Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Digeorge Syndrome

Digeorge Syndrome

A condition in which there is absence of a pair of chromosome 22 is known as Digeorge syndrome. Normally the child inherits equal pairs of chromosome from the mother and father and each chromosome contains roughly 500-800 genes. In Digeorge syndrome, the child will have only one copy of the chromosome 22 and misses the other copy. This deleted chromosome can be from his father or mother during the development of fetus and is reflected in all cells of the baby.

Some of the symptoms of Digeorge syndrome are weakness, poor muscular structure, and bluish skin, improper circulation of blood, poor weight gain, and shortness of breath, getting infection frequently, difficulty in feeding and delayed development of the child. For some children, there may be a gap in the cleft palate and retarded speech. In some cases, there may be wide eyes with narrow groove in the upper lip region.

Since the Digeorge syndrome is inherited by chromosomes, heredity is the main cause for this disorder.

There is no permanent cure for this disorder and only the symptoms can be treated. Hypo para-thryoid is treated by giving calcium and vitamin D supplements. In severe case of thymus gland function, the child will be implanted with thymus gland to increase the level of immunity. In many cases, the child may be born with congenital heart problems which can be corrected by surgery. Since there can be multiple problems during the development of the child, each one should be repaired based on the preference. The oral defect can be repaired by surgery of cleft palate. Apart from this, the child may face challenges in behavior and adjustment for which psychotherapy and cognitive therapy are given.

Pictures of Digeorge Syndrome :

Images, Pics, Pictures, Photos of Digeorge Syndrome

Digeorge Syndrome Digeorge Syndrome Digeorge Syndrome Digeorge Syndrome Digeorge Syndrome Digeorge Syndrome Digeorge Syndrome

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