Showing posts with label Yeast Infection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yeast Infection. Show all posts

Saturday, July 01, 2017

Yogurt for Yeast Infection

Yogurt for Yeast Infection Yeast infections are a common and annoying problem that often forces people to seek medical attention. The fungus, Candida albicans, is the culprit of this infection. Yeast infections are the result of an imbalance of the body’s acid levels, antibiotic use, diet, Diabetes and environmental factors. Knowing home remedies, including using yogurt for yeast infection, is the perfect way to deal with this common infection.

Yogurt for Yeast Infection
1. Why is yogurt effective in treating yeast infection?
Yogurt is an effective and potent natural approach for treating yeast infections. When the normal acidic balance is upset (pH), yeast thrives and grows. Yeast and bacteria do not like acid and restoring this natural balance is one of the mechanisms by which yogurt works.

The natural bacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus, is friendly to the body and found inside the intestinal tract and vagina. This bacteria interacts with sugar found in the diet and actually attacks the yeast. The bacterial action on sugar generates hydrogen peroxide through the chemical process known as fermentation.

So by restoring the pH levels and generating hydrogen peroxide, yogurt provides a powerful weapon against yeast infections.

2. How to use yogurt for yeast infection
Yogurt is a popular food item and can be used both inside and outside the body to effectively treat yeast infections.

Internal use

Eating yogurt on a daily basis is healthy and keeps the acid balance in check. When faced with yeast infection, increase your consumption and add some yogurt to every meal. This will help destroy the Candida yeast inside the intestines and also other parts of the body. The intestines are repopulated with a healthy supply of Lactobacillus and the body’s natural pH restored.

External use

Yeast loves to grow anywhere with increased moisture, humidity and warmth. Common locations are between the toes, skin folds, vagina and between the butt cheeks and underarms.

  • Apply a generous coating of yogurt to any affected area and leave on for at least an hour. Then wipe it off. Repeat this process three times a day for one week and your symptoms should be cured. More stubborn and serious infections can benefit from leaving the yogurt on overnight.

The vagina and groin region can be particularly stubborn, you can also try:

  • Place unsweetened plain yogurt in the freezer until firm and nearly frozen. Then dip a tampon into the yogurt coating it thoroughly and insert it into the vagina before bed. Remove in the morning and rinse off. Follow the additional steps in the external use section for complete relief. Be sure to rub the labia completely and rub some additional yogurt into the vaginal opening. Wash off in the morning and dry thoroughly.

3. What kind of yogurt to use
Either store-bought or homemade yogurt work well. Make sure to buy the unsweetened and unflavored variety. Added sugar would only compound the problem. Make sure to read the label and select only those with live active cultures of Lactobacillus. This is essential.

4. How much yogurt to use
A general rule of thumb is to eat a small bowl or one serving sized container from the grocery store at least once a day. Increase your intake when battling a yeast infection. Yogurt is a healthy food and overdoing it when treating an infection is unlikely. When applying to the skin, make sure to completely cover the area so that a thick layer is present. Make sure to go beyond the boundary of any skin redness, as this is the outer zone where fungus is still growing.

More Home Remedies for Yeast Infection
1. Garlic
This natural food has many potent and positive health benefits. Garlic possesses antifungal properties and is excellent at combating yeast infections. Include 2-3 cloves of garlic in a meal or gently rub garlic on the affected area. For severely affected areas that may be open or raw, wrap minced or chopped garlic in a cheesecloth and gently dab the area.

2. Tea tree oil
This too is a potent natural antifungal agent. Try applying a few drops on a tampon and inserting for 30 minutes to one hour. You can also dab tea tree oil on other affected areas.

3. Apple cider vinegar
This works by restoring the natural acid balance in the body and also has antifungal properties. Add one cup to a warm bath and soak for at least 20 minutes. Make sure to dry the vaginal and any other areas thoroughly after bathing.

4. Cranberries
Both unsweetened cranberry juice and cranberry pills are potently acidic and inhibit the growth of yeast and bacteria. Add a glass to your morning meal to combat yeast infections. When taking antibiotics, adding cranberry juice or pills can even help prevent the start of a yeast infection.

Male Yeast Infection

Male Yeast Infection Yeast infections are a common health concern for women, but it is possible for men to develop a yeast infection, too. Often, men have no idea they have an infection until their partner is affected. They can transmit the infection to their partners or become infected from their partners when the infection travels up the exposed urethra after intercourse. Understanding the causes as well some useful remedies for male yeast infection can help to improve your health as well as love life.

Causes and Symptoms of Male Yeast Infection
There are several ways a yeast infection can develop. Drinking beer brings yeast into the body, which can trigger an infection. The infection does not become problematic until it is transferred to a female partner (the warmer environment in vagina makes the symptoms easier to develop) and then passed back to the male. At this point the infection can travel to the prostate and trigger unpleasant symptoms, such as swelling. A woman can also be the originator of the infection and pass it to her partner.

Other causes of a male yeast infection include consumption of wheat, peanuts, corn, or antibiotics.

Some of the symptoms of a male yeast infection mimic those of sexually transmitted diseases, so it is important to consult your doctor to rule out a serious problem. See your doctor if you experience Constipation, bloating, bad breath, frequent intestinal gas, frequent Diarrhea, indigestion, very loose stools, irritability, mood swings, fatigue or lack of energy, memory loss, Jock Itch, dry, itchy and flaky skin, athletes feet, sexual dysfunction, or prostate problems.

Treatments for Male Yeast Infection
One of the most important things you can do to treat a male yeast infection and prevent future infections is to keep the genital area dry and clean. Wash the genitals several times a day with water and dry with a clean towel before applying medication. Certain kinds of soap can trigger an infection, so use plain water for washing or speak with your doctor about appropriate alternatives to your usual soap or shower gel. Be sure clothing, especially undergarments, are completely dry before wearing. Loose clothing is better during yeast infection treatment and for preventing future flare-ups.

