Monday, May 09, 2016

What is Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis">What is Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is a rare type of sexual infection caused by a parasite and women are more infected than men. It is one of the sexually transmitted disease affecting women. The most interesting feature about this infection is it will not produce any signs until it has reached complete growth. Simple microscopic exam of the genitals is enough to diagnose trichomoniasis. It can be treated with effective antibiotics. It is common among young women who are sexually active. In the USA alone, 7.4 million cases (new) are detected each year but it can be easily cured.

Symptoms :

Often, trichomoniasis will not produce any symptoms in men and women at least in the initial stages. Symptoms may appear anywhere from 2-7 weeks after infection. Women may get foul smelling discharge from their vagina having yellow or green color. Vagina may become red and thick causing severe itching. It may cause pain while having sex. Men develop symptoms very rarely but it may cause irritation of penis, burning sensation while urinating and foul smelling discharge from the penis. It can cause discomfort while having intercourse.

Causes and Risk :

Trichomoniasis is a type of sexually transmitted infection caused by parasite or protozoa. Women having multiple sex partners and those who are sexually active are at high risk of developing this infection. A person who already had trichomoniasis has increased chance of developing this infection easily. Pregnant women may develop complications like delivering the baby prematurely and in rare cases the infection can affect the growth of the fetus reducing its weight.

Diagnosis :

An expert doctor can detect trichomoniasis during pelvic exam. She may diagnose painful sores on your vagina or in the cervix region. She may collect fluid sample from the vagina for testing it in the lab. Microscopic examination of the fluid can reveal the presence of parasite.

Treatment :

Trichomoniasis can be cured easily with a single dose of Flagyl or metronidazole. For some women, Tinidazole or Tindamax is also given in single dose. Abstain from having sex if you are diagnosed with trichomoniasis until you are completely cured. You may pass on the infection to your sex partner even after taking medicine. So refrain from having sex until your doctor gives clearance.

Avoid drinking once you are on medication since it can cause side effects like vomiting. Trichomoniasis can cause premature delivery for pregnant women. Talk with your doctor to take suitable precautions if you are pregnant while having this infection. Women with trichomoniasis have greater risk of acquiring HIV infection than other women.

Tips for Prevention :

  • Avoid having sex with multiple partners.

  • Practice safe sex by using condoms whenever you have sex.

  • Avoid having any type of sexual activity if you think you are infected.

  • Women who are sexually active should go for regular pelvic exams to prevent any type of sexually transmitted disease.

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