Saturday, May 21, 2016

Can You Have a Period Without Ovulating?

Can You Have a Period Without Ovulating?

Most women think that they have a period only when they ovulate, but that is not always the case. There are cases when you may get your period without ovulating, which is called as an anovulatory cycle. However, it is worth mentioning that you may never realize you are not ovulating and still getting your period. Most women usually do not notice if they are ovulating or not unless they are charting their cycles. Why does this happen? Should you really worry about the whole situation? Keep reading to find out more.

Can You Have a Period without Ovulating?
The answer is, yes. You can experience monthly bleeding even when you do not ovulate. However, such bleeding you experience is not because of the shedding of the uterine lining, but it is usually estrogen breakthrough bleeding. What it means is that the lining of your uterus becomes thick due to an excess of estrogen, but there is no progesterone because you did not ovulate that month. It implies that there will be no structural support available for endometrium to grow. The lining will begin to slough off and you will see Vaginal Bleeding.

As estrogen breakthrough bleeding can be quite irregular, you do not usually know it is not your regular period, especially if you do not chart your menstrual cycle. Estrogen breakthrough bleeding or anovulatory cycles can affect women during their teen years, while some women also experience it during the years leading up to menopause.

What Causes Period without Ovulating?
Now that you know the answer to your question, "Can you have a period without ovulation?"you may want to know exactly what causes this situation. Still, hormonal imbalance seems to be the most common cause of anovulatory cycle, various underlying causes can also make you experience anovulatory cycles, for example, your diet and strenuous exercise. However, some of the causes are not that simple to identify. Below are just some common ones for your reference.

1. Strenuous Exercise Program
If you follow a strenuous exercise program, you may end up making changes to your hormones, which can affect your menstruation cycle as well. Even simple exercises such as running can make changes to the levels of hormones called gonadotropins, which can cause anovulatory cycle. Similarly, you may notice hormonal changes due to anxiety and emotional stress.

2. Certain Medications
You may notice a change in your menstrual cycle for taking certain medications for long. Steroidal oral contraceptives are usually responsible for anovulation because they disrupt the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and suppress ovulation to prevent pregnancy.

3. PossibleHealth Conditions
Some women experience anovulatory cycles due to other causes, including hypothalamic dysfunction, eating disorders, luteal phase defects, polycystic ovary syndrome, or Tumors of the pituitary gland or ovaries. Primary ovarian failure, autoimmune oophoritis, and resistant ovary syndrome are some other common causes of anovulatory cycles.

How to Deal With Period Without Ovulating
Can you have a period without ovulating? Yes, you can. Can you do something about it? Yes, there are ways to handle this situation, but the most important thing is to identify the underlying cause of anovulation first. If it is due to strenuous exercise, you should change your program and talk to your doctor about it. Similarly, you can try meditation and yoga, or take other steps to manage stress, which usually affects your menstrual cycle.

Here are some other treatment options available for anyone dealing with anovulatory cycle.

1. Medical Treatment
Your doctor will consider your symptoms to identify the underlying cause of the condition. They will also consider your medical history and age to determine the most appropriate treatment option. If you are infertile and have anovulatory cycles, your doctor may decide to give you fertility drugs. Clomid or clomiphene citrate is a good choice for you if you experience an anovulatory cycle and are producing estrogen.

If clomiphene alone does not produce desired results,your doctor may consider giving you Pergonal as well. It works by stimulating the ovary, which in turn helps a follicle grow to sufficient size. Your doctor may also use other treatments with these medications, such as nutritional modifications, medications for specific underlying conditions, stress reduction, and surgery.

2. Take Essential Supplement
Once you know the answer to "can you have a period without ovulating?"and know you have this condition, you may consider taking some supplements right away for better results. For instance:

  • Take vitamin C supplements to help strengthen blood vessel walls. It is equally important in fighting infections and accelerating healing. Found in red peppers, green vegetables, and yellow fruits, vitamin C also plays a role in increasing the amount of water in your cervical mucus.

  • Take supplements to increase the number of tiny organisms called lactobacilli. These organisms help maintain a healthy environment in your vagina. You can also get it from foods such as yogurt, cheese, and milk.

  • You may also consider include grapeseed extract in your diet because you need antioxidants for better reproductive health.

  • Evening primrose oil is another great choice for anyone interested in increasing cervical mucus quality.

3. Control the Weight
In addition, you should also take steps to keep your body weight under control. You will experience serious hormonal changes if you are underweight or obese. To prevent menstrual disorders, it is of immense importance to maintain a healthy body weight by sticking to balanced diet and doing some exercise.

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