Showing posts with label Diaper Rash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diaper Rash. Show all posts

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Diaper Rash

Diaper Rash

Diaper rash will appear on the skin that sits underneath the diaper. This typically occurs in children that are under two years of age, but can also occur in those that are paralyzed or incontinent. Nearly all babies will experience diaper rash at some point before the age of 3, with a majority of babies experiencing diaper rash somewhere between 9-12 months of age. This is the time when babies still do a great deal of sitting but are starting to move into consuming solid foods which will alter the acidity levels of their bowel movements. Read on to learn how you can treat diaper rash in your baby.

Causes of Diaper Rash
Diaper rash can be caused by a variety of conditions, but there are some that are likely culprits of this irritation

1. Chemical Irritation
Your child may be sensitive because their diaper is rubbing up against their skin. Those that are sensitive to chemicals may find that disposable diapers that contain chemicals or fragrances increase this risk, but some detergents used to wash cloth diapers could cause diaper rash as well. Lotions or powders may also irritate the skin and cause a rash.

2. Moisture and Bacteria
All diapers leave some level of moisture on your child’s skin. If this moisture mixes with bacteria from the stool it can form ammonia which can cause diaper rash. Those that are prone to Diarrhea or frequent bowel movements and those that are left for long periods of time without changing are more susceptible to irritation.

Because the area inside the diaper is moist and warm it is easy for bacteria to grow here. This can increase the risk of a Yeast Infection developing between the folds of your child’s skin which may cause diaper rash.

3. Introduction of New Food
Some children are more prone to diaper rash after they are introduced to new food. Fruit juice or strawberries amongst other foods are known to increase the risk of diaper rash in some children. The increase in bowel movements that comes with starting solid foods can also increase the risk of diaper rash. Some children may develop a rash while breastfeeding if they react poorly to a food their mother has consumed.

4. Antibiotics
Antibiotics could cause yeast infections in a child by reducing the number of healthy bacteria in your child’s system. This can cause an increase in diarrhea which will in turn cause an increase in diaper rash.

Symptoms of Diaper Rash
You may notice that your child appears to be uncomfortable as diaper rash takes hold, particularly when their diaper is changes. Those with a rash may cry or fuss more often as the area where the diaper sits is touched or washed. The skin affected by diaper rash may appear puffy, tender and red. This rash can appear around the genitals, buttocks or thighs.

When to See a Doctor
Diaper rash can usually be treated at home and should improve within a few days of this treatment. However, if home treatments such as increased diaper changes or the application of ointment does not improve the condition you should talk to your doctor to ensure your child does not develop a secondary rash. You should also contact your doctor if the rash is very severe or becomes worse with treatment. Talk to your doctor right away if your child has a fever, weeping discharge or pus, unusual sleepiness, boils, blisters or a rash that extends past the diaper area.

Treatments of Diaper Rash

  • If your child is experiencing diaper rash work to keep them clean and dry by changing their diaper more frequently. You may need to wake them in the night for extra changes.

  • Be sure to rinse the area beneath the diaper with each change and avoid using wipes with fragrance or that contain alcohol.

  • Then pat your child’s skin dry instead of rubbing to avoid further irritation.

  • An ointment can provide a protective barrier on the skin that can prevent irritation from urine or stool.

  • Petroleum jelly or ointment, lanolin, nonpetroleum jelly or white zinc oxide are all helpful options.

  • Allowing your child’s skin to breathe can help cut down on a rash.

  • Buy a different brand of disposable diapers if you notice your child gets rashes frequently, or trying buying extra absorbent diapers or those in a larger size to see if this improves their condition.

  • Place plastic sheets on the bed and allow them to sleep without a diaper when they have a rash.

  • You can also allow them to play outdoors or in a room with a floor that is easy to clean without a diaper.

Watch a video for how to cure diaper rash on a baby:

How to Prevent Diaper Rash

  • Diaper rash can be prevented with a bit of extra care. Work to keep your child’s bottom dry with frequent changes or changing the diaper as quickly as possible after it becomes wet.

  • With each change work to clean the genital area thoroughly and pat the skin dry. Never rub the skin, as this can cause irritation.

  • Children that are prone to diaper rash may benefit from having ointment applied with each diaper change.

  • Do not use talcum powder as this is harmful to your child’s lungs. Cornstarch powder can be used if you shake it into your hand away from the child and then gently pat it onto their skin. Keep the container away from your child at all times and make sure powder is not accumulating in the folds of their skin.

