Showing posts with label Constipation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Constipation. Show all posts

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Does Apple Juice Help Constipation?

Does Apple Juice Help Constipation?

Constipation is a condition in which you find it difficult to empty the bowel. You may have constipation when you have bowel movements fewer than three times a week and stools are hard and dry. Many people try different methods and remedies to treat constipation, and many say that they have experienced relief from apple juice. Doesit really work?

Does Apple Juice Help Constipation?
It does actually. Apple juice as well as other fruit juices like pear and prune can do it well. Apple juice proves beneficial in the treatment of constipation because apple is a rich source of fiber–it is in its skin. Moreover, apples contain a natural occurring fiber called pectin that plays a big role in adding bulk to your stool. This makes it easier to have a bowel movement. If you eat an apple with its skin, you will get up to 3.3g of fiber. This can really help improve your constipation.

The answer to "does apple juice help constipation" is positive also because of the presence of a naturally occurring sugar alcohol called sorbitol. It works as natural osmotic laxative and softens the stools to prevent constipation. Apple juice is a better bet because it contains both soluble and insoluble fiber and works as laxative to treat constipation. It is alsoimportant to make some changes in your diet as well to treat constipation. Including fiber-rich food in your diet will prevent constipation and enhance regular bowel movements.

How to Use Apple Juice to Treat Constipation
Now that it is established that apple juice will help improve your constipation condition, you may be wondering how to eat it in the right way to maximize its benefits. Here are some suggestions:

For Mild Constipation
To treat mild constipation, the best idea is to mix equal pear and apple juice and consume it as the first thing in the morning and an hour before you go to bed. Mixing apple juice with pears helps because pear provides you with additional minerals, fiber, vitamins, and chemicals to clean the kidney and colon.

For Chronic Constipation
Mix prune juice with apple juice and drink it at least 3-4 glasses a day. Opt for fresh apple juice for better effects. Avoid bottled juice because it may be contaminated by plastic containers. Glass containers are better but even they may contain artificial sugars that weaken the effect of sorbitol.

How to Treat Infant Constipation with Apple Juice
Does apple juice help constipation in infants? Yes, it does, but you need to bear a few important things in mind. Apples have sorbitol that your body can process but your infant may have trouble digesting it. Therefore, it is important that you do not give more than 2oz of apple juice to your infant.

Start with an ounce of apple juice that you can feed with a spoon. Give it twice a day in the beginning to help treat constipation in infants. Do not give too much of apple juice because it contains sugars that may make your baby to drink less of breast milk or formula. You may consider using corn syrup for similar effects–do not exceed 1-2 tablespoons a day. You can also give them fruits and veggies if they are already taking solids. Talk to your doctor if these dietary changes fail to fix the issue. Remember not to replace apple juice with applesauce, because the latter contains pectin which makes the stools even harder.

Other Natural Remedies for Constipation
Does apple juice help constipation? Itdefinitely helps with constipation but there are many other natural remedies that work equally well. Here are few suggestions for you to consider:

  • Psyllium Husk Powder: Mix a teaspoon of Psyllium Husk powder in a glass of water and drink it thrice a day to treat constipation. It is important to drink 3-4 liters of waters during the day for better effects.

  • ŸPrunes: They are dried plums and work well to relieve constipation. You can drink a glass of prune juice in the morning and at bed time or snack up on prunes for relief. Try drinking apple juice in between to get rid of constipation even faster.

  • Papaya: It has laxative effects to improve constipation. You can make it even more effective by combining it with dried or fresh figs. Have half a papaya for breakfast along with 5-6 figs for faster results.

  • Spinach: It is loaded with essential minerals and vitamins that make it quite beneficial for your digestive system. Take fresh raw leaves of spinach and extract their juice. Drink half glass of spinach juice with half glass of water twice a day to say goodbye to constipation.

  • Oranges: Drinking orange juice helps by increasing the contraction of the muscles in the colon to make bowel movement easier. You can also eat oranges in the morning to improve your fiber intake, which in turn will help combat constipation.

