Showing posts with label Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Show all posts

Saturday, July 01, 2017

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic fatigue syndrome is a common disorder that is also known as myalgic encephaloMyelitis (ME). What is ME? Simply put, myalgia stands for muscle pain, which is characteristic of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and encephalomyelitis, which describes inflammation of your brain and spinal cord. Middle aged-women are more likely to experience this disorder, although men and teenagers may also be affected.

What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

CFS, or chronic fatigue syndrome is a disorder marked by persistent fatigue without known cause. Symptoms last more than six months and at least four of the following symptoms will occur at the same time:

  • Long-term fatigue that is not due to known medical problem

  • Cognitive (mental) problems such as poor concentration or memory

  • Tender lymph nodes

  • Sore Throat

  • Muscle pains

  • Multiple joint pains but no swelling/redness

  • Severe Headaches, not like previous headaches

  • A feeling of tiredness even after sleep

  • Extreme tiredness after exercise or exertion that lasts more than 24 hours

Chronic fatigue syndrome may not be easy to diagnose because it may be similar to other conditions such as Depression. The criteria for diagnosing CFS consists mainly of the characteristics mentioned above, which last for at least six months, and for which there are no underlying medical conditions associated.

What Are the Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
People may experience the symptoms of CFS in varying ways and intensities. Your symptoms may also improve from time to time, enabling you to go on with your normal daily activities. But sometimes, you may experience flares, and your symptoms may become worse, making you unable to function normally.


Chronic physical fatigue and mental exhaustion are the hallmarks of CFS. It will seem like you are extremely tired even after you have slept or rested from your usual activities. Physical activities can make your symptoms worse, but the effects may be delayed.

Severe CFS can make you incapable of carrying out even simple tasks, which can result in being unable to leave your bed or your home.

Other symptoms

  • Severe headaches, muscle pain, and joint pains

  • "Brain fog," which is characterized by poor memory, concentration, and difficulty in organizing thoughts

  • Painful lymph nodes

  • Sore throat

  • Stomach pain and digestive problems such as Constipation, Diarrhea, bloating, and nausea

  • Sleep problems

  • Increased sensitivity to loud noises, light, alcohol and some foods

  • Psychological symptoms include irritability, panic attacks, and depression

  • Less commonly, you may experience dizziness, balance problems, difficulty controlling your body temperature, and excess sweating

When to See a Doctor
Seek medical attention when your symptoms do not improve and they affect the quality of your life. Seek treatment from a qualified doctor and ask for more information from a medical society or medical school.

What Are the Causes & Risk Factors of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
There is no known cause for chronic fatigue syndrome. However, experts believe that it may be the result of a combination of factors, which include:

  • Viral infection. Many people develop CFS after being infected by a virus, such as Epstein-Barr virus, herpes virus, and mouse Leukemia virus. However, no solid evidence has been found yet.

  • Immune system disorder. People with CFS may have immune impairment, but it is unclear if it is enough to cause the disorder.

  • Hormonal imbalance. Some people with CFS have levels of hormones, but the link to the disorder is still unknown.

Risk Factors
Factors that increase your risk of CFS include:

  • Age. CFS can occur at any age, but it is more common among people who are 40 to 50 years old.

  • Gender. Women are more likely to be diagnosed with CFS than men, but some experts think that this may be due to women being more likely to report symptoms to their doctors.

  • Stress. Problems in managing stress can contribute to CFS.

What Are the Treatments for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
There is no cure for CFS, but treatment focuses on relief of underlying symptoms. Your doctor will prescribe a suitable medication tailored to your symptoms, and these may include antidepressants and sleep AIDS.

Lifestyle Changes
There are still some advices on changing your lifestyle, which can reduce the symptoms and help you enjoy a normal life:

  • Avoid overexertion. Do not work or exercise more than you can handle, especially when you are beginning to feel warning signs of fatigue. Take regular breaks from work.

  • Do not compare your efforts or activity levels based on other people's activities. Your physical abilities may vary day to day, so do more important tasks when you are feeling better.

  • Find the right doctor. Not many doctors understand CFS, and some of them may be insensitive to your needs. Find a specialist and visit their clinic regularly.

  • Watch what you eat. Keeping a food diary may help you find out what foods and eating patterns are causing your symptoms and which ones are making you feel better. Food sensitivities and food allergies may be related to CFS symptoms.

  • Manage your stress. Keep your schedules flexible and make attainable goals. Avoid watching stressful shows on TV, obnoxious acquaintances, petty arguments, or anything that is not worth stressing about.