Try Medications

  • Prescription Drugs

These are most effective for treating a yeast infection. The two most common prescriptions include Nizoral and Diflucan. Unfortunately, Nizorel can effect a person's liver and reduce the body's ability to product testosterone, so you might want to speak with your doctor about an alternative with fewer side effects.

There are also over the counter medications that can help treat a male yeast infection. Over the counter products intended to treat female yeast infections can also be effective for men. If symptoms persist or the infection recurs, you will need to contact your doctor. Stubborn, recurrent yeast infections can be a sign of a more serious medical problem, such as Diabetes.

  • Topical Antifungals & Oral Medications

One of the most popular treatments for a yeast infection is Monistat cream. It is an antifungal cream used to treat female yeast infections. Other options include Lamisil, Micatin, and Lotrimin. Vagisil cream can help relieve the symptoms associated with a yeast infection, but might not completely eliminate the infection. Oral antifungal medications can be used in conjunction with symptom-reducing topical products.

Try Herbal Remedies
Herbal remedies can also provide relief from male yeast infections. Gentian violet has antifungal properties and can be applied topically. Organic coconut oil is another effective treatment and can also be used as a natural lubricant during intercourse, preventing infections from transferring or recurring. The oil can also be taken orally (1 tablespoon or 2 one day) to further enhance its benefits. Finally, organic oregano oil can be mixed with water and drunk to flush the urinary system from the inside out.

Refrain from Having Sex
If you or your partner is showing any signs of a yeast infection, you should avoid intercourse. Sex makes both partners vulnerable and makes it easy to transfer infection from person to person. For most couples, if one partner has a yeast infection and unprotected sex occurs, it is highly likely both partners will become infected. It is safer to avoid intercourse until both partners are completely free of symptoms.

Keep a Healthy Diet
The foods you eat can help you avoid a yeast infection. Furthermore, your diet should be altered when infected to enhance treatment. The Candida Diet cuts down on yeast and helps your body heal and fight harmful bacteria. This diet relies heavily on vegetables, such as cucumber, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and kale. These strengthen the immune system and are very low in sugar. Avoid products containing a great deal of sugar, such as pastries, cakes, cookies, and chocolates. Fresh and dried fruit can also be problematic when yeast is a problem, as can bread, oats, pasta, and processed meats. Finally, avoid beer and wine because alcohol promotes yeast growth.

Try Vinegar
Vinegar is another effective tool for combating a yeast infection. The yeast infection medication Monistat can be combined with a few drops of white vinegar to create a potent topical medication that relieves symptoms and cures infection. Organic, unprocessed apple cider vinegar also has antifungal properties and enzymes that control yeast growth. Drinking a glass of water with a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar each day can help you combat a male yeast infection.

Try Garlic
Garlic is loaded with antifungal properties and can be a very effective method for treating a male yeast infection. Simply add four cloves to a meal (try steaming some of the veggies listed above) and enjoy. Adding garlic to tea can also help (preferably 2 to 3 cups a day). Garlic can be used topically, as well. Rub a clove of garlic on the affected area of the genitals for approximately a week until symptoms ease.

Have Some Lemon Juice and Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is great for preventing a yeast infection from turning into a bladder infection. Drink two glasses of unsweetened, pure cranberry juice each day to restore good bacteria to your system. Lemon juice contains vitamin C and helps balance pH levels in the body. Many consider pH balance the key to treating and preventing yeast infections. Lemon juice can also be applied topically to the affected area.

Use Aloe Vero Gel, Honey, and Tea Tree Oil
These three treatments are natural, inexpensive, and help to relieve the symptoms associated with a yeast infection. Aloe vera gel contains antifungal properties and soothes the itching associated with an infection. Honey, though high in sugar, helps restore pH balance to the body. Honey can be applied topically, but it is important to wash and dry the affected area after it sits for about 20 minutes. Finally, tea tree oil is one of the world's most popular natural antifungal treatments. It should be diluted with a base oil and applied to the affected area with a cotton swab.

Monday, March 06, 2017

Home Remedies For Yeast Infection

Home Remedies For Yeast Infection

Every woman would have had vaginal yeast infection at some point of her life. Vaginal yeast infection is known as Candidiasis in medical terms since it is caused by Candida fungus. Symptoms of yeast infection are severe itching, redness of vagina, abnormal vaginal discharge of white or cottage cheese color and irritation. Hundreds of bacteria and yeast dwell on the vagina and when its natural balance gets disturbed due to any reason, it can cause yeast infection. Several factors like Stress, lack of sleep, pregnancy, weakened immunity, taking antibiotics, eating lot of sugar products, and fluctuating hormones can cause yeast infection. In rare cases candidiasis spreads through sexual contact.

Candida yeast lives in your vagina and its growth is monitored by lactobacillus bacteria. But certain factors can favor excessive growth of yeast leading to yeast infection. In rare cases yeast infection can spread through sexual contact. Under normal condition yeast lives in the vagina with controlled number. But factors like stress, increased sugar intake or taking antibiotics can disturb this balance causing overgrowth of yeast. The risk of yeast infection is high during a week before your menstrual period starts due to change in hormone levels. Frequent douching can also destroy good bacteria leading to overgrowth of yeast. Often no treatment is necessary for vaginal yeast infection since it will fade away within few days or a week.

