Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Infected Pimple

Infected Pimple

Pimple or acne is quite common for boys and girls when they reach adolescence. Sex hormones become active during puberty giving rise to secondary sexual characters like broken voice, hairs in armpits and genitals. The sebaceous glands in our body become active to produce more of sebum (an oily fluid). These glands are spread throughout your body but are prominent on your face, scalp and chest region. This would result in excess of secretion of sebum blocking the tiny pores of the glands. The skin on that area becomes inflamed forming pimple. It is common for the bacteria to grow on the gland which has plenty of moisture. This would cause infected pimple which is painful and swollen.

Symptoms :

An infected pimple becomes filled with pus like fluid and is red in color. Whiteheads are tiny white spots on the face and neck region which are nothing but closed comedones. Once a pimple is formed due to skin inflammation bacteria and other micro-organisms would thrive on it causing infection. Infected pimples are tiny pus filled blisters largely found in your cheeks and nose. They look swollen and are painful. It can be itchy tempting you to prick the pimples. But this would worsen the condition leading to spreading of pimples in multifold.

Causes :

The main cause of pimple is excess of oily secretion called sebum by the glands of the skin. The skin normally sheds off its dead cells giving rise to new ones. However when the pores of the glands are clogged up due to excess of sebum the skin on that area develops inflammation forming a pimple. The pimples get infected when there is bacterial growth on the dead cells of the pores. It is the propionebacterium that is responsible for causing infection on the pimples.

Puberty is another cause for the formation of pimples. There would be excess of hormone secretion like testosterone which triggers sebum to become overactive. Certain drugs like lithium or corticosteroids can trigger pimple formation if you take them for prolonged period. For some people taking dairy products and excess of carbohydrate in diet can trigger acne or pimple. Pimples are formed even on adult women who use contraceptives to prevent pregnancy. Teenage girls will get fresh pimples on their face few days before the onset of monthly periods.

Diagnosis :

Your doctor can easily detect pimples by mere physical exam.

Treatment :

Pimples are quite common at some point of our lives. Pimples would simply disappear without any special treatment in few days or weeks. But in infected pimple can cause discomfort and pain. If left untreated infected pimple can cause scarring of skin. There is no defined treatment for pimples. Some of these methods may work at its best for you but not for all. Skin conditions of each person vary significantly and hence you have to depend on trial for choosing the right method.

A pimple gets infected only if bacteria grow on the clogged pores due to accumulation of dirt and sebum. Firstly you have to learn about the ways in which you can unclog the pores to destroy bacteria. Mild cleansers can be used for washing your face instead of soap. This would unclog the pores and clear the bacterium. But remember over-washing your face would worsen the condition since it would clear the natural oils from the face making it dry. Dryness can cause more pimples and more of infection.

Be choosy while buying skin care products. Exfoliate your skin regularly using salicylic acid and retinol. Natural peeling agents can be used for exfoliation. Once you have unclogged the pores you have to destroy the bacteria inside. For this you can use benzoyl peroxide compounds. Consult your dermatologist for using the best cream that suits your skin type. Your doctor may recommend isotretinoin of strong dosage if you have severe pimple infection and cysts.

Don’ts :

  • Do not squeeze the pimple since it releases the bacteria which would invade other parts causing more pimples.

  • Do not wash your face frequently since it can cause more pimple formation.

  • Do not change your cosmetics often.

  • Do not share cosmetic creams with others since you can easily catch infection from them.

  • Do not go out in hot sun since exposure to UV rays can cause skin irritation.

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