Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Hypocalcaemia is a condition of low calcium in the blood. In other words, calcium deficiency is the main cause for hypocalcaemia. Calcium is very important mineral for normal bone growth and for sending nerve signals to the brain.

Pancreatitis, renal failure, deficiency of magnesium and thyroid problem can cause this disease. When the vitamin D level is lesser than normal level it can also cause calcium deficiency. This disease is more common in infants and children than adults. This could retard their growth and normal development.

There are no initial symptoms of hypocalcaemia but it may begin to appear in the form of twitches, spasms and irregular heart beat. Hence it is difficult to diagnose the illness in early stages. The symptoms get very severe as the disease progresses causing cardiac arrhythmias in children. There may be prickling sensation on the hands and feet. Muscle twitches and difficulty in feeding are also other signs of this disease.

After proper examination and testing, the doctor would start infusion to increase the levels of calcium in the body. The child should be hospitalized to start an IV fluid if the symptoms are severe. In case of adults, eating balanced nutrition rich in calcium and magnesium can control the disease. Calcium is richly found in milk and dairy products, spinach, broccoli and mustard greens.

Images, Pics, Photos and Pictures of Hypocalcaemia :

Hypocalcaemia Hypocalcaemia Hypocalcaemia Hypocalcaemia Hypocalcaemia

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