Home Remedies For Yeast Infection :

Over The Counter Probiotics :

Plenty of probiotics like Provacare vaginal care ovules, HMF candigen suppositories, probiotic florall and probiotic rephresh etc are available. Once you take this probiotics it would increase the growth of good bacteria which in turn would restore the yeast level. You can insert the suppository into the vagina before going to bed and it may take few days or a week to regain the original level of yeast and bacteria.

Baking Soda :

Add a fistful of baking soda in your bathtub and soak your body for 20-30 minutes. This simple remedy will give excellent relief from itching and irritation of the vagina.

Yogurt :

Yogurt is known for treating inflammation and restoring acidic balance. You can apply yogurt (fragrance free) in and around the vagina and leave it overnight. You can also eat yogurt (unflavored) to get the same result. Yogurt contains natural bacteria in the form of Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Antifungal Medications :

Over the counter antifungal cream and suppositories can be obtained without a prescription. Three days or seven days options are available. Follow the instructions given in the label and with the help of applicator apply antifungal cream or suppositories into the vagina.

Coconut Oil :

Coconut oil is a natural remedy for controlling itching and irritation of the skin. You can apply coconut oil liberally on the affected area several times a day which would be absorbed into the skin within few minutes.

Vinegar :

Apple cider vinegar has antifungal property to treat yeast infection. Add 2 tsp of vinegar with lukewarm water and drink this solution. Alternatively you can soak yourself in the tub containing apple cider vinegar solution. You can apply this directly on the affected vagina and allow it to dry before washing.

Garlic :

Garlic is enriched with antibacterial and antifungal contents and is an effective home remedy for several kinds of skin problems. Crush few pods of garlic to make a paste and apply it in and around the vagina. In case you don’t like the smell of garlic you can take garlic tablets (twice) daily. Alternatively you can mix garlic paste with little coconut oil for getting quick relief.

Cranberry Juice :

Cranberry juice can be taken daily to get rid of irritation and burning sensation of the vagina. It can fight and destroy excess of yeast and is an effective remedy for urinary tract infection also. You can also take cranberry tablets daily to get the same effect.

Home Remedies For Yeast Infection

Tea Tree Oil :

Mix few drops of tea tree oil with plain water or with olive oil for diluting it. Now apply this solution directly in and around your vagina. Do this several times a day. You can also soak a tampon with tea tree oil and insert it into the vagina and leave for couple of hours.

Oregano Oil :

Oregano oil can be diluted with water and applied on the vagina or you can take it in the form of tablets two times each day.

Calendula :

This herb is a natural antifungal agent for treating yeast infection. Crush fresh leaves of calendula and apply this on the infected area. Calendula can also be obtained in the form of cream from the medical stores.

Boric Acid :

Boric acid is available in the form of cream and as suppositories. All you have to do is to insert this into the vagina and go to sleep. Boric acid is an effective remedy for treating yeast infection. Alternatively, you can dilute boric acid solution and apply it directly on the affected skin. You need to repeat this remedy for at least a week to destroy the fungus completely. Pregnant women should not use this remedy.

A Word Of Caution :

Home remedies given above are for healthy women. If you have severe yeast infection it is better to consult your GP promptly. Home remedies can be effective for some people and not for others. You can always use antifungal suppositories for treating yeast infection.

Yeast Infection Prevention Tips :

  • Avoid changing brands of tampons or pads and do not use strong deodorants in private parts.

  • Wear right fitting pants or tights or pantyhose made of cotton.

  • Avoid staying in wet clothing for long since it can increase the risk of infection.

  • Take yogurt daily for maintaining normal balance of bacteria and yeast.

  • Eat nutritious diet and avoid oily and spicy foods.

  • Avoid douching and sitting in hot tubs for long periods.

  • Change your underwear regularly.

  • Maintain good hygiene while having periods.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Yogurt for Yeast Infection

Yogurt for Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are a common and annoying problem that often forces people to seek medical attention. The fungus, Candida albicans, is the culprit of this infection. Yeast infections are the result of an imbalance of the body’s acid levels, antibiotic use, diet, Diabetes and environmental factors. Knowing home remedies, including using yogurt for yeast infection, is the perfect way to deal with this common infection.

Yogurt for Yeast Infection
1. Why is yogurt effective in treating yeast infection?
Yogurt is an effective and potent natural approach for treating yeast infections. When the normal acidic balance is upset (pH), yeast thrives and grows. Yeast and bacteria do not like acid and restoring this natural balance is one of the mechanisms by which yogurt works.

The natural bacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus, is friendly to the body and found inside the intestinal tract and vagina. This bacteria interacts with sugar found in the diet and actually attacks the yeast. The bacterial action on sugar generates hydrogen peroxide through the chemical process known as fermentation.

So by restoring the pH levels and generating hydrogen peroxide, yogurt provides a powerful weapon against yeast infections.

2. How to use yogurt for yeast infection
Yogurt is a popular food item and can be used both inside and outside the body to effectively treat yeast infections.

Internal use

Eating yogurt on a daily basis is healthy and keeps the acid balance in check. When faced with yeast infection, increase your consumption and add some yogurt to every meal. This will help destroy the Candida yeast inside the intestines and also other parts of the body. The intestines are repopulated with a healthy supply of Lactobacillus and the body’s natural pH restored.

External use

Yeast loves to grow anywhere with increased moisture, humidity and warmth. Common locations are between the toes, skin folds, vagina and between the butt cheeks and underarms.

  • Apply a generous coating of yogurt to any affected area and leave on for at least an hour. Then wipe it off. Repeat this process three times a day for one week and your symptoms should be cured. More stubborn and serious infections can benefit from leaving the yogurt on overnight.

The vagina and groin region can be particularly stubborn, you can also try:

  • Place unsweetened plain yogurt in the freezer until firm and nearly frozen. Then dip a tampon into the yogurt coating it thoroughly and insert it into the vagina before bed. Remove in the morning and rinse off. Follow the additional steps in the external use section for complete relief. Be sure to rub the labia completely and rub some additional yogurt into the vaginal opening. Wash off in the morning and dry thoroughly.

