Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Blood in Urine and No pain – What Causes it?

Blood in Urine and No pain – What Causes it?

Causes of Blood in Urine

The human urinary tract consists of the bladder, 2 kidneys as well as 2 ureters, and the urethra. Kidneys remove the waste as well as excessive fluid from the blood and this is converted into urine. This urine at that point flows thru 2 tubes that are hollow known as ureters – one running from every kidney – to the bladder which stores the urine until it is eliminated from the body thru the urethra.

With Hematuria, the kidneys or additional portions of the urinary tract lets cells of blood seep into urine. There are numerous problems that can trigger this seepage, but the below list includes only those problems that have no pain with the blood. These consist of:

Enlarged prostate
This prostate gland situated beneath the bladder and around the upper area of the urethra –in numerous cases starts growing as males reach middle age. Once this gland gets larger, it presses the urethra and partly blocks the flow of urine. Symptoms or signs include persistent or urgent need for urination and either microscopic or gross bleeding.

Diseases of the kidney
Microscopic bleeding can also be a symptom which is common of Glomerulonephritis, that triggers inflammation of the filtering system of the kidney. Glomerulonephritis can be a portion of a system wide disease, for instance diabetes, or may happen by itself. Usually triggered by a strep or viral infection, blood vessel disease – Vasculitis – as well as problems with immune system for instance IgA nephropathy can affect the small capillaries which filters the blood in the kidneys.
Disorders that are inherited
Sickle Cell Anemia” is a chronic deficiency of red blood cells – can also be a reason for blood in the urine, either gross as well as microscopic hematuria. So can Alport syndrome that affects the membranes in the glomeruli of the kidneys that are used for filtering.

You're reading Blood in Urine and No pain – What Causes it? posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Some frequently used drugs can also cause urinary blood including aspirin, heparin blood thinner, penicillin, as well as the drug that is anti-cancer called cyclophosphamide or Cytoxan.

Vigorous exercise
It is not understood why but strenuous or vigorous exercise can cause gross hematuria. It can be because of the trauma to the bladder, breakdown of red blood cells, or dehydration. Runners are more often affected, but nearly any athlete can develop urinary bleeding after a workout that is intense.

Hematuria or blood in the urine has no precise treatment. Instead, the physician will focus on the condition that is causal:

Enlarged prostate
Treatments for this problem strive to decrease symptoms as well as restore normal function of the urinary system. All are effective but all have some disadvantages. Drugs are normally used first and normally they offer long-time relief for most men. When drugs do not work, treatments that are minimally invasive using lasers, sound waves or heat to eliminate excess tissue of the prostate can be tried.

Diseases of the kidney
Numerous problems of the kidneys usually require treatment. No matter what the causal problem is, the objective is to calm inflammation and limit additional damage to the kidneys.

Inherited disorders
Actions for disorders that are inherited can distress the kidneys greatly. “Benign faMilial hematuria” frequently does not need any treatment, whereas individual with severe Alport syndrome might eventually need dialysis. Dialysis is an artificial way of removing any waste from the blood when the kidneys no longer are able to do so. Sickle cell anemia is similarly treated with blood transfusions and drugs or, in best case situations, a transplant of the bone marrow.

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