Showing posts with label Candida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Candida. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Is Spit Test for Candida Reliable?

Is Spit Test for Candida Reliable?

Candida is a type of yeast that is found normally in small quantities in various locations of the human body. When conditions change in the body, like certain medications or some health ailments, this yeast can proliferate and produce symptoms. These symptoms vary according to where the Yeast Infection occurs. It is called Thrush when the infection occurs in the mouth or throat. When it occurs in the genital area, it is called a yeast infection and when it occurs on a baby's diaper area, it is called Diaper Rash.

How to Take the Spit Test for Candida
The process of the test is as follows: spit into a glass of water as you get up in the morning. Observe how your saliva reacts in the water between 15 minutes to an hour.

  • If the saliva floats on the surface of the water or mixes completely with the water, you most probably do not have a yeast infection.

  • If the saliva floats on the surface of the water but has "strings" hanging down or if there are cloudy specks dispersed in the water or if the saliva sinks to the bottom of the water container- you have an overgrowth of candida.

The explanations for the results are:

  • The Candida yeast concentrates in the saliva while the individual is sleeping, hence spitting into the water first thing in the morning. Saliva is a good medium for the proliferation of yeast–it is warm and moist.

  • The yeast is denser than both water and saliva and will therefore drop to the bottom of the glass if present in the saliva.

Is Spit Test for Candida Reliable?
Although the test seems very easy to perform and the results are almost immediate, it is not a very reliable test. If you suspect you have an overgrowth of Candida yeast, either in the oral cavity, genital or elsewhere on the body, it is best to seek medical advice. An undiagnosed yeast infection can spread throughout the body and even reach the bloodstream, which can have dire consequences to your health. An uncontrolled growth of this yeast can also be indicative of other more serious health issues, which will go undiagnosed if you don't see a doctor. A medical practitioner will determine how severe the infection is and prescribe the best medication for you, depending upon your age, overall health and the severity of the infection.

Other Ways to Detect Candida Overgrowth
Apart from spit test for candida, other tests are also available to detect the overgrowth of candida.

1. Blood Tests
The test is done to detect the presence of certain antibodies. The body's immune system will produce these antibodies in high levels when there is the presence of candida overgrowth. The antibodies are specifically IgA, IgG and IgM. Another blood test that your doctor may order is the Complete Blood Count (CBC) to check for white blood cell, neutrophil and lymphocyte count.

2. Stool Analysis
The yeast overgrowth, particularly overgrowth in the colon and lower intestines, can show up in the stool. A positive result for Candida is higher than normal levels of Candida in the stool.

3. Tartaric Acid in the Urine
High levels of tartaric acid are an indication of yeast overgrowth because it is a waste product of Candida overgrowth.

You can also watch for the symptoms of the problems caused by candida overgrowth, such as Oral Thrush and yeast infection near the genital areas.

Common symptoms of oral thrush are:

  • White spots on the tongue or on the inside of the cheeks

  • Difficulty or discomfort when swallowing

  • Redness in the mouth

  • Broken skin at the corners of the mouth

Symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection:

  • Itchiness in the vaginal region

  • Redness and pain in the genital area

  • Vaginal discharge that resembles "cottage-cheese"–white and clumpy

  • Pain during sex

In men, there may be a rash with itchiness and pain on the tip of the penis.

What to Do If You Have Candida Overgrowth
If you find yourself being prone to Candida overgrowth after spit test for candida, or have some of the common symptoms, there are some changes you can make to minimize your risk.

1. Decrease Your Sugar Intake
Doing this will starve the yeast. Foods high in sugar and gluten create the perfect environment to allow Candida to thrive. When you cut out refined and processed foods you ensure that your body is not the ideal environment for the yeast overgrowth. Foods you should eliminate are sweets, sugars both natural (bananas and dates) and artificial, alcohol, breads, vinegar, peanuts, etc. Milk, which contains a sugar called lactose, should also be eliminated from the diet. Keep the diet high in protein and consume healthy fats like salmon and avocados.

2. Try Certain Foods
Consume foods like garlic, turmeric and coconut oil that have the ability to kill the fungus. Garlic and turmeric are well-known natural antifungals whilst coconut oil contains a compound called caprylic acid, which has anti-microbial properties that can kill yeasts. Use antifungal herbs like olive leaf, berberine and grapefruit seed extract.

3. Take Probiotics
These help replenish the body with good bacteria that helps with controlling digestion, improving the immune system and maintaining a healthy balance of good intestinal bacteria, thus eliminating the Candida overgrowth. Probiotics are available commercially in health stores. Certain fermented foods are also high-probiotic: yoghurt, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut and coconut water all contain healthy bacteria and help eliminate Candida.

4. Detoxification
Detox the body using milk thistle to ensure the liver is functioning at optimal level. A well-functioning liver can help eliminate the candida overgrowth. Candida overgrowth has also been shown to impair liver function.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Oregano Oil for Candida

Oregano Oil for Candida

Wild oregano is known for having powerful antifungal properties, which makes oregano oil an ideal choice for beginning treatment for Candida. Oregano can act as an antifungal, but may also be used for its antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.

How does Oregano Oil Work for Candida?
A study performed at Georgetown University Medical Center in 2001 revealed that .25 mg/ml of origanum oil could completely inhibit Candida albicans growth, and therefore applying origanum oil daily could be highly effective in preventing and treating Candidiasis. Oregano oil contains thymol and carvacrol which are known antimicrobial agents, and research suggests that these chemicals will react to water in your blood stream to cause the Candida yeast to become dehydrated and die.

An additional study revealed that carvacrol was more effective than as many as 18 pharmaceutical drugs in managing microbial infection. Oregano oil is also able to manage fungal infections with fewer side effects than many antifungal items from the pharmacy because it is a natural product.