3. What kind of yogurt to use
Either store-bought or homemade yogurt work well. Make sure to buy the unsweetened and unflavored variety. Added sugar would only compound the problem. Make sure to read the label and select only those with live active cultures of Lactobacillus. This is essential.

4. How much yogurt to use
A general rule of thumb is to eat a small bowl or one serving sized container from the grocery store at least once a day. Increase your intake when battling a yeast infection. Yogurt is a healthy food and overdoing it when treating an infection is unlikely. When applying to the skin, make sure to completely cover the area so that a thick layer is present. Make sure to go beyond the boundary of any skin redness, as this is the outer zone where fungus is still growing.

More Home Remedies for Yeast Infection
1. Garlic
This natural food has many potent and positive health benefits. Garlic possesses antifungal properties and is excellent at combating yeast infections. Include 2-3 cloves of garlic in a meal or gently rub garlic on the affected area. For severely affected areas that may be open or raw, wrap minced or chopped garlic in a cheesecloth and gently dab the area.

2. Tea tree oil
This too is a potent natural antifungal agent. Try applying a few drops on a tampon and inserting for 30 minutes to one hour. You can also dab tea tree oil on other affected areas.

3. Apple cider vinegar
This works by restoring the natural acid balance in the body and also has antifungal properties. Add one cup to a warm bath and soak for at least 20 minutes. Make sure to dry the vaginal and any other areas thoroughly after bathing.

4. Cranberries
Both unsweetened cranberry juice and cranberry pills are potently acidic and inhibit the growth of yeast and bacteria. Add a glass to your morning meal to combat yeast infections. When taking antibiotics, adding cranberry juice or pills can even help prevent the start of a yeast infection.

Yeast Infection Cures

Yeast Infection Cures

Vaginal yeast infections are fairly common. Research and statistics suggest that almost 75% women of reproductive age group experience at least one episode of vaginal yeast infection in entire lifetime. The classic symptoms of yeast infections are feeling of itchiness in vagina, thick curd like vaginal discharge and persistent irritation that does not resolve with scratching. Management of yeast infection is simple and rests mainly on lifestyle modification, unless infection is chronic, refractory to medical management or recurrent infections.

3 Steps to Cure Yeast Infection
Home Remedies

  • Yeast-free Diet.
    Diet and nutrition plays a very important role in the management of yeast infection. A lot of diets either supply nutrients that are required for the growth of yeast or create an ideal environment for the production or spread of this pathogen. Diets that are laden with sugars often play a contributory role in the development of yeast infection. Restrict or totally eliminate the intake of nutrients like processed or refined sugars (white flour, bakery items, cookies and sugars), fermented foods (like miso, yogurt, vinegar or anything that contains vinegar like salad dressings), foods that contain yeast like pizza, bread or other similar items. Likewise, it is also recommended to avoid foods that generate sugar as part of the fermentation or metabolism like beer, wine or heavy corn syrup. Most people recover within a week just be proper dietary restriction.

  • Calendula.
    Calendula is a beauty-care ingredient that is found in most facial care products. However, if it is consumed orally, it can also eliminate yeast infection. Most healthcare providers also advice the tincture forms to manage maternal yeast infections (especially along breast tissue) in the first few weeks post delivery.
  • Palmarosa Oil. Combining palmarosa oil to tea tree oil (in a ratio of 2:1) in a traditional anti- fungal cream can increase the efficacy of the cream several folds. It can also be used as a useful remedy to manage the asymptomatic carriers of infection.
  • Tea Tree Oil. Tea tree oil is available widely in a variety of formulations. For best results, tea tree oil suppository is the best remedy that can manage yeast fungal infection. You can use it twice a day to achieve early and fruitful results.
  • Supplements. Nutritional supplements (especially multi- vitamin and mineral supplements) are very useful in controlling and preventing recurrent chronic infections. Yeast infections are mainly classified as opportunistic in nature, since people with compromised immunity mostly develop these infections. Make sure to consume supplements that contain ginseng, vitamin B complex, vitamin C and Carotenoids in addition to zinc and magnesium to minimize the risk of developing recurrent infections.

Here is an additional video link that may help in guiding you more about optimal management options for natural treatment of yeast infection.

Medical Options

  • Most uncomplicated yeast infections respond to non- aggressive short course of topical antifungal ointments and medications. If you have developed mild yeast vaginal infection for the first time, your doctor will advice you a 3- day course of anti- fungal medications (most popular ones are azole antifungals). This includes suppository, ointments and oral therapy. Likewise, you may also receive just one- time dose of Diflucan or fluconazole. When you are on topical antifungals, the patency of condoms or vaginal diaphragms may not be 100% (so maintain extra caution to prevent an unwanted pregnancy).
  • If the yeast infection is severe, recurrent and associated with a more aggressive course, your healthcare provider may advice you a more intense course (that includes topical antifungal, oral medications and suppositories) for a period of at least 14 days.
  • Other possible options include a combination therapy with high quality antifungal medications (like fluconazole); however, this therapy is neither indicated nor considered safe for pregnant woman.
  • After the completion of initial aggressive course of treatment, your doctor will assess and confirm that infection has been treated. In complicated yeast infections, healthcare providers often advice a maintenance therapy for a period of 6 months followed by periodic visitation and testing to confirm the infection has not recurred. Fluconazole given once a week is the maintenance therapy for chronic cases. You may also use clotrimazole suppository for 6 months (once weekly) as a substitute for oral therapy.

