Saturday, May 21, 2016

How to Make Yourself Throw Up

How to Make Yourself Throw Up

Though most people can’t stand the thought of vomiting, sometimes it is necessary to purge your body of things that could be harmful. That is often why we sometimes feel sick and vomit; our bodies have something inside them that they know are bad, and the instinct is to get it out. Learning how to make yourself throw up is something that can help you during those times when you need relief from a bad meal, too much alcohol or many other problems.

How to Make Yourself Throw Up
Before you decide to induce vomiting, keep in mind that this can be a serious issue, and can cause injury if not done properly. If you have swallowed something you shouldn’t have or you are feeling very sick from a bad meal or too much alcohol, start by calling your poison control center. They will be able to tell you whether you can deal with the problem at home or if you need to see a doctor first.

You will also need to identify the substance that is making you sick. Do you know it was bad seafood, or too many medications, or something else that has upset your body? If you know what the cause is, poison control can help you even more. In some cases, inducing vomiting can actually make you worse.

If you are instructed to induce vomiting, you can do it in a few simple steps. However, you should only do this when it is absolutely necessary to remove something harmful from your body.

Here are the best ways to do this:
1. Try Emetics

Emetics are medicines that are designed to induce vomiting. Syrup of ipecac is one of the most common emetics. When you mix it with water and swallow it in one long gulp, or take an emetic tablet, the emetic will cause some discomfort, then make you nauseous, and then cause your stomach to contract, making you throw up.

In most cases, using emetics is a very mild way to make your body get rid of anything in the stomach. But there are some warnings to keep in mind:

Warnings: Taking syrup of ipecac can cause several side effects, including a feeling of dizziness or lightheadedness, low Blood Pressure, shortness of breath and a fast heartbeat. It should never be taken by children under the age of one. It should also never be used on a long-term basis, as this can lead to serious problems. Never use emetics when you are pregnant or breast-feeding, and never give them to an unconscious person.

2. Make Use of Your Finger

It might sound gross, but sometimes using your finger to active your gag reflex is the fastest way to empty your stomach. Simply push your finger to the back of your throat unti you feel the need to gag. Then push further, and you will feel an intense sensation of nausea. Remove your finger quickly, as you will likely throw up immediately. Remember to wash your hands afterward!

3. Try Mustard Solution

If you don’t have any emetics on hand, consider the mustard mixture. This can be created by mixing a tablespoon of mustard spread into a cup of warm water. The fact that it is so unappetizing means it will make you want to vomit it up. Remember to drink it very quickly. It might take 20-30 minutes for it to work.

Keep in mind that this home remedy works for some, but not for everyone. Still, it’s worth a shot if you need to get something out of your stomach fast.

4. Drink Warm Salt Water

Mix three teaspoons of salt into a 16-ounce glass of warm water, stir it vigorously, then drink it very quickly. This mixture works in the same way the mustard solution does, and might take 20-30 minutes for good effect. If it doesn’t work on its own, you can always induce your gag reflex with your fingers, which can help.

5. Try Bloodroot Herb

Bloodroot is an herb often used by Native American cultures. It is highly toxic in large doses, so remember to use only small amounts. Mix the powder with water and drink it quickly to induce nausea and vomiting.

Keep in mind that bloodroot herb is not a simple solution: It is a toxic herb and can lead to serious problems, such as tunnel vision or foot pain. High doses can prove fatal, so it is best to contact a doctor before trying this method.

6. Drink Coca Cola

Sometimes the bubbles in Coca-Cola can help remedy an upset stomach. On the other hand, drinking flat Cola – without the bubbles – can make you feel sick and want to throw up. Drink a glass of this every hour, followed by water, to help induce vomiting. This can be especially effective in cases of food poisoning.

7. Watch Someone Else Throw Up

Seeing someone else throw up can often trigger the same response in your body. Though watching someone else throw up can be disgusting, that’s the point – you need to trigger that feeling in order to do it yourself. You can find videos of people throwing up online and use this if necessary. It might not work, but if it does, it will work very quickly.

8. Use a Toothbrush

Using a toothbrush to induce vomiting uses the same principle as using your finger; you are trying to trigger the gag reflex to make yourself vomit. Wet the bristles and rub the toothbrush against the back of your tongue, right where it makes you gag. You can use this several times if necessary. Be sure to clean the toothbrush thoroughly when you’re done, or simply replace it with a new one.

What Should You Do after Making Yourself Throw Up?
After you throw up, your body will likely feel very tired. The act of vomiting dehydrates you, so you need to rehydrate in order to feel better. Drinking lots of water can help your body regain its equilibrium. Drink clear fluids that do not contain caffeine or alcohol. A few good options are sports drinks, ginger ale and clear broths. Avoid acidic drinks, like orange juice – they can upset your stomach.

After 12 hours of vomiting, you can eat solid foods such as white rice, dry toast, crackers, or bananas. You should only eat bland foods and avoid anything fatty and spicy; also if you experience Diarrhea, avoid raw vegetables and fruits completely.

If you feel very sick or dehydrated, see a doctor. If the poison control center has suggested that you get to the doctor after inducing vomiting, head for the emergency room immediately afterward.

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