How to Use Oregano Oil for Candida
There are two ways to utilize oregano oil for managing a candidiasis infection. You can apply it topically to the affected skin or consume the oil orally. Both methods will be effective in assisting with the healing process.

Apply to the Affected Area
The potent ingredients of oregano oil can irritate the skin so you should not apply this oil directly to the skin, particularly in sensitive areas such as the genitals. This can cause an irritation or burning sensation on the affected area. Instead, dilute oregano oil with olive oil to help it soften the skin by mixing 3 drops of oregano oil in a tablespoon of olive oil. Add more olive oil if you find your skin still reacts negatively to the mixture.

Take Orally
  • You can consume 3 drops of bottled oregano oil in water twice a day and work your way up to 6 drops of oil twice a day. Drink at least one glass of water for every 3 drops of oregano oil you consume to prevent burning the mouth.

  • If you purchase a gel form of oregano oil you can consume it as part of your daily supplement routine. Start by taking one gel twice a day after eating, working your way up to two gel doses twice a day.

Cautions for Using Oregano Oil
Choose the Right Oregano Oil
Oreganum Vulgare or wild oregano is commonly used for medicinal purposes. This form of oregano is common in the Mediterranean and is known for offering maximum medicinal effectiveness. Seek out oregano products that do not contain alcohol and include at least 50 percent carvacrol, the active agent that provides oregano with its potent antifungal properties.

Not Suitable for Some People
Oregano oil is generally safe to use, but those with doubts should contact their doctor before using this product.

  • Those with iron deficiencies should avoid oregano oil as it can temporarily impair your ability to absorb iron.

  • Those that are pregnant should not use oregano oil as it can increase blood flow to the uterus, causing the lining around the fetus to weaken.

  • Some patients may be mildly allergic to oregano oil and may develop a skin rash when it is used.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Candida is a kind of micro-organism that causes Candidiasis. It can affect any areas like mouth, throat, skin and genitals. The fungus by name Candida albicans often causes this infection multiplying several times in number. The yeast lives in our body in meager number, but when situations are favorable it grows high in number causing infection. Lowered immunity, intake of certain medications and various health issues can cause Candida infection.

Types :

Candidiasis is categorized into many types, depending on the area of the body that is affected.

If the Yeast Infection affects your mouth or throat it is known as oral candidiasis or thrush. You have less chance to develop oral thrush if you are healthy with good immunity. It often attacks infants and elderly people who are with weakened immunity. A person who suffers from chronic diabetes or chronic infectious diseases like AIDS he/she has high risk of developing thrush. Patients who undergo chemo sessions for cancer are prone to get oral candidiasis. People who are taking steroid drugs for long term are at high risk of getting this problem.

Oral thrush is characterized by Sore Throat, difficulty in swallowing, few white spots in your tongue or mouth, inflammation of throat and oral cavity and cracking of lips and mouth corners. It can cause redness in your mouth causing great discomfort while talking and eating. Oral thrush can be treated with antifungal drugs and anti-inflammatory medications. Mouthwash can be used for reducing inflammation in oral cavity. It is advised to take prompt medical care failing which yeast infection can become severe causing complications.

  • Genital or Vaginal infection :

If the fungus affects your genitals it is known as genital infection. It would cause inflammation of vagina, redness and intense irritation on the area. Yeast infection can affect the soft mucous lining of the vagina. It is quite common for every woman to develop yeast infection in her vagina at least one time in her life. In case you have frequent infection you need to be careful.

Vaginal infection need not necessarily be sexually transmitted but it can affect you if there is imbalance in good bacteria or even through oral genital contact. For many women, it would show symptoms like intense itching of genitals, vaginal discharge (resembling cottage cheese), redness and discomfort and pain during sex. Not all the symptoms will be present in the same woman.

For men, it would cause irritation on penis, soreness and burning sensation at the edge of penis and red rashes. Anyone affected with genital infection is likely to pass on the infection to others during sex. Unless it is severe vaginal infection can be easily treated with simple medications. Antifungal creams can be applied over the genital area 2-3 times a day. Oral pills can also be taken for getting quick relief from symptoms.

This is another type of yeast infection caused by Candida affecting infants and toddlers. Diaper rash as the name indicates is caused by poor hygiene while using diapers. This infection can cause dark reddish spots on the diaper area causing irritation and itchy feeling. Red spots often develop on the folds of the skin where sweating is more.

In severe cases these spots or lesions break open to produce yellowish fluid like pus. Consult your pediatrician immediately to get it resolved. Your doctor may prescribe antifungal creams that can be applied on the sores. Change diapers frequently and do not leave the child with soiled diaper for long. Keep the diaper area completely dry to prevent any infection.

  • Candidemia :

If the yeast infection affecting your body is left untreated for long, it can enter into your blood causing serious complications. Once it enters your bloodstream it can travel to any part of your body causing life threatening consequences. Symptoms of invasive yeast infection include extreme tiredness, fever, chills, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms vary depending on the part of the body that has been infected.

People with weak immunity, people who have undergone surgery recently, people who are on catheters for long term, and people who are admitted in ICU for long are at risk of developing candidemia or deep candidiasis. It can cause serious health issues and hence requires immediate medical care. In extreme cases, it can cause organ failure. Antifungal medications are prescribed either through intravenous injection or oral pills, depending on the health condition of the patient.

Outlook :

Candida infection can be mild to severe. For many people, candidiasis symptoms go away within few days, if it is superficial. It may return after few weeks and in that case you will be put on antibiotics for long term. If you have any type of chronic illness, Candida infection can become more severe making it difficult to treat. Your recovery is based on quick diagnosis and effective treatment.