Preventive Measures

  • Maintain optimal hygiene of vaginal area and avoid using perfumes or scents (in the form of douche or sprays) to prevent irritation. Change your sanitary pads and tampons periodically.
  • Always wipe you’re your anus from front to back to avoid populating fecal flora or pathogens to your vagina or urethra.
  • Avoid tight fitted under clothing and irritating silk- like material (use cotton undergarments that are loose and comfortable).
  • Avoid wearing tight jeans or panty hoses for long hours. Likewise avoid wearing wet clothing (like swim suits for long) due to high risk of increasing moisture and warmth in your vaginal area (that serves as a perfect harboring environment for yeast).
  • Always use unscented soaps and mild water to clean your vaginal area. Keep it dry using clean towel

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Recurring Yeast Infections

Recurring Yeast Infections

A vaginal yeast infection is a fungal infection that causes irritation, increased discharge, strong odors, and an intense itchiness of the vulva, and vagina. It's a type of vaginitis, or inflammation of the vagina, and infections occur when there are too many bacteria and yeast. If you have the infections, four or more within a year, you might need a maintenance plan and a longer treatment course.

Why Do You Have Recurring Yeast Infections?
1. The Genetic Link
Candida albicans is a fungal pathogen, and it is the fungus most responsible for vaginal yeast infections. The immune response in healthy individuals will usually clear up infections, but a compromised immune system causes a significant increase in the risk for Candida infections. Genetic mutations might make some women more susceptible to Candida albicans because these genetic defects can’t create key proteins to make that defense possible.

2. Balanitis
Balanitis (yeast infection in men) is an inflammation of the foreskin and head of the penis. Balanitis generally affects uncircumcised males, and the foreskin and head become red and inflamed. The condition is often the result of Candida albicans, the same organism that causes women vaginal yeast infections. Even when a woman’s yeast infection clears up, her partner can re-infect her.

3. Are You Pregnant?
It is believed that higher glycogen and higher estrogen levels in vaginal secretions during pregnancy increase a woman’s risk of developing a yeast infection. As a result of these hormonal changes, the vaginal secretions of pregnant women contain more glucose, which can feed the Candida albicans and create an overabundant growth of yeast cells. The higher amounts of hormones can kill off more of the good bacteria that keep yeast infections in check.

4. Panty Liners Make It Worse
The use of skin-occlusive products such as panty liners, especially scented liners, is known to raise skin pH and is associated with skin infections of Candida albicans. Women who are prone to recurring yeast infections shouldn’t use panty liners because they can prevent air flow and trap moisture, creating the kind of conditions that will promote yeast cell growth and make it worse.

5. Your Immune System
A weakened immune system resulting from disease, or use of corticosteroids that suppress the immune system might make you more susceptible to yeast infections. Women taking antibiotics might develop a yeast infection because the antibiotics kill the good bacteria then allow Candida albicans to grow unabated. Steroids can also make it difficult for your immune system to fight against a yeast infection, because they counteract the inflammation that is a necessary for an immune response.

6. Approaching Menopause?
Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina that can result in discharge, itching and pain, and vaginitis can result from reduced estrogen levels during the years leading up to and including menopause. Reduced estrogen levels may cause an imbalance in your vaginal bacteria, which may encourage Candida growth. However, if you’re past menopause, the irritation and itch that feel like a yeast infection might be a symptom of something more serious.

What Can You Do to Treat It?
Treatment of a recurring yeast infection is typically with the help of antifungal medications called azoles. These medications can be purchased over-the-counter or by prescription in higher concentrations through your health care provider, and come in various forms, such as suppositories, medicated tampons, and vaginal creams. The medications might include:

  • Monistat (miconazole)

  • Terazol (terconazole)

  • Gyne-Lotrimin (clotrimazole)

  • Gynazole (butoconazole)

  • Vagistat (tioconazole)

The vaginal therapy lasts one to seven days, depending on the product. These treatments are effective if your yeast infections are caused by C. albicans. However, some infections are caused by other Candida species, such as C. glabrata, which may require treatment with a Mycostatin (nystatin) tablet or vaginal cream, a vaginal gel containing flucytosine and the antifungal amphotericin B, or other treatment.

How to Prevent the Recurring Yeast Infections
1. Mind Your Underwear
Avoid synthetic underwear and wear cotton instead, or underwear that has a cotton lining in the crotch. Cotton increases air flow, decreases moisture buildup, and allows more air to reach your genital area and try not wearing underwear at night when you sleep.

2. Avoid Douching and Hot Tubs
Douching may worsen yeast infection symptoms because it removes healthy bacteria that line the vagina and helps protect against infection. Hot tubs can also remove healthy bacteria and contribute to yeast infections in the genital area by encouraging Candida species growth.

3. Avoid Nonoxynol-9
Products containing nonoxynol-9 are used as vaginal spermicides, and are a widely used in condoms. Some medical studies have linked it to an increase in recurring yeast infections. So read your package and throw away all your latex condoms.

4. Avoid Scented Products
Avoid using fragrances, hygiene sprays, or powders in the genital area, and not tampons while you have an infection. Scented products, such as tampons or pads, can also lead to problems with yeast infections. They can upset the balance of your vaginal flora and cause irritation, both of which could lead to a yeast infection.

5. Wipe from Front to Back
Always practice good hygiene when you clean or wipe your vaginal area, it's always best to do it from front to back. Otherwise, you may introduce more bacteria and fungus into your vaginal area, and remember to wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.

6. Keep Dry and Loose
Moisture is your enemy as it relates to yeast infections, because it encourages fungal growth. Therefore, be sure to keep dry and change out of wet bathing suits or sweaty clothes as soon as possible. Tight-fitting clothing is no friend either, because it keeps moisture close to your body. Try to pick clothing that is loose-fitting and allows for air-flow.

