Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones

Tiny crystals of stones bundle up on your kidney forming a big mass called kidney stones. In medical terms they are called Nephrolithiasis. It is formed either in the urinary tract or kidney. The affected person will get intense pain on the abdomen or groin and there is every chance for the person to undergo dehydration. He or she may run out of fluids creating an imbalance. They will not be able to pass urine as before due to excess of stone formation. It is good to note that very often these kidney stones will enter the ureter tube through the bladder over time, requiring no treatment.

Causes :

Kidney stones are formed due to reduction in urine volume and very often these stones are made of calcium. Sometimes, there may be phosphate stones and oxalate stones. Some chemical compounds combine to form kidney stones.

The persons who are in dehydrated form due to reduced fluid consumption are at risk of developing stones in their kidney. Similarly, people who live in hot areas will not pass more urine and stay dehydrated.

If there is infection in urinary tract, you may get infection stones in the kidney.

This apart, certain medical conditions like Gout, hypercalcuria, chronic diseases like diabetes, Hypertension may also give room for kidney stones. People who have problems in bowel movements are likely to get stones. Persons who have done with intestinal bypass surgery have chance for getting kidney stones.

Taking powerful drugs like diuretics, protease inhibitors and calcium antacids would also increase the risk of stone formation.

Symptoms :

There would be sudden intense pain in the abdomen, back, or in groin area. You will feel pain only when the stones move down the ureters and enter the bladder. It may block the free flow of urine. Pain is not continuous and it may vanish all of a sudden.

Some of the other signs for kidney stone formation are blood in the urine, fever, chills, change in color of urine, nausea and vomiting.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor will do kidney function test, blood test and urine analysis for checking the stone. For confirming, he may also ask you to undergo CT scan, IVP test, kidney ultrasound test, X-ray of abdomen, and pyelogram test.

Treatment :

The method of treatment depends on the intensity of stone formed and also on its type. Normally smaller stones will pass through urine giving no problem. You need to drink plenty of water daily.

For subsiding severe pain you can take narcotic drugs. Allopurinol is prescribed for uric acid stones and antibiotics are given for treating struvite stones. Medicines that contain sodium bicarbonate and diuretics are also prescribed.

Surgery will be done if the stone is too big or is growing further or if the pain is unbearable or if the person cannot pass urine.

Nowadays, lithotripsy shock wave therapy is given for removing stones of small size. This wave will eventually break the stones which then passes through urine. Ureteroscopy is done for clearing the stones in urinary tract.

Pictures of Kidney Stones :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones Kidney Stones Kidney Stones Kidney Stones Kidney Stones Kidney Stones
Complications :

Formation of kidney stones may interfere with the functions of kidney causing potential danger. It may damage or scar the kidney or may cause infection in the tract. You can prevent getting stones by having plenty of water daily for discharging enough urine.

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