Showing posts with label Enlarged Spleen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enlarged Spleen. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Enlarged Spleen

Enlarged Spleen

Spleen is located on the left side of the stomach well beneath the rib cage. It is a small soft organ performing several functions for your body. Spleen roughly measures the size of your fist but when it gets enlarged it can grow up in size pressing the stomach and liver.

Functions of Spleen :

Spleen is responsible for eliminating the dead blood cells. Its role is to produce white blood cells which plays major role in fighting bacteria and virus. Whenever there is infection in the body these white blood cells are produced in excess by the spleen.

Spleen acts as a warehouse for storing red blood cells and platelets which is responsible for clotting of blood.

When the spleen gets enlarged it may not be able to carry out these functions properly. When the abnormal dead red blood cells cannot be filtered it enters into the bloodstream causing potential health hazard. When it fails to release red blood cells and platelets it can eventually get clogged up in the spleen making it enlarged. This in turn can damage other vital organs in the neighborhood.

Symptoms :

It will not produce any symptoms if the spleen becomes enlarged. Often, it is found only during routine examination in many people. For some people there may be bloating sensation or fullness of the stomach and pain in the left abdomen radiating towards left shoulder. There may be frequent gas problem and the person may feel full after eating small amount of food.

Other signs of Enlarged Spleen include fatigue, bleeding while passing stool and frequent stomach infections.

Causes :

Often infection and diseases are the main cause for enlargement of spleen. Viral infections like Mononucleosis, bacterial infections like Syphilis or Endocarditis, parasitic infections like malaria can affect your spleen.

Any problems with the liver like cirrhosis can affect and damage the spleen. If the person is anemic or experiencing hemolytic anemic condition then he may have enlarged spleen.

Other disorders like blood cancer like Leukemia, Gaucher’s disease, Hodgkin’s disease and Niemann Pick disease can cause this problem. Repeated pressure on the liver can affect the spleen and sometimes spleen gets affected when there is blood clot in the veins.

Who are at risk?

Children with lowered immunity and those suffering from infectious diseases like mononucleosis are prone for spleen enlargement. People with inherited blood disorders and genetic metabolic disorders can get this condition.

Malaria can affect the functions of spleen causing inflammation. People who are frequently traveling to malaria prone area are under the risk of getting enlarged spleen.

Complications :

When spleen gets enlarged it will eventually reduce the healthy red blood cells which make you prone to anemia and infections. In rare cases, the spleen may rupture inside causing serious consequences.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor may detect this condition during routine physical examination. He may order for blood test, CT scan, or MRI for diagnosing the intensity of problem.

For some people liver function tests along with bone marrow test is conducted. Biopsy of bone marrow is done for examining the liquid present in the marrow.

Treatment :

Enlarged spleen can be surgically removed by the process of splenectomy in chronic cases and no other options are available to cure. That does not mean all persons having enlarged spleen have to be operated.

Your doctor will have to identify the right cause for the problem before starting the treatment. Antibiotics are given for long time for curing inflammation. Sometimes chemotherapy is given for reducing the size of the spleen.

A person can continue to live healthy even after the removal of spleen but he is prone to infectious diseases. For people with hereditary spherocytosis, anemia can be prevented by splenectomy.

The surgical process will start only after taking vaccinations for protecting the patient against many infectious diseases.

Pictures of Enlarged Spleen :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Enlarged Spleen

Enlarged Spleen Enlarged Spleen Enlarged Spleen
Lifestyle Modification :

Limit your activities and do not indulge in active sports like hockey or football. You need to wear a seat belt whenever you are traveling by car. You need to vaccinate yourself for preventing any infections.

Enlarged Spleen – Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Pictures

Spleen">Enlarged Spleen – Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Pictures

Enlarged Spleen Symptoms

A spleen which is enlarged may cause:

  • In specific cases there are no symptoms

  • Fullness or pain in the upper abdomen on the left side that may migrate to the shoulder on the left side.

  • A feeling of being full when no food has been eaten or after consuming only a little amount – can occur when an enlarged spleen presses up against the stomach.

  • Fatigue

  • Anemia

  • Easy bleeding

  • Frequent infections

An individual should see their primary care physician immediately if there is any pain in the upper abdomen on the left side, specifically when the pain is severe or if the pain gets worse upon taking a deep breath.

