Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Syringoma is the development of benign tumors near the eyes. Sweat glands present around the eyes are the common area of target for getting syringoma and is widely seen in people who are dark. It is reported that 18% of people with Down syndrome will have syringomas and it runs in families. The lesions around the eyes is benign and do not cause any health problems.

There are 4 different types of syringoma accepted. They are localized form, form with Down syndrome, eruptive form and faMilial form which are present genetically.

Symptoms :

Syringoma is often presented without any symptoms. It can in the form of small lesions that look like a cyst around the eyes. It may be yellowish or of skin color. It is small in size measuring up to 3mm in diameter. Its surface will be either flat or round shaped. Eruptive syringomas develop in the form of hyper-pigmented papules and is found on the chest and vulva.

Syringoma is found normally in group or clusters and is distributed in symmetric pattern. Very often they are found on the areas near the eyes or on the cheeks. On rare occasions, they appear on chest, abdomen and genital areas.

Causes :

Some forms of syringoma can be hereditary or genetically predisposed. People who suffer from diabetes are prone to get syringoma. An individual with Down syndrome is likely to get these lesions near the eyes.

Some types of syringoma are found on specific race of people. Excess secretion of sweat glands can also cause syringoma. Persons who suffer from Marfan’s syndrome and Ehlers Danlos syndrome can get syringoma.

Treatment :

It is easy to manage syringoma using topical creams obtained over the counter. Unless for cosmetic reason, syringoma needed not be treated, since they do not pose any serious problem. Very often people visit their dermatologist for removing syringoma appearing near the eyelids or cheeks.

There is every chance for getting a scar when you want to remove or burn lesions caused by syringoma. These cysts like growth are embedded into the dermis and hence complete removal is difficult and it is likely to recur on the same area.

Some of the possible methods of removing syringoma are surgical excision, electrocautery procedure and curettage of spots. Some skin specialists deal with the lesions by applying carbon dioxide laser on the affected area. Cryotherapy and dermabrasion are some other popular methods used for curing syringoma lesions. Small drops of tri chloro aceticacid are applied on the lesions to make them wither and fall off within few days. In rare cases, oral isotretinoin is given for the person for managing syringoma.

During the process of surgical excision, the skin specialist will place a small sharp or pointed instrument on the affected area to take out the lesions slowly. It hurts the person if the lesions are present everywhere on the face and it takes sufficient time for removal. For some patients, dermatologist will give local anesthesia for numbing the face nerves before the procedure so that pain is not felt. This way of removing syringoma will leave scar on the face. During curettage, your doctor will simply burn the lesions using electric current and you may be asked to repeat the session twice or thrice until the skin becomes clear.

In CO2 laser therapy, deeply embedded lesions are uprooted using tri chloro acetic acid which is one of the effective ways to remove syringoma.

Pictures of Syringoma :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Syringoma

Syringoma Syringoma Syringoma Syringoma Syringoma Syringoma
Prevention :

You need to take extra care of your skin daily. Use moisturizing lotion to keep the skin well hydrated and cleansing lotion for removing the dust and opening up the pores to rejuvenate the skin. When going out in hot sun, always apply sunscreen SPF lotion and cover the face and hands using clothing.

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