Showing posts with label Rosacea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rosacea. Show all posts

Monday, March 06, 2017

Rosacea – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Pictures, Home Remedies

Rosacea – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Pictures, Home Remedies

Rosacea is similar to acne in symptoms and flaring. It is a common condition that causes red colored bumps or lesions on the face that may lasts for several weeks or even months. Rosacea is common among middle aged women unlike acne which is popular in teenagers. Fair skinned people are the primary target for rosacea and often it resolves on its own and there is no treatment for this skin problem. Medications and therapies can be given to control the symptoms. Typically red papules of small size develop on the nose and cheeks when you have rosacea. And this skin disease is seasonal having flare-ups followed by recession.

Symptoms :

There are 4 types of rosacea and the signs and symptoms may differ in the area of the skin it affects.

  • In the ETR rosacea some of the common symptoms include swelling of skin, redness and flushing of face and visible blood vessels that are broken. The skin becomes very sensitive and the person may feel burning sensation. Further there can be scaly patches on the skin that becomes dry and rough.

  • In Acne Rosacea, small papules or lesions (red colored) are seen on the cheeks and nose. The skin becomes dry and rough and broken blood vessels can be seen by naked eye.

  • In the phymatous rosacea the skin becomes thicker than normal which can be visibly observed on the nose and chin. The skin on the cheeks and nose area becomes thick and this type is marked by large pores on the skin and broken blood vessels.

  • In the ocular rosacea your eyes are largely affected. The eyes become dry, itchy and watery. Some people may feel presence of sand like thing in the eyes. It can cause burning sensation in the eyes and is marked by small cysts in the eyes. In rare cases the vision can get affected due to damaged blood vessels.

  • Overall, rosacea symptoms are marked by swelling of face, and facial redness.

    Causes :

    Exact cause of rosacea is not known but variety of factors can trigger rosacea. Factors like extreme Stress emotions; eating spicy and oily foods, consuming alcohol (in excess) and extreme weather condition can trigger rosacea. Other external factors that cause rosacea include frequent change of cosmetics and medications that can dilate your blood vessels. Bacterial infection and exposure to skin mites can also cause rosacea.

    Who Are At Risk ?

    Rosacea can occur to anyone. But the risk is high if you are middle aged women (age group of 35-50 years). People who are fair complexioned and with blue eyes are prone to develop rosacea. And lastly, if your parents have rosacea you are more likely to develop this skin condition than others.


    Diagnosis :

    No special tests are necessary to detect rosacea. Your doctor may confirm this skin condition on mere physical examination. In case of ocular rosacea you would be referred to eye specialist who uses lighted instrument to examine the eyes.

    Rosacea Treatment :
    There is no cure for rosacea. Drugs can be given to manage the symptoms. Redness of the skin can be reduced by Mirvaso or brimonidine containing drugs. It is a topical cream applied to the area of the skin that is affected. It helps in constricting the blood vessels. It can reduce flare-ups and redness within a day but you have to continue using this gel until you see the desired results. Creams that contain azelaic acid and metronidazole can also be used for rosacea.


    Oral antibiotics are prescribed to treat bacterial infection. Doxycycline and its group are given for reducing redness. Alternatively one can also use tetracycline group for rosacea which can help in reducing red colored papules. In severe cases isotretinoin therapy is given for treating acne like rosacea and lesions. Some of them include claravis and amnesteem which are very powerful in treating acne. Laser therapy is highly recommended to get quick results for rosacea. Laser beam (in controlled settings) is directly passed into the affected site to constrict the enlarged blood vessels. Phototherapy and electro-surgery are also done for rosacea. Do not delay the treatment for ocular rosacea since it can reduce your vision.

    Rosacea Home Remedies :

    • Several home remedies are available for reducing redness and acne rosacea. But it takes a long period for getting the desired outcome.

    • It is good to do daily facial massage using homemade paste. Scrub your face once a week to remove dead cells.

    • Avoid fried foods and fatty items in your diet. Take plenty of fresh veggies and fruits.

    • Don’t go out in harsh sunlight and use sunscreen lotion liberally if you need to go out.

