Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Sebaceous Hyperplasia

Sebaceous Hyperplasia

Sebaceous hyperplasia is indicative by the presence of soft yellow lesions on the face, cheeks, forehead and nose on adults. It is a benign (non cancerous) condition of sebaceous glands in your body. Sometimes lesions may also develop on the chest, mouth, vulva or penis. These lesions or tiny bump like structure are usually harmless posing no potential danger for the person. However it may bother the individual and may warrant treatment for cosmetic purpose.

Symptoms :

Sebaceous hyperplasia is marked by soft and discrete lesions that are whitish yellow in color. The size of these lesions may vary from 3-10 mm in diameter. The lesions may contain a central Depression through which pus like liquid called sebum (an enzyme produced from sebaceous glands) is discharged. There will not be any pain or swelling. One or more lesions are formed on the face, nose, cheeks, and on rare occasions on the genitals.

Sometimes, the lesions may start bleeding if accidentally it is pricked while shaving or scratching.

Causes :

The lesions develop on your skin due to enlargement of sebaceous glands. For some people it may get triggered when the immune system is impaired due to any diseases.

Increased exposure to sun may cause such lesions on your face and other parts of the skin that are overly exposed. Acne or any bacterial infection can give rise to formation of lesions.

The lesions are contagious and hence avoid touching it with your fingers. Often these lesions are formed on middle aged people and old age individuals.

Pictures of Sebaceous Hyperplasia :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Sebaceous Hyperplasia

Sebaceous Hyperplasia Sebaceous Hyperplasia Sebaceous Hyperplasia Sebaceous Hyperplasia Sebaceous Hyperplasia Sebaceous Hyperplasia
Treatment :

No treatment is required for sebaceous hyperplasia since the only symptoms are whitish yellow lesions that are harmless. But people prefer to take treatment for cosmetic reasons.

You can apply Tretinoin gel or cream available over the counter. This would be effective in removing the lesions from the skin slowly but you need to apply it regularly. Some people believe that doing facials can prevent formation of lesions but it is not true.

In case of severe lesion formation, photodynamic treatment or cryotherapy is given for the affected person to freeze out the lesion. Laser treatment with carbon dioxide or argon gas is also suggested to cure lesions. But there is no guarantee that lesions may not recur after some time. And it may also leave a scar on your face.

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