Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Peroxide in Ear

Peroxide in Ear

Hydrogen peroxide shortly called as “peroxide” is a bluish liquid available commonly in medical stores. It is a strong oxidizing agent and well known for its bleaching property. Peroxide is naturally produced from our body cells as a byproduct. However due to the presence of several body enzymes and catalyzing agents hydrogen peroxide breaks down into water and oxygen molecules thus preventing the free radicals that are harmful to our body.

Peroxide has been largely used in medical industry as a disinfectant and in many other industries as an effective bleaching product. Hydrogen peroxide, well known for its antibacterial property is used largely as disinfectant for cleansing of wounds. It is also used for treating ear infections and is the best home remedy used for cleansing ears.

Ear wax :

Ear wax is produced naturally by the glands present in the outer canal. This gland secretes oily particle which prevents ear infection caused by dust and insects that occasionally enter into the ear. The quantity of ear wax produced by each person varies significantly. Some may have little ear wax while others may have more of wax in their ears.

In some cases the ear wax would be produced in excess which would block the tiny holes of the ear. This can affect the normal hearing capacity of the ear and it may also create “fullness” feeling in the ear. Due to the presence of too much of waxy substance germs can easily enter into it due to moisture causing ear infection and pain. This makes it necessary to remove the ear wax periodically. Hydrogen peroxide is used for removing ear wax.

When can you use peroxide?

If there is excess of ear wax present in your ears you can use hydrogen peroxide for clearing it. But you should not have any ear infection or any other problems in your ear for using this liquid. A person having sensitive skin should not use peroxide for removing ear wax, since it can cause irritation and pain.

Symptoms of Ear Wax :

If the ear is clogged with excess of ear wax it would cause discomfort and pain. For some people there would be feeling of fullness in the ear. For more severe cases it would cause ear pain, Headache, dizziness and headache with mild fever. It is better to see your ENT doctor if you have any of these symptoms.

How ear infection develops?

There are 3 parts in the ear namely outer ear (otitis externa), middle ear (Otitis Media) and internal ear (otitis interna). Ear infection often gets build up in the middle ear. Common Cold can affect your ear causing ear infection. It can cause inflammation (swelling) of the small tube that connects the middle ear with pharynx. When the tube gets blocked it builds up excess of fluid in it giving room for germs and micro-organisms to grow on it leading to ear infection.

Treatment :

Ear wax can be treated with hydrogen peroxide under medical supervision. Hydrogen peroxide produces an effervescence reaction thereby removing debris from the ear even it is deep inside. This solution is effective in removing insects, foreign particles and dirt from the ear. It produces good effervescence which helps in bringing out the trapped substances from the deep parts of the ear.

Some people use ear buds to remove ear wax which may worsen the problem. Ear buds will actually push the wax into deeper areas of the ear creating more pain and discomfort. Only ear nose and throat specialist is capable of using peroxide in ear for clearing off excess of ear wax.

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