    • Avoid taking alcohol and quit smoking.

    • Rosacea and formation of redness and lesions is a gradual process. Hence it takes time for complete healing. It might take several weeks or even months to get the desired outcome. It is quite common for getting flare-ups after a period for many people.

    • Find support from groups to cope with this chronic condition. You need to understand and accept that millions of people across the world are suffering from this same problem.

    Tuesday, May 10, 2016



    Rosacea is a chronic skin disorder that makes your face rosy similar to that of blushing severely. It is marked by red colored pus filled blisters or papules that appears on the nose, chin and cheeks. It may cause burning sensation if it develops on the eyes. Many people lose their confidence due to the development of red lesions on the face and hesitate to visit parties and take part in social gatherings. It is necessary to take treatment for rosacea since it will not go on its own. If you are leaving it without treatment the conditions may worsen. For many people there will be flare up for particular season for weeks and then it will automatically disappear from the face. However it may get back to your after some months or years for causing more redness.

    Causes :

    Exact cause for rosacea is yet to be discovered. It is not caused by infection and the symptoms are really different from regular Skin Rashes and allergic reactions. Experts believe that rosacea redness and blisters are caused due to hereditary and environmental factors.

    Factors that Triggers Rosacea :

    There are certain factors that stimulate the formation of rosacea though it does not cause it actually. For instance alcohol consumption will worsen the symptoms of rosacea. Likewise, exposure to sunlight, stressful situations, eating spicy and hot foods and taking hot shower can trigger the symptoms to cause flare ups. Taking corticosteroid medications for long and doing strenuous exercises and taking drugs that cause dilation of blood vessels can worsen the symptoms.

    Symptoms :

    This skin disorder is characterized by flushing of skin and redness on your face. For dry skinned people it can cause burning sensation. Certain areas of your face are marked by red bumps or papules that are filled with pus. It is largely seen on cheeks, nose and forehead and sometimes on your eyes.

    The nose will look like bulbous nose. For some people small blood vessels on the cheeks becomes visible due to redness and rosacea bumps. Any stranger who sees you in this position can think that you are blushing adequately.

    Stages :

    Pre rosacea is the first stage. It starts as flushing episode initially then progresses to redness on the center of your face and nose. The underlying blood vessels will dilate causing redness on the face. Vascular rosacea is the second stage. The symptoms of redness will worsen spreading to nose, cheeks and chin. At this stage, tiny blood vessels are clearly visible on your face and the skin becomes highly sensitive for sunlight.

    Inflammatory rosacea is the final stage in which small red colored bumps or papules develop on the face. This appears due to inflammation or swelling of the underlying skin layer. For some people it may spread near the eyes causing burning sensation which is described as ocular rosacea.

    Who are at risk?

    Rosacea lesions may develop on the individual of any age group. But people who are fair complexioned, having blond hair and light eye color and who are of middle age are prone to get this skin problem. Women who are in the menopause stage will have increased chance for developing rosacea.

    If any of your family members or parents had rosacea then you are likely to get this skin rash. In rare cases, the sebaceous glands present in the skin gets enlarged forming big lumps on the nose which is known as rhinophyma.

    Tests :

    The symptoms are clearly evident to detect rosacea and hence no separate tests are needed.

    Treatment :

    So far there is no cure for rosacea and doctors can only reduce the symptoms. And even if the signs got reduced it can come back anytime. Over experience you will understand that combination of certain treatments/therapies along with lifestyle changes can prove to reduce much of the symptoms. Medications are given for reducing the redness and flare ups. Topical creams that contain antibiotics of low dosage are given for reducing redness. You can use skin lotion that contains doxycycline or azelaic acid or metronidazole or tretinoin for effective result.

    Oral antibiotic treatment includes minocycline, tetracycline pills which are effective in reducing swelling of skin. However it can cause side effects like sensation of vomiting, stomach discomfort and sore mouth. For treating severe case of inflammation isotretinoin is given which would block secretion of excess of oil production from sebaceous glands.