Male Yeast Infection

Male Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are a common health concern for women, but it is possible for men to develop a yeast infection, too. Often, men have no idea they have an infection until their partner is affected. They can transmit the infection to their partners or become infected from their partners when the infection travels up the exposed urethra after intercourse. Understanding the causes as well some useful remedies for male yeast infection can help to improve your health as well as love life.

Causes and Symptoms of Male Yeast Infection
There are several ways a yeast infection can develop. Drinking beer brings yeast into the body, which can trigger an infection. The infection does not become problematic until it is transferred to a female partner (the warmer environment in vagina makes the symptoms easier to develop) and then passed back to the male. At this point the infection can travel to the prostate and trigger unpleasant symptoms, such as swelling. A woman can also be the originator of the infection and pass it to her partner.

Other causes of a male yeast infection include consumption of wheat, peanuts, corn, or antibiotics.

Some of the symptoms of a male yeast infection mimic those of sexually transmitted diseases, so it is important to consult your doctor to rule out a serious problem. See your doctor if you experience Constipation, bloating, bad breath, frequent intestinal gas, frequent Diarrhea, indigestion, very loose stools, irritability, mood swings, fatigue or lack of energy, memory loss, Jock Itch, dry, itchy and flaky skin, athletes feet, sexual dysfunction, or prostate problems.

Treatments for Male Yeast Infection
One of the most important things you can do to treat a male yeast infection and prevent future infections is to keep the genital area dry and clean. Wash the genitals several times a day with water and dry with a clean towel before applying medication. Certain kinds of soap can trigger an infection, so use plain water for washing or speak with your doctor about appropriate alternatives to your usual soap or shower gel. Be sure clothing, especially undergarments, are completely dry before wearing. Loose clothing is better during yeast infection treatment and for preventing future flare-ups.

Try Medications

  • Prescription Drugs

These are most effective for treating a yeast infection. The two most common prescriptions include Nizoral and Diflucan. Unfortunately, Nizorel can effect a person's liver and reduce the body's ability to product testosterone, so you might want to speak with your doctor about an alternative with fewer side effects.

There are also over the counter medications that can help treat a male yeast infection. Over the counter products intended to treat female yeast infections can also be effective for men. If symptoms persist or the infection recurs, you will need to contact your doctor. Stubborn, recurrent yeast infections can be a sign of a more serious medical problem, such as diabetes.

  • Topical Antifungals & Oral Medications

One of the most popular treatments for a yeast infection is Monistat cream. It is an antifungal cream used to treat female yeast infections. Other options include Lamisil, Micatin, and Lotrimin. Vagisil cream can help relieve the symptoms associated with a yeast infection, but might not completely eliminate the infection. Oral antifungal medications can be used in conjunction with symptom-reducing topical products.

Try Herbal Remedies
Herbal remedies can also provide relief from male yeast infections. Gentian violet has antifungal properties and can be applied topically. Organic coconut oil is another effective treatment and can also be used as a natural lubricant during intercourse, preventing infections from transferring or recurring. The oil can also be taken orally (1 tablespoon or 2 one day) to further enhance its benefits. Finally, organic oregano oil can be mixed with water and drunk to flush the urinary system from the inside out.

Refrain from Having Sex
If you or your partner is showing any signs of a yeast infection, you should avoid intercourse. Sex makes both partners vulnerable and makes it easy to transfer infection from person to person. For most couples, if one partner has a yeast infection and unprotected sex occurs, it is highly likely both partners will become infected. It is safer to avoid intercourse until both partners are completely free of symptoms.

Keep a Healthy Diet
The foods you eat can help you avoid a yeast infection. Furthermore, your diet should be altered when infected to enhance treatment. The Candida Diet cuts down on yeast and helps your body heal and fight harmful bacteria. This diet relies heavily on vegetables, such as cucumber, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and kale. These strengthen the immune system and are very low in sugar. Avoid products containing a great deal of sugar, such as pastries, cakes, cookies, and chocolates. Fresh and dried fruit can also be problematic when yeast is a problem, as can bread, oats, pasta, and processed meats. Finally, avoid beer and wine because alcohol promotes yeast growth.

Try Vinegar
Vinegar is another effective tool for combating a yeast infection. The yeast infection medication Monistat can be combined with a few drops of white vinegar to create a potent topical medication that relieves symptoms and cures infection. Organic, unprocessed apple cider vinegar also has antifungal properties and enzymes that control yeast growth. Drinking a glass of water with a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar each day can help you combat a male yeast infection.

Try Garlic
Garlic is loaded with antifungal properties and can be a very effective method for treating a male yeast infection. Simply add four cloves to a meal (try steaming some of the veggies listed above) and enjoy. Adding garlic to tea can also help (preferably 2 to 3 cups a day). Garlic can be used topically, as well. Rub a clove of garlic on the affected area of the genitals for approximately a week until symptoms ease.

Have Some Lemon Juice and Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is great for preventing a yeast infection from turning into a bladder infection. Drink two glasses of unsweetened, pure cranberry juice each day to restore good bacteria to your system. Lemon juice contains vitamin C and helps balance pH levels in the body. Many consider pH balance the key to treating and preventing yeast infections. Lemon juice can also be applied topically to the affected area.

Use Aloe Vero Gel, Honey, and Tea Tree Oil
These three treatments are natural, inexpensive, and help to relieve the symptoms associated with a yeast infection. Aloe vera gel contains antifungal properties and soothes the itching associated with an infection. Honey, though high in sugar, helps restore pH balance to the body. Honey can be applied topically, but it is important to wash and dry the affected area after it sits for about 20 minutes. Finally, tea tree oil is one of the world's most popular natural antifungal treatments. It should be diluted with a base oil and applied to the affected area with a cotton swab.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Yeast Infection

Yeast Infection

Yeast infection is caused by a fungus known as Candida and hence it is also called Candidiasis. The infection can develop on mouth, genitals, blood and on skin. This disease is known by different names based on the organs it infects. It produces symptoms like itching and burning sensation and often the yeast infection is contagious. It can be treated by antifungal drugs and topical creams.

