Tuesday, May 10, 2016



It is a serious condition that affects the functions of nerve cells and its growth. There is a chance for getting tumors on the nerves due to this disorder. This is hereditary disorder often given to offspring by their parents.

Three types of neurofibromatosis are recognized namely Type 1, Type 2 and Schwanno-matosis. The first type will affect skin and skeletal system and the second type will cause loss of hearing and vision problems.

The last type is the rare one that causes acute pain on the nerves.

This neurological disorder affects the spinal cord and brain, starting infection on the skin.

Symptoms :

For type 1 neurofibromatosis the symptoms are given below:

Dark patches on the skin, small bumps on the skin and on nerve tissue, development of freckles on the armpits and groin, tumors in the optical nerve of the eyes and changing the shape of the spine are some of the symptoms.

Skin related problems are usually present at birth. The above symptoms are common but there may be difference in each individual. Some people may have speech related problem and hearing difficulties with multiple seizures.

For type 2 disorder, the symptoms include tumors on the nervous system, cataract formation, loss of hearing and brain tumors. In this type, the disorder attacks the cranial nerves thus collapsing the entire spinal cord and tumors are formed causing serious consequences.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor will look for the above symptoms for confirming the findings. He would also suggest doing MRI scan, X-rays, and CT scan for getting clear picture of the disorder. Genetic testing is also done for diagnosing the disease.

Pictures of Neurofibromatosis :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Neurofibromatosis

Neurofibromatosis Neurofibromatosis Neurofibromatosis Neurofibromatosis Neurofibromatosis Neurofibromatosis Neurofibromatosis Neurofibromatosis
Treatment :

There is no cure for this disorder and only the symptoms can be treated.

Surgery is done for cutting and removing the tumors but this does not guarantee remission.

Problems with hearing and vision can be corrected through repairing surgeries and radiation therapy. For treating scoliosis, doctor would recommend wearing back braces or surgery.

During surgery, there is chance for complications that may cause partial or permanent deafness. Now this defect is corrected using auditory brainstem implants for patients whose auditory nerve cells are removed.

After the implant surgery, the individuals can hear the transmission of sound signals from the brain directly instead of depending on the auditory nerve signals.

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