Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Receding Hairline

Receding Hairline

As we grow older, we begin to suffer from numerous losses and ailments. Your bones begin to weaken, you find it harder to concentrate and your hair begins to fall out. Hair loss is more common in men than in woman. The majority of the population will begin to experience hair loss in their late 30s. By the age of 50, many people will have begun to lose a considerable amount of hair and their head may show signs of baldness or thinning of the hair. Seeing that hairline receding day by day can be devastating, this article will share with you remedies to stop hairline from receding.

Remedies for Receding Hairline
Although many cases of receding hairline are due to genetics, other causes can be easily prevented. Unhealthy diet, lack of nutrition, chemically infused hair products, prescription medication and even Stress can cause hair loss. Managing these issues can keep you one-step ahead of the game in preventing hair loss.

1. Keep a Proper Diet

More Fish

Eat more fish, as it has rich vitamin D and omega-3, along with loads of proteins and minerals. These two nutrients are linked to preventing hair loss, as found in a study conducted with patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment.

More Iron

Quinoa and pumpkin are the best source of iron if you are a vegetarian. Otherwise, eggs and meat should give you enough iron. Iron supplements are also available for those who find it difficult to eat these foods. Iron deficiencies mean that your blood flow is not up to par, which can affect your overall health including hair growth.

Other Dietary Tips

Over consumption of refined grain and sweets can enhance hair loss. Studies suggest that premature hair loss is linked to insulin resistance. Therefore, some experts suggest that refined grain and sweets should be ingested minimally to help decrease the rate of hair loss. Foods rich in proteins should be used, as it is the main nutrient responsible for hair growth. You should also include much zinc and selenium in your diet, for which fish and nuts are great dietary sources.

2. Get Vitamin B and Omega 3 Fatty Acid Supplements

Supplements are an essential way for you to give your body the nutrients it requires. Sometimes it is difficult to constantly eat the foods rich in vitamin B and omega 3 fatty acids. With vitamin supplements it is as easy as popping a pill in your mouth.

Omega 3 fatty acids have been linked to various health benefits, but most importantly healthy hair. Vitamin B can be found in various unprocessed foods and meats such as liver. Vitamin B supplements are readily available in health stores.

3. Manage Stress

There are two types of receding hairline caused by stress. Alopecia Areata is caused when white blood cells block the hair follicles, which then lead to hair loss. This is brought on due to severe stress. Telogen effluvium is another type of hair loss in which emotional or physical stress causes growing and healthy hair to come to a stop. This hair will eventually fall out as it has stopped growing and is essentially ‘dead.’

However, stress is not permanent and nor does hair loss have to be. It is vital to get stress under control. Talk to your doctor about ways to help manage stress if it is too severe. Otherwise, use relaxing techniques to calm everyday stresses.

Watch a video for tips to manage your stress:

4. Massage Your Scalp

Massaging your scalp can increase the blood flow to hair follicles. This will make the hair follicles much healthier and facilitate hair growth. You can use essential oils to massage your scalp such as rosemary and lavender.

A mixture of castor oil and lemon essential oils can be used to massage into the scale as well. This can stop hair loss and help regrow hair. This solution is easily made by combining 8 tbsp. castor oil and 1 tbsp. lemon essential oil in a small bottle or container. Take a small amount and massage into your scalp for about two minutes.

Leave it in your hair for 15 minutes and then wash your hair with cold water and a mild shampoo preferably one with little or no chemicals. Repeat this process once a week or daily unless it begins to bother you. The solution can be kept in a dark and cool environment for about a month.

5. Avoid Alcohol Containing Products
Alcohol can dry out your scalp and cause scalp and hair issues. It is important to read the ingredients of the hair products you use and to ensure that it does not contain any alcohol. Make sure you use alcohol-free products to help your scalp stay moisturized. These products also add volume to your hair and will give it a healthy boost.

6. Prescribed Medications
One of the most common prescribed medications used to treat hair loss is Finasteride. You must consult with a dermatologist before using this medication. Finasteride decreases the level of dihydrotestosterone or DHT, which causes hair follicles to shrink.

7. Over the Counter Medications
A common non-prescription medication used to treat hair loss and receding hairlines is Minoxidil. This topical solution prevents hair from thinning and therefore stimulating hair growth. The solution must be applied once or twice daily to the scalp where the receding hairline is apparent.

It takes approximately 3 months before results begin to show. Be sure to read the instructions properly to ensure that you are using the product correctly. Some side effects may occur. If you experience increased hair growth on other parts of your face, consult your doctor and discontinue the use immediately.

Call your doctor if:
  • If you are experiencing rapid hair loss, shedding or losing hair in patches.
  • Your hair loss is accompanied by other symptoms such as skin irritation, redness or pain.
  • Your hair loss has begun after starting a new medication.
  • You want medication to help you treat your hair loss.

For more home remedies to regrow hair, go to the following link:


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