Monday, June 13, 2016

How to Make Carrot Juice

How to Make Carrot Juice

Carrots are highly nutritious, and immensely tasty vegetables that can come in a variety of colors including orange, purple, yellow, red, and white, and orange carrots are generally what one would find at the supermarket. They are packed full of vitamin A, and they provide good quantities of vitamins C, D, E and K. Carrots also contain many minerals including magnesium, calcium, and potassium, as well as fiber.

How to Make Carrot Juice
Make Carrot Juice with an Electric Juicer
This is perhaps the easiest way to make carrot juice. First, ensure to wash the carrots properly to remove any dirt and pesticides. You can choose to peel them if you like. Actually the skin contains many nutrients that would be better left in. Then cut the carrots into small cubes, place these little cubes within the juicer and turn it on.

Make Carrot Juicewith Blender
The amount of carrots one uses is determined by the quantity of juice one wishes to make. Using 2-3 carrots will likely make a decently sized glass of juice.

  • Wash and chop your carrots.

  • Add the carrots to a blender.

  • Add a small amount of water, enough to slightly cover the carrots.

  • Put the blender on medium until the ingredients are well blended.

  • Using a nut milk bag placed within a container/cup, pour in the blended mixture.

  • Squeeze as much liquid as possible out of the nut milk bag, you can save the pulp for future recipes.

  • Drink and enjoy your juice.

  • Tip: If you want to enjoy the benefits of juicing but find that it always spikes your blood sugar levels when consumed, you can add fat and protein to the juice to stop this from occurring.

    Flavored Carrot Juice Recipes
    For those who wish to learn how to make carrot juice with added flavor, try the following recipes:

    1. Apple Carrot Beet Ginger Juice

    • 1 apple, peeled, cored and cut into quarters

    • 3 whole carrots, washed and peeled

    • 1 beet, washed, peeled, and cut into quarters

    • 1 tablespoon of fresh ginger, de-skinned

    • Unfiltered apple juice


  • Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until a smooth texture is apparent. You can add a small amount of apple juice (around ¼ cup).

  • Using a fine mesh strainer placed over a large bowl, strain the blended mixture, using a wooden spoon to press down the pulp and extract the juice into the bowl. Once juiced, allow to stand for around 5 minutes.

  • Discard the pulp and pour the juice into a suitable glass for consumption. You can choose to chill the mixture slightly or drink it straight away.

  • Nutritional Information

    1 beverage contains around 259 calories, 1g fat, 63g carbohydrates, 41g sugar, 209mg sodium, 6g fiber, and 3g protein.

    2. Spinach Carrot Juice

    • 1 cup spinach

    • 1 cup carrots (around 4 small or 2 large carrots)

    • 1 cup pineapple

    • 1 ½ cups coconut water or filtered water

    • 1 cup ice


  • Place all of the ingredients into a blender, first the water, then the pineapple, then the spinach, then the carrots, and then the ice.

  • Secure the lid and first blend on a low speed, gradually increasing the speed of the blender. Blend on high for about 1 to 1½ minutes until a smooth mixture is apparent.

  • Serve and enjoy your beverage.

  • You can also enjoy common carrot juicewith lemon, carrot juice plus or Jamaican carrot juice by following the instructions in those recipes.

    Benefits of Carrot Juice
    Learninghow to make carrot juicecan have numerous beneficial effects on one’s health including the following:

    1. Protects Eye Health
    Three nutrients within carrots – beta carotene, zeaxanthin, and lutein, work to boost one’s eye health. Vitamin A helps to protect against impairment of vision and permanent blindness, and can be found in abundance in carrots. There is around 400% of RDA in one cup of chopped carrots.

    2. High Source of Antioxidants
    Carrots, along with other orange vegetables, contain an antioxidant known as carotenoids, which can work to reduce the likelihood of suffering from many short-term and chronic illnesses and diseases. Along with this antioxidant, carrots also contain vitamin C and lycopene.

    3. Decreases Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke
    Drinking carrot juice has been proven to lower one’s chances of suffering from heart disease and stroke. And it also can lower the levels of Stress and help the body to fight against cardiovascular conditions.

    4. Important for Maintaining Oral Health
    The nutrients found within carrots also help to protect the mouth from toxins, bacteria and infections. Certain antibacterial properties of carrots also help to prevent Tooth Decay and cavities.

    5. Boosts Skin Health and Wound Healing
    Beta carotene found in carrots is essential for wound healing and skin health. Carrots have been used to treat all types of skin wounds such as cuts and infections for centuries thanks to the high content of beta carotene.

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