  • Secure the diaper loosely so air can circulate on their bottom and dress the child in loose fitting clothing. If you use cloth diapers, use detergent for sensitive skin that has no fragrance and avoid using fabric softener.

  • Double rinsing the diapers or adding a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle can help to remove residue that could cause irritation. If your child attends daycare make sure their caregivers know what measures are necessary to prevent diaper rash on your baby’s skin.

  • Breastfeed for as long as possible to increase your child’s resistance to infection. This cuts down on their need for antibiotics which can cause diaper rash.

  • If your child requires antibiotics, ask if they will need a probiotic as well to ensure that a healthy amount of good bacteria will remain in their system.

  • When your child moves to solid foods, introduce foods one at a time so you can eliminate foods that cause irritation from their diet.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Diaper Rash

Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is the skin inflammation that occurs in infants marked by skin irritation. The main cause for diaper rash is moisture caused by urine and fecal particles. It can be the outcome of bacterial or fungal infection. At some point of time in life every infant will get diaper rash. It is the common inflammation or dermatitis that causes reddening of skin with irritation. Sometimes diaper rash can be caused when the breastfeeding mothers take antibiotics or when solid foods are included in the baby’s diet.

Causes :

Some of the major causes of diaper rash is given below :-

Frequent Wetting :

The baby is prone to retain urine and feces in the diaper for long time causing irritation on the skin. When the skin is in touch with excess of moisture for long duration it would cause inflammation of the skin known as diaper rash. Prolonged exposure of the baby’s skin to urine and feces will cause irritation. The symptoms will worsen if the baby gets frequent bowel movements and the fecal particles cause more irritation than urine.

Bottle Feeding :

It is true that breastfed babies will get few diaper rashes when compared with bottle fed babies. The mother’s milk will produce only small volume of stools and cause no irritation to the skin.

New Solid Foods :

When the baby is introduced with solid foods it will automatically change the content of stools. Hence any change in baby’s diet will increase the number of stools causing diaper rash.

Plastic and Tight Fitting Diapers :

Diaper that are tight fitting will cause consistent friction and rubbing on the skin. Plastic diapers will not absorb moisture like that of cotton ones causing more irritation.

Underlying Medical Issues :

If the baby is already having skin problems like eczema or dermatitis he is more likely to develop diaper rash.

New Product :

Using new brand of diapers, using new fabric or detergent that contains harsh chemicals can irritate the delicate skin of your baby. Even poor quality baby powder and lotions can cause this problem leading to diaper rash.

Antibiotics :

When the mother takes antibiotics for some reason it will disturb the balance of yeast and bacteria causing skin irritation.

Bacterial Infection :

Since the diaper area is always wet, it gives room for bacteria and other microorganisms to thrive well. It can cause Skin Rashes which occur on the skin folds with red spots. Apart from the buttocks region it will also spread on the baby’s genitals and thigh region causing more irritation. In severe cases, pus filled blisters and red bumps are found on the baby’s skin.

Symptoms :

Reddening of the skin and tiny bumps are the major signs of diaper rash found in buttocks, thighs and genitals. The affected skin will be tender and the folds of the skin are not affected. Frequent crying of the baby, intense crying while changing the diapers and red puffy skin are the symptoms of diaper rash. Very often, diaper rashes are seen on infants 1-2 years.

Tests :

Diaper rash can be identified easily by the above symptoms. No tests are required separately.

Treatment :

Before visiting your doctor you can apply mild hydrocortisone cream on the affected skin. Keep the diaper area clean and moisture-free so that your baby gets less chance for developing rashes.

In case of bacterial or fungal infection, your doctor may prescribe antifungal ointment. For severe cases with itchy bumps oral antibiotics along with topical creams are effective. Remember that diaper rash will not get settled within a day or two, since it may take more time to resolve. It can recur on the same place if the skin is kept moist for long time.

Home Remedies :

Over the counter diaper rash creams like balmex or desitin can be applied over the affected area. Zinc oxide paste is also effective in clearing the rashes. You need to apply the cream liberally on the area throughout the day for soothing effect on the skin.

When the baby is having rash, allow free air to circulate on his bottom area. Let your baby remain without diaper for one or two days or until the irritation caused by rash completely cures. Do not apply tight fitting diapers and use only cotton branded products. Using large sized diapers can help the child to avoid irritation.

