Showing posts with label Acne Rosacea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Acne Rosacea. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Acne Rosacea

Acne Rosacea

Acne Rosacea is the most common skin disorder affecting millions of people worldwide. Though the onset of pimples and lesions on the face is during adolescence still many people will have continued skin disorder causing acne development even after middle age. This affects the skin on your face causing pimples, bumps, flushing and redness. Rosacea can affect the eyes and even nose. Acne is largely seen on teenage people and rosacea affects middle aged and old people.

Acne and rosacea are different in medical perspective but both are chronic disease and affects the skin of your face. Pimples or bumps are formed when the hair follicles of your skin gets clogged up. Pimples or acne are formed largely on the face, neck and back portion. For some people it is formed on the chest and even on shoulders. Acne is curable but it leaves a scar permanently on the face.

Causes :

Exact cause for acne rosacea is unknown. It is believed to be caused by hormone changes during puberty. Sebum is the oil secreted by sebaceous glands of your skin that is responsible for keeping the skin oily.

But when sebum is secreted in excess quantity it blocks the pores of the skin. When dirt and debris get accumulated on the pores with oil it leads to pimples or bumps called acne.

Stress is also another factor that triggers acne formation.

Symptoms :

The symptoms of acne rosacea will differ from one person to other, but there are some common symptoms listed below.

Rosacea is characterized by flushing, redness, bumps and pimples formation. The face turns completely red as if you are flushing. For this reason it is called flushing disease. For some people there will be persistent redness on the face resembling blushing.

Severe irritation is normally present when pimples develop on the face. For some there will be burning sensation and small blood vessels become visible on the skin.

Rosacea affects the skin near your eyes causing irritation and watery eyes. The eyelids can also become red and swollen resembling stye. The entire skin of the face may become dry and irritated with raised red patches resembling plaque formation.

Diagnoses :

It is easy to diagnose acne rosacea with the given symptoms above. Since it is a chronic skin disorder it is difficult to treat.

Treatment :

Topical medications are given for treating pimples and bumps. Redness and flushing are present in this disorder. Plenty of topical creams are available for managing acne and rosacea but it always recur on many people. Long term usage is recommended for preventing remission of pimples.

Nowadays laser treatment is taken by many people wherein intense pulsed light is applied on the affected skin. You need to follow gentle skin care routine for preventing flare ups and remission.

Do not wash the face repeatedly since it will cause more dryness. Always keep the face clean and dirt-free. Avoid going out in sun and apply sunscreen lotion that contains SPF range of 13 or high when you go out in sun. Exposure to sunlight increases the pimples formation.

The outcome of any method of treatment varies from one person to the other. For some people acne is cured completely and for others it leaves a scar and flare ups are always there. Your doctor will have to devise individual treatment according to your skin condition.

It is good to use facial cosmetics to some extent for covering redness and flushing appearance. Laser therapy is suggested for getting satisfied results and you have to take several sessions.

Skin thickening occurs in many people for which cryosurgery and radiofrequency ablation is done. Skin grafting procedure is done for removing excess of tissue on the skin which is followed by dermabrasion.

Pictures of Acne Rosacea :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Acne Rosacea

Acne Rosacea Acne Rosacea Acne Rosacea Acne Rosacea Acne Rosacea Acne Rosacea
Foods to be avoided :

Certain foods are known to trigger acne formation; hence it is advised to avoid taking these foods. Fatty foods, chocolates, cheese, vinegar, spicy foods and foodstuffs high in histamines are to be reduced. Avoid taking excess of coffee, tea, alcohol and any other hot drinks.

Acne rosacea is a chronic skin disorder and is marked by regular flares and remissions. The symptoms can be managed by regular cleaning and application of topical creams.

Acne Rosacea – Pictures, Diet, Natural Treatment

Acne Rosacea – Pictures, Diet, Natural Treatment

What is Acne Rosacea?

This is a common red, acne-like skin problem that affects numerous individuals around the world. It mostly affects individuals who are white and have a very fair skin. The major symptoms for this skin condition include pink or red patches, visible broken blood vessels which are tiny, red small bumps, cysts which are red as well as pink or irritated eyes. The majority of individuals with this disease don’t even understand they have rosacea or that it is a treatable condition with a diagnosis. Most people who have rosacea just presume they flush or blush easily or they are just very sensitive to the sun.