    For people who have developed ocular rosacea (redness and burning sensation in their eyes) steroid eye-drops are prescribed. Laser therapy is suggested for reducing the exposure of tiny blood vessels and some experts believe in using intense pulse light therapy. Elecrosurgery is also done for severe cases for removing the tissue buildup across the nose.

    Pictures of Rosacea :

    Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Rosacea

    Rosacea Rosacea Rosacea Rosacea Rosacea Rosacea

    Prevention :

    There is no way you can prevent or avoid getting rosacea. You need to find out what factors triggers the symptoms and avoid them in future. Avoid going out in hot sun and in case you wish to go cover your face with protective mask and use sunscreen lotion. For people with dry skin, you can use moisturizing lotion along with sunscreen for getting good results. Do not change your cosmetics often and use only branded products. Avoid rubbing your skin and do not use products that cause irritation to your skin.

    Always use hat and cover your face with a mask while going out. Many alternative therapies are available for curing rosacea but none of them have been proved effective. And the same product that gives the best result for one person may not suit the other.

    Rosacea – Treatment, Pictures, Symptoms, Causes

    Rosacea – Treatment, Pictures, Symptoms, Causes

    What is Rosacea?

    This is a skin condition which is chronic and inflammatory and normally affects only adults. Rosacea causes redness in the face as well as producing red, small, pus-filled pustules or bumps.

    If left not treated, rosacea typically becomes advanced meaning that it gets worse over time. But, in the majority of individuals, rosacea is recurring meaning that the symptoms come and go flaring up for a period of time and then fading. Not only can rosacea be mistaken for acne, there are other skin conditions which resemble it, such as eczema or skin Allergy.

    There is no cure for rosacea, but there are treatments which manage and reduce the symptoms and signs. If an individual experiences stubborn redness of the face, they need to see their physician for diagnosis as well as proper treatment.

    Rosacea Symptoms

    Individuals with rosacea may have:

    • A flushed face with pimples or bumps on or around the nose, cheeks, forehead as well as mouth – often lasts for days.

    • No whiteheads or blackheads

    • Visible tiny red veins on the nose as well as the cheeks which resembles spider webs

    • Burning or gritty stinging sensation on the skin of the face, especially when applying any lotions or medicines

    • Face increasingly feels sensitive, dry or sunburned

    • Red, dry, irritated eyes.

    • Eyelids look swollen or red with vision being blurry. Not treated, rosacea can cause eye problems which are serious.

    • Bulbous, red nose referred to as rhinophyma

    • Inclination to blush or flush easily

    With no treatment there are some cases of rosacea which cause bumps on the nose and cheeks which are knobby and that will multiply. This is known as advanced rosacea. Over time the nose becomes swollen with a waxy look.

    Triggers, for instance sun exposure or alcohol, can stimulate increased blood flow, which causes the blood vessels to expand and the redness of the face appears. In women, this redness normally appears on the nose, chin, cheeks as well as the forehead. This redness can appear in a pattern of a butterfly across the nose and cheeks. In men, the facial redness normally appears on the nose, although there are symptoms which can appear on other parts of the face. Redness in some cases can even occur on the upper chest as well as the neck.

    As mentioned above, there may also be eye irritation. Symptoms here include dryness, redness, burning, crusted mucus; gritty feeling as if sand is in the eye, tearing, pinkeye as well as swelling in the eyelid. The eyes will not be able to tolerate the wearing of contact lens and styes may possibly develop. These eye symptoms will appear in about half of the individuals with rosacea.

    In some research it is suggested that there is a link between rosacea and migraine Headaches. This would lead to the determination that perhaps blood vessels may be the link between these 2 conditions.

    Rosacea normally develops in phases:

    Rosacea can begin simply as a tendency to blush or flush easily and to then progress to a tenacious redness in the central part of the face, especially the nose. The redness is caused by the dilation of blood vessels close to the skin’s surface.

    Vascular rosacea
    As the symptoms and signs grow worse, vascular rosacea can develop – small blood vessels on the cheeks as well as the nose swell and can become visible. The skin can become very overly sensitive. Accompanying this phase can also be Dandruff as well as oily skin.