  • Find activities you can do without stress. This may include going out with friends, reading a good book, going out to the garden, or playing a relaxing computer game.

  • Rest if you must. Do not be ashamed to accept your physical limitation. Say "no" to tasks which require too much physical or mental exertion.

  • Identify what triggers your symptoms. These may include certain elements in the environment. Avoid these if you can to prevent onset of symptoms.

  • Look for alternative therapies. Alternative medicine has been known to alleviate CFS symptoms. These therapies include acupuncture, hypnotherapy, homeopathy, and yoga.

  • Join a support group. You are not alone in your sufferings, and the people who can understand you most are those who suffer like you. You can also find organizations that support people like you.

  • Watch the video below to have a quick view on chronic fatigue syndrome:

    Monday, June 20, 2016

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Chronic fatigue syndrome is a common disorder that is also known as myalgic encephaloMyelitis (ME). What is ME? Simply put, myalgia stands for muscle pain, which is characteristic of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and encephalomyelitis, which describes inflammation of your brain and spinal cord. Middle aged-women are more likely to experience this disorder, although men and teenagers may also be affected.

    What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

    CFS, or chronic fatigue syndrome is a disorder marked by persistent fatigue without known cause. Symptoms last more than six months and at least four of the following symptoms will occur at the same time:

    • Long-term fatigue that is not due to known medical problem

    • Cognitive (mental) problems such as poor concentration or memory

    • Tender lymph nodes

    • Sore Throat

    • Muscle pains

    • Multiple joint pains but no swelling/redness

    • Severe Headaches, not like previous headaches

    • A feeling of tiredness even after sleep

    • Extreme tiredness after exercise or exertion that lasts more than 24 hours

    Chronic fatigue syndrome may not be easy to diagnose because it may be similar to other conditions such as Depression. The criteria for diagnosing CFS consists mainly of the characteristics mentioned above, which last for at least six months, and for which there are no underlying medical conditions associated.

    What Are the Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
    People may experience the symptoms of CFS in varying ways and intensities. Your symptoms may also improve from time to time, enabling you to go on with your normal daily activities. But sometimes, you may experience flares, and your symptoms may become worse, making you unable to function normally.


    Chronic physical fatigue and mental exhaustion are the hallmarks of CFS. It will seem like you are extremely tired even after you have slept or rested from your usual activities. Physical activities can make your symptoms worse, but the effects may be delayed.

    Severe CFS can make you incapable of carrying out even simple tasks, which can result in being unable to leave your bed or your home.

    Other symptoms

    • Severe headaches, muscle pain, and joint pains

    • "Brain fog," which is characterized by poor memory, concentration, and difficulty in organizing thoughts

    • Painful lymph nodes

    • Sore throat

    • Stomach pain and digestive problems such as Constipation, Diarrhea, bloating, and nausea

    • Sleep problems

    • Increased sensitivity to loud noises, light, alcohol and some foods

    • Psychological symptoms include irritability, panic attacks, and depression

    • Less commonly, you may experience dizziness, balance problems, difficulty controlling your body temperature, and excess sweating

    When to See a Doctor
    Seek medical attention when your symptoms do not improve and they affect the quality of your life. Seek treatment from a qualified doctor and ask for more information from a medical society or medical school.

    What Are the Causes & Risk Factors of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
    There is no known cause for chronic fatigue syndrome. However, experts believe that it may be the result of a combination of factors, which include:

    • Viral infection. Many people develop CFS after being infected by a virus, such as Epstein-Barr virus, herpes virus, and mouse Leukemia virus. However, no solid evidence has been found yet.

    • Immune system disorder. People with CFS may have immune impairment, but it is unclear if it is enough to cause the disorder.

    • Hormonal imbalance. Some people with CFS have levels of hormones, but the link to the disorder is still unknown.

    Risk Factors
    Factors that increase your risk of CFS include:

    • Age. CFS can occur at any age, but it is more common among people who are 40 to 50 years old.

    • Gender. Women are more likely to be diagnosed with CFS than men, but some experts think that this may be due to women being more likely to report symptoms to their doctors.

    • Stress. Problems in managing stress can contribute to CFS.

    What Are the Treatments for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
    There is no cure for CFS, but treatment focuses on relief of underlying symptoms. Your doctor will prescribe a suitable medication tailored to your symptoms, and these may include antidepressants and sleep Aids.

    Lifestyle Changes
    There are still some advices on changing your lifestyle, which can reduce the symptoms and help you enjoy a normal life:

  • Avoid overexertion. Do not work or exercise more than you can handle, especially when you are beginning to feel warning signs of fatigue. Take regular breaks from work.