  • Water: One of the most common reasons of becoming constipated is Dehydration. You should increase your fluid intake to prevent constipation. Men should be drinking at least 13 cups (3 liters) of fluid a day and women should have at least 9 cups (2.2 liters) of fluid every day to prevent constipation. Fluid does not mean cola and coffee, but you can drink clear vegetable soups and vegetable juices to rehydrate yourself.

  • Exercise: Along with dehydration, a sedentary lifestyle is also common cause of constipation. You need to exercise regularly to treat chronic constipation. Being active helps food move faster through the colon. Even a short walk for half an hour will do the trick.

Medicine for Constipation

Medicine for Constipation

Being constipated is uncomfortable and can make life unbearable. Several factors such as travel, poor diet, illness, some drugs, pregnancy and physical inactivity can cause constipation by disrupting normal bowel movement. Luckily, there is medicine for constipation like over-the-counter laxatives that offer quick relief.

Different Types of Medicine for Constipation
Over-the-Counter Laxatives

  • Bulk-forming laxatives

When it comes to dealing with constipation, you start with a bulk-forming laxative. These laxatives help the stool to retain fluids and become softer thus easier to pass and less likely to dry out. The effects of these laxatives will be felt in 3 days or so. Common bulk-forming laxatives include sterculia, methylcellulose and ispaghula husk.

Caution: Do not take bulk-forming laxatives before going to bed, and ensure you drink plenty of water when using them.

  • Osmotic laxatives

If stool remains hard even after taking bulk-forming laxatives, you should try osmotic laxatives. These laxatives work by increasing the quantity of fluids in your bowels. This will eventually make your stool softer and stimulate your body to pass it out. Osmotic laxatives that are commonly prescribed includemacrogols and lactulose. Just as with bulk-forming laxatives, drink plenty of water. The effects will be experienced in 2 or 3 days.

  • Stimulant laxatives

If your stool is soft, but you have trouble passing it, you should take stimulant laxatives. These laxatives work by stimulating the muscles around your digestive tract in order to help move the stool from the large intestine to the anus. Stimulant laxatives commonly prescribed include sodium picosulphate, bisacodyl and senna. The effects will be felt within 6-12 hours. They are meant for short-term use only.

To make sure you are taking the right amount of OTC laxatives follow these tips:

  • Take the recommended dosage on the medicine’s package. Do not assume if you took more it will work faster. It is dangerous to take more than the recommended amount.

  • If you also take prescription drugs, check with your doctor if you can take OTC laxatives.

  • Prescription Medications
    If OTC laxatives do not take away the constipation, visit your doctor for prescription medications.

    • Lubiprostone: It is a FDA approved prescription medicine for constipation. It is used when constipation occurs due to unknown causes. It works by increasing water content in the stool making it easier to pass. It is taken twice a day with food. Known side effects include vomiting, abdominal pain, Diarrhea, nausea and Headaches.

    • Linaclotide: It is in capsule formand should be taken once daily, 30 minutes before your first meal of the day. It works by assisting bowel movements. However, it is not approved for patients below the age of 17. Known side effect is diarrhea.

    • Lactulose: Lactulose works by drawing more water to the bowels to loosen and soften the stool. Known side effects include: stomach cramps, stomach upset, diarrhea and gas.

    • Polyethylene glycol: This drug works by retaining water in the stool making it softer. It is recommended for patients who are not able to tolerate supplements for dietary fiber.

    Special Considerations
    Constipation in Pregnant Women
    Most laxatives are safe for pregnant women since they are not absorbed in the digestive tract. Therefore, your baby will not feel the effects of the laxative. Osmotic laxatives like macrogols and lactulose are also safe to use during pregnancy.

    If they do not work, you can take a small dose of stimulant laxatives like senna and bisacodyl. However, if you are in your third trimester, senna is not recommended as it is absorbed in the digestive system.

    Constipation in Children
    You might notice your child is passing stool less often than usual or is having problems passing stool. The stool might be small pebbles, and in most cases are dry. Try out these remedies with your child before taking medicine for constipation:

  • Drink fruit juice

  • Fruit juice like prune, apple and pear assist in softening the stool. However, prune juice is an irritant to infants. 2-4 ounces of any other juice is good enough or 4-6 ounces for older infants. Apple juice should not be diluted, but prune juice can be diluted at 1:1 ratio. Once children are past the age of 3, juice is not as helpful since their intestines have developed and can absorb sugar from the juice.