    Inflammatory rosacea
    Red, small pustules or bumps can appear as well as persist, and will spread across the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin.

    Additionally about 1 in 2 individuals with rosacea will also experience ocular rosacea – the symptoms in the eyes are mentioned above.

    Rosacea Causes

    An actual cause of rosacea is not known but most medical researchers believe it is probably due to some combinations of environmental factors and genetics. Many professionals believe that rosacea is possibly a vascular disorder since there is the association with flushing, redness as well as visible blood vessels. Some physicians have speculated that flushing perhaps involves the nervous system, especially since it is most often triggered when the individual is under some type of emotional stress.

    You're reading Rosacea – Treatment, Pictures, Symptoms, Causes posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

    Another theory is that the swelling is caused by the increased blood flow during flushing which leads to an increase in fluid in the tissue and which collects faster than the lymphatic system can eliminate it. This swelling in turn can cause the skin thickening as tissue amasses.

    There are a number of causes which seem to heighten or trigger rosacea or which make it worse by the increasing of blood flow to the surface of the skin of the face. Some of these factors are:

    • Spicy food

    • Hot beverages as well as foods

    • Temperature extremes

    • Alcohol

    • Sunlight

    • Anger, stress or embarrassment

    • Exercise which is strenuous

    • Saunas or hot baths

    • Corticosteroids

    • Medications which dilate blood vessels, including some medications for Blood Pressure

    One thing needs to be understood – alcohol does not cause rosacea. While drinking alcohol can cause the flushing of the skin and also can worsen rosacea, people who do not drink alcohol can also get rosacea. Risk factors for rosacea include:

    • Fair skin

    • English, Irish or Scottish heredity

    • Ease in blushing

    • Family members with rosacea

    • Female gender

    • Menopause

    • Being 30-50 years of age

    In rare and very severe cases, the sebaceous glands or oil glands in the nose and often in the cheeks can become enlarged, causing a buildup of tissue around and on the nose. This is a complication normally seen in males and slowly develops over a period of years.

    Rosacea Treatment

    Currently there is not a definite test for rosacea. But, physicians rely on the history of symptoms, a physical exam of the skin and also eliminating other condition such as acne, for which rosacea may be mistaken.

    There is no way to eradicate rosacea, but there is effective treatment which can get rid of the symptoms. Most often this really needs a blend of drug treatments and some changes in lifestyle changes.

    The physician may mention definite cleansers, moisturizers, sunscreens as well as other products which improve the skin. If one trigger of rosacea is Hot Flashes, the individual can speak with their physician on treatments which are available for the symptoms or signs of menopause.

    An individual with rosacea may need to have a combination of prescription-strength lotions, creams or gels and also oral medications to treat this condition.

    Topical Medications
    These medications are applied to the skin once or twice daily and may help to reduce redness and inflammation. They can also be used along with oral medications or as part of a management program to control symptoms.

    Topical Antibiotics
    Topical antibiotics such as Metrocream, Metrogel, Atralin, Renova, Azelex, Finacea. These medications do have side effect such as skin irritation, dry skin, redness and burning or stinging of the skin.

    Oral Antibiotics
    Physicians may prescribe oral antibiotics to treat rosacea more because of their inflammatory properties than to actually kill germs. These oral antibiotics are also used because they tend to work faster than topical ones. Possible side effects include Diarrhea, stomach discomfort, vomiting or nausea as well as sore mouth or tongue.

    Isotretinoin such as Amnesteen and Accutane
    Isotretinoin such as Amnesteen and Accutane is another very powerful medication which is oral and used for severe cases of inflammatory rosacea when other treatment options fail to improve the symptoms. Normally prescribed for cystic acne, isotretinoin works to inhibit production of oil by the sebaceous glands. These individuals need to be monitored closely by a dermatologist because of possible serious side effects, including suicidal thoughts, Depression, joint or bone pain, as well as skin rash and infections. This medication causes birth defects when taken during pregnancy.

    The duration of treatment depends on the severity as well as the type, but normally you will notice an improvement within 1 to 2 months. Symptoms can recur when the medication is stopped and longer term treatment may be necessary.

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