Enlarged Spleen Causes

There are numerous diseases and infections which often causes a spleen to enlarge. This effect on the spleen may in some cases only be transitory – dependent on how good the treatment works. These factors can include:

  • Viral infection, for example Mononucleosis

  • Parasitic infections, for instance malaria

  • Bacterial infection such as Endocarditis (infection of heart inner lining) or Syphilis

  • Cirrhosis as well as other diseases which affects the liver

  • Blood cancers, for instance Leukemia, as well as lymphomas such as Hodgkin’s disease

  • Diverse kinds of anemia which are hemolytic – a condition categorized by untimely damage of red blood cells.

  • Pressure on the veins of the liver or spleen or a blood clot in these veins

  • Metabolic disorders, such as Niemann-Pick disease and Gaucher’s disease

The spleen is located underneath the rib cage, right next to the stomach on the abdominal left side. It is a spongy, soft organ which performs several jobs that are critical and can be with no trouble damaged easy. Amid other problem, the spleen:

  • Plays a major role in stopping infections by creating white blood cells known as lymphocytes and acts as the first line protection against attacking pathogens.

  • Destroys old and damaged blood cells and filters them out

  • Stocks red blood cells as well as platelets which are the cells assisting blood clotting. Act as an in-between point for the immune system as well as the brain, leading medical researchers to believe some day they may be able to activate the spleen’s abilities to fight infection by manipulation of the nervous system

A spleen that is enlarged upsets each of the above essential functions. For example, as the spleen gets larger, it starts to filter out red blood cells that are normal as well as atypical ones, which reduces the amount of cells that are healthy in the bloodstream. It can also trap numerous platelets. Sooner or later, additional red blood cells as well as platelets clog the spleen, intruding with normal operation. A spleen which is enlarged can even get too large for its very own blood source and this can destroy and damage segments of the organ.

Enlarged Spleen Diagnosis

A spleen that is enlarged is normally noticed during a regular exam. The physician will often be able to touch the increase in size by examining gently the upper left abdomen, just beneath the rib cage. But, in some individuals – particularly anyone slender – a normal-sized, healthy spleen can often be manipulated during the exam.

The physician will need to ratify the diagnosis of a spleen enlargement with at least one or more of these tests:

  • Blood workup such as a comprehensive blood count in order to check the amount of white blood cells, red cells as well as platelets in the system

  • Magnetic resonance imaging – MRI – to trace blood flowing thru the spleen

  • Ultrasound or computerized tomography – CT – scan that helps defines the size of the spleen and any organs that it may be crowding.

Often further testing may need to be done to identify the cause of an enlarged spleen; including liver functioning tests as well as a bone marrow test which will give more information about the blood cells than blood drawn from a vein.

You're reading Enlarged Spleen – Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Pictures posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

There are cases when a section of solid bone marrow is removed in a bone marrow biopsy. There is also a technique known as bone marrow aspiration where liquid portion of the marrow is removed. In many cases, both procedures are done at the same time.

Both the solid as well as the liquid bone marrow samples are normally taken from the same place on the back of one of the hipbones. A needle is inserted into the bone thru an incision. These tests are uncomfortable so the individual will be given either a general or local anesthesia prior to the test.

Due to the bleeding risk, a biopsy needle of the spleen is almost never done.

Sporadically, when there is no reason for a spleen being enlarged even after a thorough study for a cause, the physician may endorse surgery to get rid of the spleen. After removal surgically, the spleen is inspected under the microscope in order to look for the possibility of a spleen lymphoma.

Enlarged Spleen Treatment

When a spleen is enlarged and causes difficulties that are serious or if the primary problem cannot be recognized or treated then surgical removal of the spleen – a splenectomy –can be an alternative. Actually in critical or cases that are chronic, surgery can be the best option for recovery.

But electing for spleen removal necessitates very careful consideration. An individual can live an energetic life minus a spleen but are more probable to contract serious or life-threatening contagions which can include devastating post-splenectomy infections that can happen soon after this operation. Often, radiation can shrink the spleen in order for surgery to be avoided.

If an individual does have a spleen removed, the following steps may help reduce the danger of infection. They include:

  • Taking penicillin or other antibiotics after the surgery and anytime that an individual and their physician suspect the possibility of an infection

  • Taking a series of vaccinations both prior to and immediately after the splenectomy. These consist of the pneumococcal or Pneumovax, meningococcal and haemophilus Influenza type b vaccines that defend against Pneumonia, Meningitis as well as any infections of the blood, joints and bones.

  • Evade traveling to other areas of the world where infections for example malaria are endemic.

Enlarged Spleen Pictures

Child with enlarged spleen