Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Heel Spurs

Heel Spurs

Very often the condition called Plantar Fasciitis is confused with heel spur. In the earlier case, there is inflammation of the tissue in plantar fascia and in heel spur there is a hook of bone that occurs in heel bone. Very often both of these disorders occur simultaneously and more than 70% of the patients with plantar fasciitis will have heel spur. However, the exact correlation between plantar fasciitis and heel spur is not known even today.

Who are at risk to get heel spurs?

People who have history of foot pain and joints pain are at risk to get heel spur. Heel spur occurs often in middle aged women and those who are already affected with plantar fasciitis. It produces inflammation on the affected part causing pain and discomfort. In reality, it is the plantar fasciitis that develops swelling and causes pain and as such heel spur does not produce any pain on the foot.

Diagnoses :

X-ray of the affected area will clearly show the hook of the bone that is seen protruding from the lower portion of the foot at the point where plantar fasciitis is fused with the heel bone.

Causes :

Plantar fascia is the connective tissue that runs from heel bone area till the ball of the foot. This is responsible for holding the weight and maintaining the arch of the foot. When a person gets plantar fasciitis, this tissue develops inflammation and worn out making every movement very painful. The intense pain in foot region is the main symptom of heel spur. Heel spur pain intensifies when a person stands for long time or keeps walking without taking rest.

Very often patients with plantar fasciitis will have heel spur.

Treatment :

First the swelling has to be managed before attempting to treat heel spur. Several home remedies are available to cure plantar fasciitis and heel spur. You should avoid staying in the same position for long time. Just relax for a while before starting to walk again which will reduce the intensity of pain.

Apply ice packs on the affected area will give great relief from pain. Giving ice pack is more useful when the pain is very severe.

Doing minimal exercises like stretching is very good for relaxing the tissues inside the bone. Make sure that you are doing regular exercises daily for getting rid of permanent pain.

Anti inflammatory drugs are available for controlling swelling and pain. You can take medicines over the counter for getting pain relief instantly.

Shoe inserts are very often used by people affected with heel spurs. You can make routine activities much easier when you start using shoe inserts. Night splints are used to keep the heel stretched instead of keeping it contracted and hence it reduces morning pain.

In case of severe pain, you can consult your doctor to take a shot of cortisone injection for reducing inflammation on the tissues. Recently some doctors suggest using extracorporeal shock wave therapy for curing heel spur.

Pictures of Heel Spurs :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Heel Spurs

Heel Spurs Heel Spurs Heel Spurs Heel Spurs Heel Spurs Heel Spurs Heel Spurs
Prevention :

You need to wear right size footwear for not getting the symptoms again. Continue using shoe inserts for staying away from pain and swelling. Keep practicing exercises daily to maintain flexibility of bones.

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