Monday, March 06, 2017

Stye (Hordeolum) – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Home Remedies, Facts

Stye (Hordeolum) – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Home Remedies, Facts

Stye also known as hordeolum is nothing but formation of small lesions on the eyelid. It can be painful and swelling. Painful lesions or lump can form either in the outer part of eyelid and is called as external stye and sometimes tiny swelling can form inside your eyelid called as internal stye and is more painful and irritating than the other type.

Quick Facts On Stye :

  • Stye is formation of painful lump or lesions on the eyelid

  • It can occur either inside or outside the eyelid

  • Stye often affects only one eye.

  • Stye is caused by bacterial infection.

  • Stye would not affect your vision and is harmless.

  • Stye is not contagious but it releases pus like fluid when it gets burst.

  • Stye resolves on its own within few days without any treatment.

Stye Causes :

Staph bacteria causes stye. Normally the bacteria would grow in the follicle (hair like particles) of the eyelash. But sometimes the oily gland of the eyelid can get clogged due to debris accumulation leading to the formation of small lump. Staphylococcus bacteria would grow and multiply on the area of blocked oily gland causing an infection. Infection can occur on the eyelash follicle or on the sebaceous gland (that keeps your eyes moist) or on the apocrine gland. For some people infection of the meibomian gland can cause internal stye in which the gland gets blocked up with particles.

Stye Symptoms :

  • Stye is characterized by small swollen red lesions on the eyelid. It can grow outside the eyelid or sometimes inside.

  • Stye looks similar to small pimple on your eye.

  • Stye can be painful and many times it can cause watery eyes.

  • The lump would swell for about couple of days after which they break open to drain the pus.

Diagnosis :

Your eye doctor would closely examine the affected eyelid. They may or may not use microscopic instruments to identify stye. In case the stye (lump on the eyelid) becomes hard it can cause Chalazion.

Complication :

Stye when does not get burst open to drain off the pus can develop into a condition called Blepharitis. This can cause inflammation of eyes, severe itching and sore eyes.

Images, Pics, Photos and Pictures of Stye or Hordeolum :

Stye Stye Stye

Stye Treatment :

  • Often no medical treatment is required for stye. It gets better within a week without any medication.

  • To reduce pain, you can try using warm compress on the affected eyelid. Repeated warmth on the eye can help in releasing the pus from the lump.

  • In case the stye is painful you can use OTC pain medications like ibuprofen or paracetamol.

  • It is better to consult your doctor if the stye symptoms does not improve within few days. Your GP may prescribe suitable antibiotics for destroying staph bacteria causing such infection. He may gently remove the concerned eyelash by pulling it away. Further he may use thin sterilized needle to make an incision on the stye so that the pus can be drained off.

Stye Home Remedies :

  • Keep your fingers off your eyes. Remember to wash your hands often. It is natural for you to rub your eyes often while having a stye. But by doing so you are making things worse.

  • Never pop or squeeze a stye. Allow some time for the stye to drain in due course.

  • Warm compress can be used on a stye to get comfort and reducing pain. Repeat using warm compress whenever you feel itchy sensation or pain.

  • Avoid putting makeup or wearing contact lens when you have a stye.

  • You can use gentle baby shampoo for clearing off the debris accumulated on the eye corners. You can soak a cotton ball in shampoo solution and gently rub the debris off the eyelids.

  • Warm teabag compress can give instant relief from pain and it helps in reducing swelling.

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