Yeast is a type of fungus and yeast infection is caused by Candida. Human body contains some amount of yeast which does not create any symptoms. When it multiples in number (due to certain medical conditions) it can cause itching and pain. Fungus will thrive on moist dark areas like mouth, genitals, and armpits and between the thighs.

Types :

Oral candidiasis or thrush is the name given to yeast infection that develops in the mouth and throat. Vaginitis is the name given to yeast infection affecting vagina. Diaper Rash is the name given to yeast infection that infects baby’s bottom area. When the yeast infection enters the blood it is known as invasive candidiasis.

Symptoms :

Oral Thrush has symptoms like redness, white spots on the mouth, Sore Throat, difficulty in eating and cracks on the lips. It occurs both in infants and aged people and more particular in individuals undergoing chemotherapy. Yeast infection on vagina can cause moderate to severe itching, redness on the vagina, whitish (cottage cheese) like discharge and pain during intercourse. Men also can get yeast infection producing symptoms like irritation and itchiness on the penis along with red rashes. They may feel like burning sensation on the tip of the penis.

Diaper rash is the type of yeast infection in babies that cause red patches on the skin and irritation. In severe cases, it causes fluid filled blisters on the buttocks which can cause flaky skin. Invasive yeast infection can produce symptoms like fever and chills when the fungus enters into the bloodstream. It can weaken the immunity making one prone to many infections.

Causes :

Lowered immune system can cause yeast infection. Every person will have good and bad bacteria in his body. When he takes antibiotics for other diseases it may attack and destroy the “good bacteria” thereby multiplying bad bacteria inside the system. Certain drugs given for suppressing the immunity can also cause yeast infection. Hence increase in volumes of bad bacteria is the major cause for yeast infection.

Any trauma or injury can also cause yeast infection. Increased moisture on the genital areas can cause yeast infection. People undergoing chemotherapy for cancer or any similar methods are likely to get yeast infection on their mouth and throat. Old age and diabetes can increase the risk of getting this infection. Women who are taking prednisone and other cortisone drugs are more prone to get yeast infection than other women.

Who are at risk?

People who repeatedly use antibiotic medications, people with increased estrogen hormone, people with chronic diabetes and people with weakened immune system have high risk of getting yeast infection. Yeast infections do not belong to the category of sexually transmitted diseases but the Candida can enter into other person’s genitals through unsafe sex.

Diagnoses :

Yeast infection on the vagina will produce whitish discharge. To rule out other possibilities your doctor may collect sample tissue from the affected area for testing through the microscope for confirming the presence of fungus.

Treatment :

You can apply topical antifungal ointments for managing yeast infection on the vagina or penis. Creams that contain clotrimazole, miconazole and butoconazole are effective antifungal creams. Depending on the severity of symptoms, your doctor will also give oral pills for reducing itching and inflammation. For some women, vaginal tablets that contain lotrimin, or monistat, or terazol are given. Often, oral pills that contain fluconazole is given for quick results.

Short course vaginal treatment is often given for controlling uncomplicated type of yeast infection. All the above medications can be bought over the counter or through prescription from your doctor. To avoid the side effects of oral pills, it is better to use vaginal tablets and suppositories that have no side effects. You need to follow up with your doctor even after the symptoms are gone, since yeast infection can return within few weeks. For severe case of yeast infection, long term vaginal therapy is recommended along with oral medications like fluconazole.

Home Remedies :

Vaginal yeast infections can be treated easily at home. You can apply little yogurt on the vagina and leave it overnight. There will be no irritation and itchy feeling in the morning. For women with chronic yeast infection, using boric acid suppository is effective.

Prevention :

Keep the genital area moisture-free. Wear cotton undergarments and choose loose fitting underwear for air circulation. Do not remain on wet clothes for long. Practice safe sex and avoid having sex with multiple partners.

Yeast Infection – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Pictures, Signs, Cures

Yeast Infection – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Pictures, Signs, Cures

Yeast Infection Symptoms

The symptoms and signs of Candida infections will vary depending on the location of the infection.

With women, the symptoms and signs of a yeast infection vaginally include:

  • White, thick discharge

  • Discharge has cottage cheese appearance

  • Vagina itching

  • Irritation of outer tissues

  • Often pain on intercourse

  • Burning on urination

Oral yeast infection is known as thrush. Signs and symptoms of thrush include:

  • White, thick lacy patches

  • Forms on tongue, palate, inside of mouth

  • Patches resemble milk curds

  • If white plaques are rubbed away, core tissue can bleed

  • The tongue without white coating looks red

  • Painful

  • Hard to eat

  • Can cause dehydration

Superficial Candida skin infections symptoms or signs include:

  • Flat red rash with scalloped sharp edges

  • Smaller patches nearby, referred to as ”satellite lesions”

  • Rash is itchy or painful

Individuals with weakened immune systems may contract a yeast infection known esophagitis which occurs in the upper gastrointestinal or GI systems. The signs and symptoms of esophagitis include:

  • Painful ulcers thru out GI system

  • Too painful to swallow even liquids

  • Poor absorption of food

  • Pain in area of the breast bone

  • Pain in upper abdomen

  • Nausea and vomiting

If Candida develops in the blood system, the individual can become sick with or without fever. It can even spread to the brain, which can cause acute changes in mental function as well as behavior.

