Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Torticollis is the condition of twisting of muscles on the neck in excess. In this position, the neck appears twisted to one side making your head to tilt on sideward. It may occur due to hereditary factor or any accidental injury or trauma caused to the neck muscles. It can also develop due to nervous disorder making it difficult for the person to move his head.

Spasmodic torticollis is the name given to the twisting of neck muscles due to genetic factor. Initially the child will be normal and when he/she attains adulthood, slowly neck twisting takes place. If not given proper treatment, it may become permanent disorder for the affected person.

Acute torticollis is the twisting of neck excessively. The head will be in slanted position and it hurts the person lot to move his head even little.

Causes :

Several factors are involved in causing acute torticollis. Any accidental injury on the spine region or neck can give rise to this condition. It would gradually create spasm of neck muscles causing twisting of neck. Any serious infection on the neck region or head can cause inflammation. It would affect the lymph nodes of the neck and would cause swelling of glands. Torticollis is formed when the underlying muscles are constricted due to infection or inflammation.

For some people chronic Sinusitis can cause infection on the ears, jaw and scalp giving rise to twisting of neck muscles. Certain medications like ketamine and cocaine can cause adverse effect. Similarly a person who takes chloropromazine or haloperidol is prone to develop twisting of neck muscles or head muscles and even back.

Lastly, you can get this disorder by birth due to genetic abnormalities (inherited).

Symptoms :

It causes abnormal contraction of neck muscles resulting in turning of head to one side. The muscular portions between the shoulder and neck will become brittle and stressed leading to constriction. It is very difficult for affected person to turn their head swiftly and only with great discomfort they can change position of their head.

Some of the other signs of torticollis are Headache, cramps in the neck, back pain and rigidity of the muscles.

Diagnoses :

The doctor will conduct detailed examination of the patient taking his family history and health condition. Routine X-ray of the neck will help in diagnosing the position correctly.

In acute torticollis CT scan or MRI scan is required.

Pictures of Torticollis :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Torticollis

Torticollis Torticollis Torticollis Torticollis Torticollis Torticollis
Treatment :

The purpose of treatment is to relax the twisted muscles of the neck. Various types of treatments include medications, botox injection, physiotherapy and surgery.

In many people, the affected muscles can be brought to normal position within few days or weeks. For severe cases, it may take months together to get resolved.

Firstly your doctor will find the underlying cause for this disorder. Then he would prescribe medications for relieving the symptoms. Benzotropine or Benadryl are given either orally or through intravenous injection. He would also include Ativan and valium to relax the muscle stiffness. Depending on the intensity of the disorder, medicines are repeated until the symptoms completely disappear.

In addition cold therapy is given in the form of ice packs daily. Physiotherapy is to be done for stretching the muscles firmly. For some patients, Botox injection is given for relieving the muscle contraction.

In rare cases, surgical procedure is done for correcting the nerves of the neck preventing muscle contraction.

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