Monday, March 06, 2017

Home Remedies for Headache

Home Remedies for Headache

Headache is really a nuisance causing discomfort. Headache can develop due to many factors. When the blood vessels in the brain tighten for some reason it causes headache. Abnormal flow of neurons in the brain can be the reason. For some people, headache is caused due to lack of water balance, excessive sleeping, using painkillers for long term and due to neck strain. Smokers and regular drinkers also get headache. Headache can be relieved by taking OTC medications. It is also possible to get quick relief from headache by simple home remedies suggested here.

1. Fresh Ginger

Ginger has many medical properties required for healing and to reduce inflammation. Headache caused by constriction of blood vessels can be treated with fresh ginger.

  • Apply a paste of dry ginger powder mixed with few drops of water on your forehead. Headache will disappear within few minutes.

  • Crush fresh ginger pieces and squeeze it to make juice. Mix some lemon juice for taste and drink it.

  • Inhale the vapor of water that contains ginger powder to get quick relief from headache.

  • Ginger not only is effective for headache but also for many other issues of digestion.

2. Mint Juice

Mint leaves can be crushed to prepare juice and applied on the forehead to get relief from headache. You can also apply mint tea compresses on your forehead alternatively since mint contains menthol it can give relief from discomfort.

3. Peppermint Oil

Add 2-3 drops of peppermint oil to boiling water and inhale the steam. Peppermint oil can be applied on the forehead and this flavor reduces headache and relief from discomfort.


4. Basil Leaves

  • Basil is an analgesic and muscle relaxant and hence good for treating headache.

  • Prepare tea with fresh leaves of basil and add few drops of honey for taste before drinking.

  • Inhaling the steam of basil leaves can produce calming effect giving relief from headache.

5. Lavender

Lavender oil and spray is considered to produce fresh aroma and relieves you from discomfort caused by headache. It is effective for treating Migraine also. Gently massage few drops of lavender oil on the forehead to get instant relief from headache. Inhalation of vapor of lavender oil is highly recommended for relieving muscle tension.

6. Cool Water

Drinking a glass of cold water will help in treating headache caused due to Dehydration. Lack of water molecules in the body can trigger headache. Simply drink 2 glasses of cool water and see the difference within few minutes.

7. Ice Pack

  • Apply few ice cubes wrapped in a towel on the forehead. Ice cubes are effective in numbing the pain and gives quick relief from headache.

  • A towel dipped in cold water can be placed on your head for few minutes.

  • For migraine, you can place ice packs on the back of your neck.

  • If ice cubes are not available readily, you can make use of frozen peas or vegetable packs for getting the cooling effect.

8. Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil also has the same anti-inflammatory nature like that of lavender oil. You can massage few drops gently on your forehead. Alternatively, you can prepare tea by adding rosemary leaves to boiling water and drink it.


9. Cloves

The fragrance of cloves is highly effective for headache. You can carry 2-3 cloves in a soft cloth and inhale the smell while having headache. Clove oil can also be applied on the forehead by gently massaging it.

10. Apple

Apple is rich in vital nutrients and is a healthy diet. By taking an apple you feel comfortable and full which in turn drives away the headache. Include fresh fruits in your daily meal.

The above home remedies are meant for mild headache. However you can check with your doctor if you have regular headaches with other symptoms.

Pressing The Acupressure Point :

Give firm pressure on the palm area between the thumb and forefinger. Several acupressure points lie in our hand and legs. By applying pressure on the right point, you can get relief from headache.

Hot Water Therapy :

Take hot water in a bucket and simply soak your feet in it for few minutes or until the water becomes warm. More blood flows through your feet by soaking it in hot water. This will relieve the pressure from the blood vessels constricted in your head. Alternatively, you can place a towel dipped in hot water on the forehead.

Coffee :

Sip a hot cup of coffee. It is considered that caffeine present in coffee helps in reducing inflammation of blood vessel in your head thus giving relief from headache.

Tip : Eat a healthy balanced diet that contains plenty of vegetables and fruits. Drink lot of water daily. Do regular exercise. These 3 basic things can help in preventing many medical problems and Stress.

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