Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Swelling Feet

Swelling Feet

Normally Swollen Feet should not be a concern for many of us whose job involves standing or walking for long time. Swelling feet makes you concerned, if it is seen with other symptoms.

Causes :

Pregnancy: It is very normal that feet get swollen, when women are pregnant. But there should be excessive swelling followed by increased Blood Pressure. In case of abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting symptoms, then you should consult your doctor immediately.

Injury: Trauma or injury to the feet and ankles may cause inflammation. Your feet may become swollen due to sprain caused in ligaments. Sometimes, the ligaments may not sit properly when stretched beyond its limit for some reasons. By taking rest, this type of swelling in feet may settle down. You can also apply ice packs or keep the leg in elevated position for reducing inflammation.

LymphEdema: There will be accumulation of lymphatic fluid when there is some problem in the lymph nodes or lymph vessels. There will be continuous movement of lymphatic fluid in the bloodstream and due to any reason, if it gets blocked, it may give rise to Lymphedema. Cancer patients who undergo radiation treatment have more chance to get lymphedema.

Insufficiency of veins: This is a condition in which blood randomly moves in the veins in the region from legs to feet and up to the heart. Here the veins flow the blood moving in one way direction thus keeping the blood flow insufficient. Due to this process, the valves get damaged and in turn blood drains down the veins causing accumulation of fluid in lower legs, causing swollen feet.

Infection: Diabetic patients are more prone to infection than healthy individuals. They would get nerve problem called diabetic neuropathy causing foot infection leading to formation of sores and blisters causing nerve damage. They would not feel any sensation in their feet and hence swollen feet during diabetes is truly a matter of concern.

Clotting of Blood:

Presence of Blood Clots in the veins of feet may reduce the blood-flow from the legs to the heart. This will cause swelling of feet and ankles. Blood clots can occur either in the veins below the skin or deep inside the veins. Sometimes, this condition can become fatal if there is no absolute blood flow from the heart to the feet area.

Disease in vital organs: Swollen feet can be an indication of heart or kidney disease. There is every chance for fluid accumulation in the feet when kidneys are not functioning properly or when there is leakage in liver or when there is sudden heart failure. You need to consult your doctor when you have symptoms of fatigue, loss of breath, sudden weight gain and loss of appetite along with swollen feet.

Side effects of Medicines:

Prolonged use of contraceptives, repeated hormone therapy like estrogen can cause swollen feet. Using antidepressant drugs like norpramin, aventyl, amitriptyline, endep and nardil can cause swelling of feet.

Some doctors prescribe calcium blockers like cardizem, dilacor tiazac and plendil for certain types of Hypertension, may cause inflammation.

Pictures of Swelling Feet :

Images,Pics, Pictures and Photos of Swelling Feet

Swelling Feet Swelling Feet Swelling Feet Swelling Feet Swelling Feet Swelling Feet
Treatment :

You have plenty of home remedies for treating swollen feet caused without any symptoms.

Keep the legs in elevated position for reducing inflammation. Use leg wedges while sleeping. You can also use support stocking and socks during night. Choose only proper fitting shoes that have breathing space and avoid tight fitting shoes.

Do exercise regularly, drink plenty of water, stop using laxatives, cut down salt intake, and avoid standing in the same position for long time.

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