  • Eat high fiber foods

  • Stool passage can be helped by foods like sweet potatoes, whole grains, pears, plums, apricots, peaches, peas, spinach, beans and broccoli. When a child is constipating, avoid feeding them carrots and applesauce.

  • Avoid dairy products

  • Refined carbs can cause toddlers to constipate. Cow, goat and buffalo milk should not be given to a baby or child. If your baby is fed on formula milk, between feeding, give him sips of water or replace one feeding for a week.

  • Toilet training

  • Toilet-train your child by encouraging and motivating him/her. Have a regular routine for the child to go to the toilet. Older children can be asked to sit on the toilet for 10 minutes at least once a day, 30 minutes after a meal.

  • Avoid rice cereal and casein formulas

  • Baby food with high casein and rice cereal content tends to cause constipation. To ease constipation, give your baby formula rich in iron.

    Faecal Impaction
    The risk of faecal impaction is increased by prolonged constipation. Faecalimpaction is a severe form of constipation that tends to affect disabled and elderly people. In order to release hardened waste in the rectum, the following measures may be used in addition to medicine for constipation:

    • A doctor might have to insert a gloved finger into your rectum to break down the solidified waste manually.

    • Mineral oil or warm water combined with a gentle enema can be used.

    • Suppository is medication inserted through your anus and slowly dissolves at body temperature. It is then absorbed in your blood.

    When to call a Doctor
    Constipation can occur now and then, but if it becomes a regular condition and it is accompanied with the following signs, consult your doctor as soon as possible:

    • Laxatives are not working after weeks of use

    • Alternating between diarrhea and constipation

    • Weight Loss with no good explanation

    • Pain in the rectum

    • Presence of Blood In Stool

    • Bloating and severe pain in the abdomen

    • Sudden onset of constipation accompanied by serious cramping and not being able to release gas

    Tuesday, May 10, 2016



    Constipation is the condition having difficulty in passing stools and people with constipation will pass only stools 3 times a week or even less. It is caused due to the slow stool movement through the colon caused by various factors like medications, low fiber diet, hormonal imbalance, and poor bowel habits. Constipation can be diagnosed by simple blood culture or barium enema test or several other techniques. Constipation can be treated using laxatives and by adding fiber rich diet.

    Some people define constipation as passing of less stools or having difficulty in passing stools. For some people it means having a feeling of incomplete bowel movements even after passing bowels. Constipation occurs as part of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and on extreme rare cases it can cause fecal impaction in which the stool becomes hard and will not allow any stool to pass through the rectum.

    Bowel movements will decrease gradually with age. You are having normal bowel movements if you could pass 3-21 times of stools in a week’s time. Many people will have at least one bowel movement in a day. However for some people the bowel movement may differ in number every day. In medical terms, people who pass less than 3 stools in a week is said to have constipation. It is not true that your body will accumulate toxins if you don’t pass stool daily. Constipation can be acute or chronic with various symptoms.

    Symptoms :

    Some of the symptoms of constipation are difficulty in bowel movements, infrequent bowel movements and pain while passing stools. For some people the abdomen will become swollen with pain. Many people will have a feeling of incomplete emptying of bowel even after trying for several minutes.

    Causes :

    Constipation is caused due to the slow or reduced passage of digested food particles through colon. Various factors are responsible for causing constipation.

    Medications :

    Several drugs can trigger constipation even without your knowledge. Narcotic drugs like Tylenol, Ascodeine or hydromorphone and antidepressant drugs like Amitriptyline or imipramine and medications given for treating convulsions like Tegretol or phenytoin and certain iron supplements and antacids that contain aluminum and drugs belonging to calcium channel block like diltiazem or nifedipine can cause constipation.

    You need not have to stop these drugs to prevent constipation but it is enough if you increase dietary fiber in your daily meals. You can reduce the dosage of medications, if necessary. People who are taking narcotics daily can take anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen instead of narcotics.

    Habit :

    Some people would suppress the urge of bowel movements which can lead to constipation. Hence you need to change this habit to overcome chronic constipation.