  • Do not compare your efforts or activity levels based on other people's activities. Your physical abilities may vary day to day, so do more important tasks when you are feeling better.

  • Find the right doctor. Not many doctors understand CFS, and some of them may be insensitive to your needs. Find a specialist and visit their clinic regularly.

  • Watch what you eat. Keeping a food diary may help you find out what foods and eating patterns are causing your symptoms and which ones are making you feel better. Food sensitivities and food allergies may be related to CFS symptoms.

  • Manage your stress. Keep your schedules flexible and make attainable goals. Avoid watching stressful shows on TV, obnoxious acquaintances, petty arguments, or anything that is not worth stressing about.

  • Find activities you can do without stress. This may include going out with friends, reading a good book, going out to the garden, or playing a relaxing computer game.

  • Rest if you must. Do not be ashamed to accept your physical limitation. Say "no" to tasks which require too much physical or mental exertion.

  • Identify what triggers your symptoms. These may include certain elements in the environment. Avoid these if you can to prevent onset of symptoms.

  • Look for alternative therapies. Alternative medicine has been known to alleviate CFS symptoms. These therapies include acupuncture, hypnotherapy, homeopathy, and yoga.

  • Join a support group. You are not alone in your sufferings, and the people who can understand you most are those who suffer like you. You can also find organizations that support people like you.

  • Watch the video below to have a quick view on chronic fatigue syndrome:

    Tuesday, May 10, 2016

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Chronic fatigue syndrome is the disorder that keeps you constantly tired causing disruption in daily routine. The major symptom of this disorder is extreme tiredness for at least 6 months, but there are other signs to identify this disease. The conditions may improve for some people only for relapsing within few months. Actually this syndrome is not caused by any underlying medical issues and it is believed to be the reaction of your body due to emotional and physical causes.

    Symptoms :

    The main symptom of this syndrome is extreme tiredness. You will feel tired all the time of the day and will have problems in getting adequate sleep. Even if you had enough sleep you will wake up next day feeling tired. Some other symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are difficulty in concentrating, frequent joint pain and Sore Throat.

    You will have some relief after taking rest but again the symptoms will be worse after you are involved in any physical or mental activity. The muscle pain and joint pain will typically move from one place to the other. Depression is one of the common sign of this disorder.

    Causes :

    Exact cause of CFS is unknown. Some experts believe that certain factors can trigger the symptoms. Virus infections can cause chronic fatigue syndrome. Hence a person who has just recovered from viral infection is likely to develop this syndrome. Herpes virus and Epstein Barr virus can become triggering factors. However there is no proof of this theory till now. It can be caused due to impairment of immune system and due to abnormal levels of hormones released by pituitary gland or adrenal glands.

    Who are at risk?

    Middle aged people, old aged people and obese people are prone to develop chronic fatigue syndrome. Women are found to be more affected with this disorder than men for unknown reasons. People who are overly stressed are also under the risk of developing this disorder. Though there are no complications of CFS still untreated disorder can land you up in depression. It may also cause bad reputation for you at the workplace due to frequent absenteeism.

    Diagnoses :

    No concrete tests are available for confirming CFS. Your doctor will collect your medical history and gather the symptoms. He will ask you about the sleeping disorders and the quality of sleep you had for the last 3-4 months to rule out any problems like sleep apnea or insomnia. He may order for blood tests to eliminate certain medical issues like diabetes and thyroid problems which can be causing this disorder. Lastly he may refer to any psychologist for finding out if you are having depression or Bipolar Disorder.

    Treatment :

    No treatment is available for CFS till date but the symptoms can be reduced. You have to be frank with your doctor to recover from chronic fatigue syndrome since it can be due to physical or mental stress.

    Medications are prescribed for treating depression if that is the root cause for this disorder. Your doctor will start with low dose of antidepressant medications so that you can get quality sleep. Very often, psychological treatments are given in combination with medications for getting relief from fatigue. A physiotherapist will design suitable exercise pattern for you based on your age and health conditions. You will need to take-up for psychological counseling program to find out what exactly is bothering you.

    Home Remedies :

    Restrict the intake of coffee or tea and other caffeinated drinks which can affect your sleep. Make sure that you are going to bed at the same time each day to improve sleeping habit. In case you wish, you can take short naps during the daytime, but it should not be more than 30 minutes.

    Practice yoga and meditation to reduce stress. Avoid taking heavy foods rich in fat to remain healthy. Alternate methods of treatment like yoga, acupuncture and chiropractor are available to get relief from the symptoms. Finally you can join any support group to share your feelings with others who are in similar line.