Yeast Infection Causes

With women, infections with yeast are the 2nd most common cause of vaginal itching and burning, as well as discharge. Yeasts can be normal vaginally in most women but can overgrow into an infection if the setting in the vagina changes in anyway. Steroid and antibiotic use is usually the most frequent cause for overgrowth with yeast. But it can also be caused by menstruation, pregnancy, diabetes, sperm, as well as oral pills for birth control. Yeast infections are normally most frequent after menopause.

For individuals who have an immune system weakened because of steroids, cancer treatments, or illnesses for example AIDS, yeast infections can develop widespread in the body and can become life-threatening. Organs sometime affected include eye, blood, kidney, heart and the brain. Infections can also develop and grow in the liver, lungs as well as the Spleen.

Approximately 15% of individuals with immune systems which are weakened can develop a systemic illness caused by Candida. Such infections can enter the blood system thru cuts or breakdowns in the skin or the mucous membranes. Your immune system can be compromised not only by disease but also by not getting enough sleep, doing too much and just being stressed out.

Other causes of yeast infections can include:
Candida infections are not normally thought of as sexually transmitted disease or STDs but they do pass into your partner thru sex by semen as well as other body fluids. Sexual intercourse vaginally without suitable lubrication makes the condition worse. It can also be transmitted between two women having sex.

You're reading Yeast Infection – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Pictures, Signs, Cures posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Antibiotics are considered probably the foremost cause of yeast infections which are chronic. This occurs with various types of antibiotics or with usage which is prolonged. Many women develop yeast infections no matter what antibiotics are used or for how long they are used. There is no good method of avoiding an antibiotic-induced yeast infection.

Diabetics often have raised blood sugar levels and this may cause yeast to develop and grow. This is especially a problem when the diabetic does not control their disease.

There are other factors which encourage yeast infections. They can include:

  • Humid, hot weather

  • Poorly ventilated or tight fitting clothing, including bathing suits or pantyhose which are damp

  • Dietary changes which are significant, poor nutrition, bad eating habits with lots of junk food

  • Regular exposure to semen and sperm over a short period of time

  • Frequent douching which rinses away both bacteria which is normal as well as secretions which are healthy from the vagina.

  • Improperly wiping after using the toilet

  • Sweating which often increases pH level

  • Menopause

  • Certain prescription medication, including those containing steroids, for example Prednisone

  • Personal hygiene which is poor

  • Feminine hygiene solutions which are perfumed

  • Injuries

  • Allergic reactions

  • HIV infection

Men can also develop yeast infections but often are less alert of having one than most women would be. As in the case of females, instead of transmission by sex being the major cause of genital infections, it really is mainly caused by a lowered immunity. But, 12% – 15% of males will develop symptoms such as itching and rash of the penis, especially after sexual intercourse with a partner who is infected.

Yeast Infection Treatment

Vaginal infections caused by yeast may be treated with anti-fungal medicines which are inserted directly into the vagina as creams, tablets, ointments or suppositories. These medications include brand names such as Femstat, Clotrimaderm, Monistat, Monazole, GyneCure and Terazole. A single dose of oral fluconazole, brand name Diflucan Oral, also can be used, but this treatment is not recommended during pregnancy.

When the female partner has an infection caused by yeast it can often be passed to the male. For this reason most physicians recommend both partners be treated or the male will just pass back the infection to the female during intercourse.

It needs to be noted that if a man has symptoms of yeast infection, it does not mean that he definitely has it. The same symptoms can be caused by a number of other problems – with some more serious. So a visit to your primary care physician should occur in order to get the correct diagnosis. Male yeast infection treatment is normally similar to female.

Treatment of Oral Thrush or yeast infections in the mouth depends on the severity of the condition. Mild cases can be managed without medications. Drinking liquids which are acidic such as orange juice or eating yogurt can help to restore the rebalance of natural bacteria to keep the candida yeast in check. Medications for severe oral thrush include anti-fungal mouth rinses, creams, lozenges as well as oral medication.

The primary treatment for yeast infections in the form of Diaper Rash involves using anti-fungal topical treatments as well as decreasing any moisture in the diaper area with frequent diaper changes. Some of the topical treatments include Mycostatin, Lotrimin and Monistat-Derm all can be found in any drug store over-the-counter. With some diaper rashes, prescription anti-fungal creams such as Nizoral cream and Spectazole may be necessary. How long the treatment should last has never actually been completely defined, although most creams or ointments are used for 4 to 7 days.

There have been studies done which has shown that in order to prevent diaper rash barrier creams should be used to keep moisture away. Some common creams include zinc oxide such as Desitin, Diaparene or petroleum jelly such as Vaseline. These should be applied to the diaper area after bathing. Cleaning which is gentle in the diaper area can also minimize skin breakdown which can be useful as can air exposure be therapeutic.

Yeast Infection Home Remedies

There are several home remedy tips that can help to control or cure yeast infections. These include:

  • Go lightly on eating fruit during an infection as yeast thrive on sugars

  • Boost immune system by eating plenty of vegetables. Echinacea also help with the immune functions

  • Many herbs have anti-fungal properties. These include calendula, goldenseal, rosemary, cedar and myrrh. These can be used internally as a douche or applied externally with pads that have been soaked in them.

  • Garlic is a strong anti-fungal and can inhibit the growth of candida. A person can chew and swallow at least 1 raw clove if you can tolerate it or mince and press 1 clove and sprinkle on a daily salad or other dish.

  • Friendly bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus is helpful taken orally or inserted as a suppository in the vagina. It is available other the counter in capsule or powder form. Or, yogurt can be used containing active cultures.

Yeast Infection Pictures

Yeast Infection

Yeast Infection