Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Smallpox is a viral infection and was considered to be the most infectious diseases killing hundreds of people around the world. Spread of smallpox has been drastically reduced after global immunization champagne in 1980. It is highly contagious disease and remained a threat for humans for thousands of years. Smallpox produces symptoms of red spots on your face and other body parts, with fever and Headache. There is no cure for smallpox. And people who get infected with smallpox mostly recover except few who may die. Vaccine is available for smallpox but owing to its side effects it cannot be given to all.

Symptoms :

Initial symptoms of smallpox begin within few days of being infected with virus. The person can still remain healthy without any symptoms for 10-15 days during the incubation period. Further there would be flu like symptoms with high fever, chills, headache, body pain, and overall discomfort. In addition smallpox is characterized with small red spots all over the body which usually develops from the face and further spreads to hands, forearms, trunk and feet. These red spots will form pus like liquid which may ooze out within few days. This is the worst period of spreading the infection to others.

Causes :

Smallpox is caused by variola virus and is highly contagious. The infection can spread easily from one person to another through air droplets or particles while the infected person sneezes or coughs. The virus can also spread through air to other people of the family and it spreads while others share the item used by infected person. At present, the virus is preserved in the lab and can be used as a source of terrorist weapon.

Diagnosis :

It is difficult to detect smallpox virus in the incubation period. The doctor can easily diagnose only after the development of red spots or lesions on the skin. Having even one case of smallpox is an international health problem.

Images, Pics, Photos and Pictures of Smallpox :

Smallpox Smallpox Smallpox Smallpox Smallpox

Treatment :

Smallpox infection cannot be cured. Medication can be given only to relieve the symptoms like fever, body pain and headache. The person should be encouraged to drink plenty of fluids and he/she should be kept isolated from rest of the family. In most of the cases, smallpox infection will get resolved after 2 weeks but the scars created by red lesions or patches on the skin remain on the body.

Prevention :

Vaccine is available for smallpox but the side effect of such immunization is complicated. Hence vaccination is not recommended for public and can be given only during an outbreak.

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