Showing posts with label Cellulite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cellulite. Show all posts

Monday, May 09, 2016



Some women would have lumpy flesh on their hips and buttocks and even on their thighs. This condition is described as cellulite in medical terms. It is not problematic and does not represent any serious disease or medical condition, but this can cause cosmetic problem. This type of lumpy flesh is quite common for adult women and adolescent girls. They might have problems in wearing swim suit and shorts like others owing to their bulgy thighs and stomach. Treatments for cellulite are available in many forms like cellulite creams and massage therapy but nothing is absolutely reliable in giving the results.

Symptoms :

Skin condition of dimpled and bumpy flesh is the only symptoms of cellulite. Some people describe this condition as having cottage cheese like texture on the thighs and buttocks. If you pinch the skin on the lumpy area that portion appears rumpled and the dimpling would appear in the skin area. Lumpy flesh is more visible on the buttocks and thighs than on other areas. But it can occur on any part of the body like abdomen, upper arms and breasts.

Causes :

Cellulite can be common problem in people with high fat and cholesterol. It is not mandatory that you should be overweight for having cellulite or lumpy flesh. Cellulite condition is often found in women but sometimes men may also have this skin condition. The skin is bonded with the underlying muscle by connective cords. When excess amounts of fat particles gets collected in this area it gives pressure on the skin pulling the cords down leading to dimpling.

Cellulite can also occur due to poor diet, hormonal imbalance, poor metabolism, dehydration and excess of body fat. Thickness and color of your skin can influence the formation of cellulite. Fair complexioned women have increased chance of developing this condition. Aging can also contribute for lumpy skin as one grows old the skin loses elasticity.

Diagnosis :

Physical examination is enough to detect cellulite.

Treatment :

Stick on to Weight Loss diet and do regular workouts. This will eventually build muscle mass in the buttocks and thigh region thus helping in reducing the dimpled skin. By losing weight the condition of cellulite is not noticed easily. With improved technology nowadays laser therapy and radiofrequency treatments are given for cellulite. Tissue massage is combined with laser or radiofrequency approach to get the best result. This method can be expensive and you may not get the result early. You might continue this therapy session for minimum 6 months for getting result.

This method is used for removing fat particles in bundles from the body. A thin narrow tube is inserted through the affected skin regions like buttocks or thighs and tiny incisions are made through which fat cells are sucked from the body. This procedure can help in reshaping the body but again it cannot resolve cellulite completely.

Cellulite creams are quite famous in the market which promises positive result within few weeks. But there is no proof to state that these topical creams are effective. These creams will help in dissolving the fat particles and smooth the skin. Avoid using these creams without consulting your doctor since it may cause Allergy on the skin. Even if you get little improvement by using creams it is only temporary.

  • Massage Therapy :

Some people believe on vigorous massage for resolving cellulite since it can increase blood circulation in the affected part of the body. Lipomassage is popular method for kneading the skin. But the results are not satisfactory for all the people. Mesotherapy is another method in which aminophylline and other vitamins and hormones are injected directly on the affected skin. It may cause adverse effects like rashes and infection.