Pictures of Diaper Rash :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Diaper Rash

Diaper Rash Diaper Rash Diaper Rash Diaper Rash

Prevention :

You can prevent diaper rash by simply washing the baby’s bottom with clean water and allowing it to dry without scrubbing. Change diapers frequently and do not leave them with solid stools for long time. Never use diapers that are scented or contain alcohol since it can worsen the symptoms.

The best way to prevent diaper rash is leaving the child without a diaper more time. Wash your hands thoroughly after changing diapers since bacteria can spread through your hands also. If your baby gets diaper rashes frequently then continue using the ointment while changing every time. You can use zinc oxide liberally on the skin to prevent getting rash again.

Diaper Rash – Causes, Remedies, Treatment, Symptoms

Diaper Rash – Causes, Remedies, Treatment, Symptoms

What exactly is Diaper rash?

This is the common name for an inflammation of the skin known as dermatitis which develops as a mix of red which is bright on the skin of the baby’s bottom.

This rash is normally associated with constantly being wet or diapers which are changed only occasionally, the use of plastic pants over the diapers as well as Diarrhea. Rash with diaper can as well develop when solid foods have been added to the baby’s diet, when mother who are breast-feeding eat definite foods or when the baby is on antibiotics.

This rash often alarm the parents as well as being very annoying for the babies, but cases of diaper rash normally can be resolute with at-home simple treatments.

Diaper Rash Symptoms

Rash caused by diaper is distinguished by the below:

Signs on skin
Diaper rash is characterized by puffy, red and skin which is tender-looking in the region of the diaper – thighs, genitals, as well as buttocks.

Disposition of baby changes
You might notice the baby seems more fussy than normal, especially during changes of the diaper. A baby in the midst of a rash in the diaper area usually cries or fusses when this area is touched or washed.

Diaper rashes may occur intermittently, especially when the child is in diapers, but these rashes are most frequently in those babies during the first fifteen months – particularly between the ages of 8 to 10 months.

The diaper rash is normally very easy to treat and should show improvements in a few days after beginning home treatments. But if this rash does not get better after a few days of home management with OTC cream or ointment as well as more frequent changing of the diapers, the mother should talk to the baby’s doctor. Often, diaper rashes can lead to infections which are secondary and may need prescription medications for treatment.

The child needs to be seen by the doctor if:

  • Rash worsens despite home treatment

  • Rash is severe

In addition, see the baby’s physician if the diaper rash develops along with the following:

  • Boils or blisters

  • Fever

  • Rash which expands outside the area of the diaper

  • Weeping discharge or pus

Diaper Rash Causes

The reasons for diaper rash development can be caused by numerous factors, including:

You're reading Diaper Rash – Causes, Remedies, Treatment, Symptoms posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Stool and urine irritation
Exposure to urine or feces will irritate a baby’s skin which is sensitive. A baby is much more susceptible to rashes if he/she is having numerous bowel movements since feces are much more annoying than urine

New food introductions
When babies begin eating solid foods, usually 4 to 12 months, and the substance of the stools will change, increasing the chances of diaper rashes. Modification in the diet will also boost the number of stools, which will also cause diaper rashes. If the mother is breast-feeding, the baby can develop rashes because of something the mother has eaten, for example foods which are tomato based.

Yeast or bacteria infection
What often begins as an uncomplicated infection of the skin can extend to the surrounding region. The thighs, genitals, and buttocks are especially susceptible since that area is moist as well as warm, making a great reproduction ground for yeast as well as bacteria.

Skin which is sensitive
Those babies with conditions of the skin, such as eczema or atopic dermatitis, are more apt to develop diaper rashes. But, the skin which is irritated by eczema or atopic dermatitis is in areas beyond the area of the diaper.

Rubbing and chafing
Clothing or diapers which are tight fitting and that rub against the skin may lead to rashes.

Since antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria, the right balance of good bacteria can be disrupted causing Yeast Infections to occur. This can happen not only when the babies take antibiotics but when breast feeding, also the mother.

Diaper Rash Treatment

The best treatment for diaper rash is to keep the baby’s skin clean and dry. If your baby’s rash persists during home treatment, you physician can prescribe:

  • An antifungal cream

  • A mild hydrocortisone cream

Only use ointment or creams containing steroids if your baby’s pediatrician or dermatologist advocates them – steroids which are strong or used frequently can lead to additional problems.

Diaper rashes normally require several days to start improving and they can continue for weeks. If this rash continues in spite of treatment with prescription medications, the doctor may refer your baby to a dermatologist.