Rosacea is a condition that is chronic or long term, non-curable with sporadic ups and downs. Unlike the customary teenage acne, adult patients with rosacea will not outgrow it. It normally involves the center of the face and causes constant redness or transient flushing over the regions of the nose and face that normally blush – mainly the chin, forehead and the lower half of the nose.

Acne Rosacea Diet

Not all individuals with rosacea are the same, but there are a number of triggers which are universal. By evading these possible triggers can also help to reduce symptoms as well as disease flare-ups. It is supportive to keep a individual journal of foods as well as additional triggers that can cause rosacea symptoms to flare up.

Spicy foods, drinks which are hot as well as alcohol can be the source of flushing and need to be evaded. Exposure to sunshine and to extremely cold as well as hot temperatures needs to be restricted if at all possible. Chocolate and red wine are 2 very faMiliar rosacea triggers. Several foods which are listed below may have little effect on rosacea but can severely affect another person. The individual patterns of reaction greatly vary with this condition.

Possible rosacea diet triggers can include:

  • Dairy items including cheese, sour cream, and yogurt

  • Alcohol including beer, red wine, gin, vodka, champagne and bourbon.

  • Soy sauce.

  • Chocolate.

  • Eggplants, spinach, avocados.

  • Yeast extract.

  • Some beans as well as pods, such as lima, peas, and navy.

  • Citrus fruits such as bananas, tomatoes, raisins, figs, or red plums.

  • Hot foods whether temperature-wise or spicy.

Foods that can help to avoid these flares include, nonalcoholic cool beverages, less spicy meals, drinks which are caffeine-free, nondairy cheese as well as thermally cooler meals.

Acne Rosacea Natural Treatment

Potent steroid or cortisone drugs used on the face need to be steered clear of since they can advance the widening of the tiny vessels of the face. Some individuals experience rosacea flares that are very severe after extended use of steroids which are topical.
Any medications which are vasodilators flare rosacea. Vasodilators consist of several medications for Blood Pressure like calcium channel blockers, nitrates as well as thiazide diuretics.

You're reading Acne Rosacea – Pictures, Diet, Natural Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

These potential triggers found in skin cleansers need to be avoided:

  • Witch Hazel

  • Alcohol

  • Eucalyptus oil

  • Peppermint

  • Fragrance

  • Clove oil

  • Salicylic acid

  • Menthol

Rosacea skin is very sensitive and can flare easily with familiar acne therapies as well as other self-treatments. Any home-treatment or natural remedies need to be done with great care. As with any therapy for this condition, there are individuals who experience greater irritation or sensitivity with treatment. Two natural remedies include:

  • Dilute vinegar cleansing

  • Green tea applications

Diluted white vinegar used for cleansing as well as soaks for the face used daily or weekly using about 1 part table vinegar to 6 parts of water can be helpful. Vinegar is considered to be a natural antiseptic and can reduce the number of bacteria or yeasts on the skin. Because vinegar can flare rosacea in some individuals, a tiny test area needs to be tried before using on the total face.

Green tea soaks for the face can also help lessen inflammation as well as the redness seen in rosacea. Green tea has natural anti-inflammatory properties. They are also some commercially sold products which also use green tea as the active component.

Care of the skin entails using a mild cleaner for washing the face at least twice daily. Washing too much can cause irritation. Some type of sunscreen lotion is desirable every morning. Your primary care physician can prescribe a topical antibiotics for use one to two times each day under the sunscreen.

Actually rubbing the face will cause irritation to the reddening skin. There are some hair sprays as well as cosmetics which can intensify swelling and redness.

  • Skin cleanser twice daily

  • Sunscreen in the morning

  • Avoidance of the sun

Products for the face such as moisturizers, soaps and sunscreens need to be alcohol free as well as other ingredients which are irritating. Moisturizers need to be applied gently after any topical drug has already dried. Before going outdoors, sunscreens with SFP 15 or higher are advised.

Acne Rosacea Pictures

before and after