    Fiber :

    Fiber is very much essential for softening the stool. Hence you should avoid diets that are low in fiber content and increase plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet.

    Other Causes :

    Over-usage of laxatives like castor oil or Senokot can cause constipation since it can damage the nerves of the colon. Hormonal imbalance such as Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism or increased progesterone levels can cause constipation. High levels of estrogen hormone during pregnancy can cause constipation which will disappear soon after delivery.

    Certain diseases like diabetes, Scleroderma, Chagas Disease, and structural deformities in the colon can cause obstruction in the regular flow of stool. If the muscles and nerves of the colon have functional problems it can cause constipation since fecal particles cannot be propelled normally. Brain and spine related diseases like Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis can also cause constipation. Any functional abnormality in the pelvic floor can be the reason for constipation.

    Tests :

    For many people the doctor will not ask for several tests for diagnosing constipation. He would collect complete medical history of the person including the list of medications and his health condition before starting any treatment. He would look for structural problems in the anus region like Anal Fissure or sphincter. He would rule out problems like pelvic floor dysfunction which can be the real cause for constipation.

    For some cases, the doctor may order for blood culture (to rule out thyroid problems), imaging tests like abdominal X-ray (for checking structural anomaly) and barium enema test to find the functional capacity of rectum and colon. In rare cases, colonic transit test is done for monitoring the stool movements inside the colon. Defecography is done for patients with severe constipation issue. Most of the people with constipation will not have any serious illness and it can be simply treated by changing the diet pattern and by reducing the dosage of certain medications.

    Treatment :

    Lifestyle changes and home remedies

    Diet :

    Include plenty of fiber contents in your diet. Increase the volume of fruits and vegetables you consume and you can also add fiber supplements. The particles of fiber will add more water content to the stool and makes it watery and soft.

    Most of the fresh vegetables and fruits, whole wheat grain, oat bran, Citrucel, Metamucil contains rich fiber. But by having a fiber rich diet you can get gas problem which can increase flatulence. Hence you need to choose the fibrous fruit or vegetables that do not cause flatulence. You should drink plenty of water once you start taking fiber rich food.

    Laxatives :

    Laxatives (lubricant) include mineral oil or plain oil that helps in adding more of water content to the stool. This eventually makes it softer preventing you from constipation problem. But lubricant laxatives should be used only for short period and prolonged usage can cause vitamin deficiency.

    Emollient Laxatives :

    Also called as stool softeners these laxatives contain docusate which improves water retaining ability of the stool. This makes the stool watery which can easily pass through the rectum. However you need to consult your doctor before taking any type of laxatives to avoid any complications.

    Hyperosmolar Laxatives :

    These types of laxatives are used by some people to make the stool soft. Some of the common varieties of this type of laxatives are sorbitol, lactulose and polyethylene glycol. However it can cause flatulence in the abdomen.

    Saline Laxatives :

    This laxative contain ions like magnesium, phosphate and sulfate which helps the colon to retain more water content which helps in softening of stool. Many people with constipation use saline laxative like milk of magnesia which is highly efficient.

    Enemas :

    There are several types of enemas and all of them aim in stimulating the colon to expel the stool. Saline enemas, mineral oil enemas and phosphate enemas are some of the common types used.

    Suppositories :

    These are similar to enemas and different types produce different set of action for softening the stool. Bowel movements are stimulated by using suppositories. Both the enemas and suppositories are to be inserted through the rectum to eliminate stool.

    Medications :

    Tegaserod, Lubiprostone, Colchicine, Misoprostol and Orlistat are some of the drugs used for treating constipation.

    Biofeedback Training :

    In this procedure a special catheter is inserted into the rectum which generates pressure on the pelvic floor making it easy for the person to defecate the stool. The pressure generated on the pelvic floor is displayed on the screen through which the person will learn the method of relaxing and contracting the muscles.

    Doing regular exercise can help one to have easy bowel movements. Surgery is the last option for treating constipation. Only for severe cases where using laxatives have no positive response surgery is done. During this process major portion of the colon is removed and the lower end of the small intestine is attached to the rectum directly.