Monday, May 09, 2016

Keloid Cartilage Piercing – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Keloid%20Cartilage%20Piercing">Keloid Cartilage Piercing – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

A “keloid” can be considered as pinkish or purple colored structures that are slightly elevated from the skin surface. Keloids do not have well defined shape and if left untreated it grows bigger progressively accumulating pus inside. Keloid is sometimes painful and itchy and is considered as one of the serious cosmetic problems of the skin. This raised blister like growth can form as a result of cartilage piercing. Keloid cartilage piercing is common in ear piercing and nasal piercing. There is no guarantee that keloid may not occur on the site of piercing. It depends on various factors like individual’s skin texture, piercing post-care methods and piercing techniques.

Causes :

Not a single factor is known to cause keloid cartilage piercing. Getting a piercing done in unhygienic environment with dirty and unsterilized needles or instruments can cause a keloid. Frequently touching the site of piercing with dirty hands and allowing moisture to develop on the site can lead to formation of keloid. People with sensitive skin are more prone to develop a keloid scar after piercing than others.

Pulling the jewelry or changing the jewelry before proper healing can cause keloid cartilage piercing. Keloid can lead to formation of scar tissue. Wearing small stud or earring that does not have enough space to rotate may delay the process of healing thus causing a keloid. Any infection at the site of piercing can lead to formation of keloid.

Symptoms :

Keloid can be easily recognized by the raised growth of skin tissue. Keloid would be irregular in shape and reddish pink in color. The size of the keloid varies from one person to the other. For some people it can be itchy and irritating.

Images, Pics, Photos and Pictures of Keloid Cartilage Piercing :

Keloid Cartilage Piercing Keloid Cartilage Piercing Keloid Cartilage Piercing Keloid Cartilage Piercing

Treatment :

Infectious keloids require medical treatment with antibiotic course. But mild form of keloid cartilage piercing can be treated with home remedies. Any keloid if attended with due care in the initial stages can get cured. You can remove the jewelry once you notice a keloid at the site of piercing. It is better to get another piercing than waiting for the keloid to heal with jewelry. Keloid would disappear on the closure of piercing and facilitate healing.

In severe cases surgical removal of keloid may be required. Your GP or skin doctor would give you a shot of local anesthetic on the site of piercing and gently remove the keloid scars from the skin. Mild to moderate sized keloid can be treated with home remedies like tea tree oil or sea salt solution. The size of the keloid would automatically get reduced within few days. Vitamin E ointment can also be applied twice a day on the keloid. It would reduce the chance of scar tissue formation in the concerned site. Aspirin paste can also be applied on the keloid cartilage piercing for quick healing.

1 comment:

  1. The list of Keloid Symptoms and signs mentioned in various sources for Keloid includes the 3 symptoms are Local irritation or pain, Dome shaped scar which extends beyond the injury, Red or dark in color. "
