Saturday, July 01, 2017

Ways to Break Wrist on Purpose

Ways to Break Wrist on Purpose Wrist fractures and breaks happen when extreme pressure is placed on the two bones in your forearm near the wrist. Most of the time, a broken wrist occurs due to an accident such as a fall or sporting injury. However, there are many painful ways in which you can break your own wrist. Each of these involves severe pain and large medical expenses (following the break).If you really have to, here'show to break your wrist with minimal risks.

Under What Condition Will Your Wrist Break?
The most common cause of a broken wrist is when the radius bone breaks from falling. However, many occur in those who also have difficulty hearing, maintaining balance, or if you are a woman going through menopause or older than the age of 65.

When your wrist takes extreme force during a fall off a ladder or a car accident, the bones will break. Most of the time, the break will be in the ball bearing like joint, while others may actually shatter the bone. Another type of break is called a compound break, which occurs when the bone has a great enough shift during the break that it goes through the skin. This leaves you vulnerable to infections as well as the pain and swelling from the break.

How to Break Your Wrist on Purpose
The majority wrist breaks are accidents; however, some may occur on purpose. No matter how your wrist breaks, it is going to be painful and put you out of commission for at least 6 weeks. There are also many other health issues that may occur if you do not get proper treatment.

1. Force
If you truly want to break your wrist on purpose, the best way is to put your wrist into a vice with your palm facing away from you. Then, use all your weight to drop to your knees and force the bone to break.

2.Jumping Off an Object
Make sure you are not using your dominant hand, climb onto an object that is about four feet off the floor. Fall off this object making sure to land on your hand. This action may lead to other injuries as well. You might want to make sure you have a cushion for other parts of your body to land on.

This option is extremely foolish and can actually kill you. It is highly recommended that you do not try this action.

3. Twist
You can also attempt to break your wrist by twisting your hand backwards. Lay the backside of your hand on the floor with your fingers facing you. Then, lift your entire bodyweight with that hand. Keep in mind that this may or may not work and you risk damaging the joint.

4. Hammer
Another way for how to break your wrist is to use a hammer. Make sure it is not a sledge. You can do this by placing your hand and arm on its side on top of a flat surface. Your thumb will be facing the ceiling. Raise the hammer above your wrist and let it drop with as much force as possible.


You will know that these options have worked when you are in excruciating pain and your wrist begins to swell. When you break your wrist, it will begin to swell within the next five to ten minutes. Any damage to your wrist can severely damage your joint and you may never be able to use it properly again.

Remember that it takes about five pounds of force to break a bone. If you do not use enough it will only cause pain. However using too much or using more of the extreme methods may actually damage other parts of your body as well.

Complications of Breaking Your Wrist
Any damage you do to your body, whether it is on purpose or not, may lead to lasting effects that you do not desire. It is extremely dangerous to attempt breaking bones on your own. Doctors may do so to help them heal properly, but actually breaking them on your own may do more irreparable damage than intended. It is best to not attempt breaking any bones on your own.

When you do break your wrist, there are many symptoms that you may experience. Here are some of the immediate symptoms:

  • Shooting pain when you attempt to use your hand

  • Swelling and bruising at the wrist and in the surrounding area

  • Tenderness around and in the immediate area

  • When the bone is severely broken there may be a deformity

  • Your hand will feel numb and weak

While your wrist is healing you may also have continual stiffness or aching. Your broken wrist may even lead to a disability, osteoArthritis, or damage to the surrounding nerves and blood vessels.

How Is a Broken Wrist Treated?
Whether you attemptedto learn how to break your wrist on purpose, or you accidently did something that may have broken it, it is important that you seek immediate medical attention. Without proper medical attention, it may not heal properly and you may lose range of motion and grip strength.

  • In some instances your doctor may need to break the wrist again so that it can be reset properly. This is an extremely painful experience.

  • Once it has been reset, your doctor will recommend that you use painkillers to help ease the pain.

  • You will also need to keep your wrist in a splint until the swelling goes down, then a cast will be placed on your wrist. The cast will generally remain on for six to eight weeks and may even need to be replaced if the break is severe enough.

  • While you have the cast on you will most likely receive regularly schedule x-rays to ensure that the wrist is healing properly.

Other steps for caring for your broken wrist while at home include:

  • Keeping your wrist elevated above your heart for the first several days.

  • Icing the wrist for 15-20 minutes several times a day until you receive a cast.

  • Completing a series of strength and stretching exercises for your fingers, elbow, and shoulder.

Most of the time these treatment options will help your wrist heal properly; however, there are times that the broken wrist may need surgery to properly heal. This may be determined at your first visit, or several weeks after you have had the cast if it is not healing properly.

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