Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Ganglion Cyst Wrist

Ganglion Cyst Wrist

Small lumps that develop on the tendons of your hands and wrist are called ganglion cyst wrist. Apart from wrist area they can develop on the ankles and feet also. They are tiny round shaped lesions filled with pus like fluid. The appearance of lumps on the wrist area can sometimes interfere with the normal joint movement. Ganglion cyst on the wrist can be aspirated using a needle to drain off the fluid inside. But for many people, the cyst would resolve after some days without requiring any treatment. Ganglion cyst largely occurs in women for no apparent reason. It either occurs as single or in groups covering a tendon or joint.

Symptoms :

Ganglion cysts are tiny fluid filled blisters that appear on the tendons of your hands. For some people they can also develop on the feet and ankles. The size of the cyst is small measuring half inch or one inch in diameter. For some people the size of the cyst is so tiny that it can be felt only if the area is pressed. Ganglion cyst sometimes can be painful and for some people it can cause tingling sensation or numbness on the affected wrist.

Causes :

Exact cause of formation of ganglion cyst wrist is not known. It appears from a joint area or tendon of the wrist to grow like a lesion or lump on the hand.

Who are at risk? :

Ganglion cyst wrist can develop in any age but it is more likely to occur on middle aged women than children. Individuals with arthritis problems are prone to develop this cyst on their joints. People with tendon injury have increased chance for developing ganglion cyst.

Test :

Your doctor will complete the physical exam of the cyst on your wrist or feet. He would gently apply pressure on the area to check if you have pain.

Pictures of Ganglion Cyst Wrist :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Ganglion Cyst Wrist

Ganglion Cyst Wrist Ganglion Cyst Wrist Ganglion Cyst Wrist Ganglion Cyst Wrist Ganglion Cyst Wrist Ganglion Cyst Wrist

Treatment :

Ganglion cyst wrist does not require any treatment in most of the cases, since it will disappear within few days. Over the counter drugs like Ibuprofen can be used if there is pain. Aspiration is the procedure used for treating cyst. Your doctor would insert a needle directly on the cyst to drain out the liquid from the cyst. He would then give a steroid injection on the area to facilitate healing and to prevent further cyst formation.

About 75% of the people are getting relieved from the cyst using aspiration procedure. In rare cases the cyst will recur after some months. Surgery is done for removing the cyst only if the person suffers from pain or numbness in the affected area. Arthroscopic procedure is largely used for surgical removal of the ganglion cyst. After the process, you need to wear a splinter or brace so that there is no mobility on that area. Once the cyst is removed by aspiration or surgery the pain will gradually reduce since the nerve will not feel any pressure anymore.

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