Showing posts with label Bee Sting Swelling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bee Sting Swelling. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Bee Sting Swelling

Bee Sting Swelling

Not all the bee sting will cause intense pain and swelling. Bee stings are part of life for many people who are working in environment that is prone to insects like bees. The area or part of the body in which the bee stings your body, will determine the extent of pain and swelling. It would surprise you to know that sometimes bee stings can benefit the person who suffers from chronic arthritis and MS.

To some extent, bees and other insects like wasps carry venom and pass it on the person on whom it stings.

One should remove the leftover stinger on the area in which the bee stings so that the amount of venom that is injected into the blood can be reduced. You need to brush off the stinger from the area as quickly as possible by your fingers or any tools. Often the panic reaction is more than the actual pain caused by bee sting for many persons. In many cases, it is the anxiety and panic reaction that worsens the pain.

Though the intensity of pain is the same for all people who experience bee sting, still the level of itching and swelling may vary. In case the bee stings on soft areas like face or cheeks, it may cause more pain and swelling. The same pain is felt less on areas like legs and hands.

Interestingly, when you observe the seasoned beekeepers they will not pay any attention for the bee sting and will just brush off the stinger without worrying about it. Again there may not be any swelling if you experience bee sting for the first time. In case of multiple stings, there may be pain, itching and swelling. The body’s natural defense mechanism strengthens to build up immunity against stings.

Symptoms :

In case of normal reaction the affected person will have pain and moderate swelling. For localized reaction, the inflammation may also develop on the surrounding area, along with redness and formation of spots. The infected area becomes tender and warm. In case of severe reaction, the person may develop Allergy, and show symptoms of anaphylaxis such as shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, restlessness, and wheezing, red rash on the affected part, swelling on the face and mouth and reduced Blood Pressure. In such a case, the person needs to be hospitalized and given treatment immediately. All the above signs show that the entire body is disturbed.

For some people, there may be vomiting, nausea, dizziness, and Diarrhea. These people who develop anaphylactic reaction are already allergic to bee stings and the entire body gets affected. In that case, they have to be careful to avoid bee stings if they visit any new place. It is better to carry an injection of epinephrine with them when they need to visit forest areas where insects are common. These kinds of reactions are fatal and each year many people have died in USA because of anaphylactic reaction and delay in getting hospitalized.

Treatment :

For treating localized allergic reaction, it is enough if you wash the affected part with soapy water and apply hydrocortisone ointment. In case of swelling, you can apply ice cubes over the area or take antihistamines for managing the swelling and Ibuprofen for pain.

In case of severe allergy, the person should be given a shot of adrenaline and taken to the nearest hospital. Doctors would observe the health condition and may start IV fluids are given along with oxygen therapy. The person will have to stay in hospital for a day or two for observation.

Pictures of Bee Sting Swelling :

Images, Pictures, Pics and Photos of Bee Sting Swelling

Bee Sting Swelling Bee Sting Swelling Bee Sting Swelling Bee Sting Swelling
Prevention :

Be careful and take precautionary steps when you go outdoors and in particular to new places. You need to wear complete covered clothing and proper shoes when you need to visit such areas. Avoid using perfumes or strong fragrances that would attract insects.

Cover the windows of your house with insect repellant nets and spray insecticide on the dustbins regularly. In case you are allergic to bee sting, you should always carry epinephrine injection and avoid going alone to bushy areas.

Bee Sting Swelling – Remedies and Treatment

Bee Sting Swelling – Remedies and Treatment

Bee Sting Swelling Remedies

  • Scrape the stinger out. This can be done with a knife, long fingernail or credit card.

  • Rub an aspirin on the sting. By rubbing an aspirin that is wet on the area where the sting was helps to neutralize some of the agents of inflammation.

  • Get relief by using meat tenderizer. Make a paste with tenderizer and water to apply to the sting.

  • Use baking soda to help ease the pain. Apply a paste of water and baking soda directly on the sting for approximately 20 minutes

  • Use ammonia to kill the pain.

  • Take a mild pain reliever such as aspirin, Advil or Tylenol. Don’t give aspirin to children due to the risk of Reyes syndrome

  • Take an antihistamine for instance Benadryl as this will ease any pain or swelling. Antihistamine cough syrup for instance Benylin works well with children

  • Dress very plain as bees are attracted to clothing which is colored brightly

  • Forgo any fragrances that might attract bees. After-shave as perfume can entice bees to check you out.

  • Take more zinc. Certain nutrients seem to alter the odor of the body and offers some protection.

Bee Sting Swelling Treatment

  • Severe allergic sting reactions should be treated with epinephrine or adrenaline, either administrated by a medical professional or self-injected. The injection can stop the development of any more severe allergic reaction.

  • Calamine lotion with an analgesic or Caladryl can calm the pain and itching of a bee sting within approximately 45 minutes. Dab it on the sting site every 4 hours. Can be obtained over the counter at any drug store.

  • Maximum strength hydrocortisone cream reduces the symptoms in about an hour and should be used every 3 or 4 hours.

  • Ice is probably the best treatment. A 20 minute application of ice will kill the symptoms almost immediately and keep them subdued for many hours. Ice reduces the swelling due to constricting the vessels and thru slowing down the flow of the venom-tainted blood. It also cancels out the itching and pain.

Bee Sting Swelling Pictures

Bee Sting Swelling

Bee Sting Swelling

Bee Sting Swelling

allergic bee sting swelling

Bee Sting Swelling

Bee Sting Swelling

Bee Sting Swelling