symptoms of bladder infection in women – as soon as the symptoms have manifested themselves. This allows the individual to avoid having chronic tract infections which can in some cases lead to Kidney Failure.

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