Showing posts with label Allergic Reaction To Tattoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Allergic Reaction To Tattoo. Show all posts

Monday, May 09, 2016

Allergic Reaction To Tattoo – Types, Cause, Aftercare, Prevention

Allergic Reaction To Tattoo – Types, Cause, Aftercare, Prevention

It is a fact that only very less people would develop allergic reaction or infection after getting a tattoo. Various factors can cause allergic response. Let us know about these factors and aftercare methods to prevent getting an infection and allergic response.

Types Of Allergic Response After Tattooing :

  • Scabbing :

Some people may develop scabbing and flaking off skin few days after getting a tattoo on their skin. It is quite normal for little peeling of skin layer giving way for tattoo. But if the flaking continues for long you should consult your GP.

  • Itching :

Having some itchiness around the tattoo is normal for first two days. But if you have severe itchy feeling and pain it can be something wrong inside. You are likely to develop an infection.

  • Inflammation :

Swelling of the tattoo area is normal to some extent since the skin is getting punctured repeatedly on the same region. However if the swelling does not reduce in few days it can be due to bacterial infection.

  • Bumps and Discharge :

A tattoo can make hundreds of puncture wounds in the skin through the needles by which ink is delivered. By making tiny holes on the skin you are making it vulnerable to bacterial infection. You need to check for any symptoms like blisters, bumps on the tattoo area and fluid discharge with foul smell. This can be due to bacterial infection which needs medical care at the earliest.

  • Hepatitis Infection :

In very rare cases blood poisoning can occur after getting a tattoo. Using unsterilized needles and machines can transmit this disease easily. This disorder can considerably affect the function of your liver causing more complications.

  • HIV :

Similarly you are at risk of developing HIV infection if the same needle was used on a person with this disease. Using unhygienic tools and choosing a wrong studio can increase the chance of getting any sort of infection.

Factors That Cause Allergic Reaction :

  • Choosing a studio with dirty environment can cause problem.

  • Using unsterilized machines and needles and not cleaning them in autoclave can lead to allergic reaction.

  • The person who makes the tattoo can transmit the infectious diseases with him/her to the consumers.

  • An artist who lacks personal hygiene can spoil your health leading to infection.

  • An artist who uses contaminated inks or cheap quality pigments/dyes can for sure cause skin problems like infection and Allergy.

  • If you are not following the aftercare instructions given by the artist properly it can cause infection.

  • Touching the site of tattoo with dirty hands can cause allergic problems.

Aftercare Instructions :

Getting a tattoo on your skin is very much like an open wound in your body which is highly vulnerable to bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms. You need to give equal importance for healing of tattoo like that of open wound. Your hard earned money should not go waste due to mere negligence to take enough care. And the hard work done by the artist will go in vain if you develop severe allergy or infection that drives you to remove the tattoo.

You Can Easily Prevent Any Infection or Allergic Response By Following Simple Instructions Given Below :-

Your artist would mostly cover the tattoo region with proper bandage before you leave the studio. Only in case of small tattoos the site would be left open. You will be given instructions about when you should remove the bandage. So please adhere to them for your health. In most of the studios, aftercare instructions are given to remove the bandage after 2-3 hours. You can take off the cover after stipulated time but remember to wash your hands with soap water and dry them before attempting to remove the bandage.

Still the tattoo would look pinkish or flesh colored. You can gently soak the tattoo with soap water and pat it dry. In case soaking of the site is not possible you can rinse the region with mild soapy solution. After drying it for few minutes you can apply moisturizing lotion on it. You can ask your artist about recommended lotions or creams to be applied. It is crucial to keep the tattoo moist to get the required color and clarity of the image. Retaining moisture would also prevent scabbing on the area.

Images, Pics, Photos and Pictures of Tattoo Allergic Reactions :

allergic reaction to tattoo allergic reaction to tattoo allergic reaction to tattoo allergic reaction to tattoo allergic reaction to tattoo

Using clean fingers you can gently rub little lotion or cream over the tattoo area. Allow it to dry freely and do not use any cloth or tissue to wipe off the excess cream. Again do not keep the tattoo covered since it needs breathing space for healing. You can repeat applying moisturizing cream 2-3 times a day for speeding up the healing process. Do not expose the tattoo directly to the sunlight since it can cause scabbing and skin allergy. Normally your skin is more vulnerable to sunlight and UV radiation making it prone to develop sunburn. Now after having a tattoo (which is almost an open wound) on the skin never expose it to the harsh rays of the sun. You need to follow these instructions at least for 2-3 days for your good.

If your job demands roaming out for extended time, you can always cover the tattoo region with long shirts or blouse or lengthy pants. And you can apply sunscreen cream on the tattoo region with strong SPF factor (above 25 or 30). Avoid swimming in public pools since there is no guarantee that water would be kept hygienically. Avoid rubbing the region with towel or other clothing. Allow it to dry freely. If there is itching on the site of tattoo you can reapply moisturizing creams liberally over it. This can prevent scabbing considerably and remember scabbing can reduce the intensity of color from the tattoo. Retain the moisture on the tattoo to the maximum and avoid sun exposure totally for few days.