Showing posts with label Hot Tub Rash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hot Tub Rash. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Hot Tub Rash

Hot Tub Rash

Hot tub folliculitis is a common skin problem in which there would be red lesions on the skin. This disorder does not spare even babies or children and it equally affects both adults and children. There will be marked lesions or bumps on the buttocks, legs and chest region. Hot tub rash is referred to as “goose bumps” rash and can be easily cured. The affected person should use antibacterial soaps for clearing the skin infection.

The hair follicles of the skin develop inflammation due to the formation of pus inside. This appears as red bumps on the opening of the hair follicle.

Who are at Risk ?

Individuals who are obese, diabetic patients and people suffering from chronic cancer are prone to get folliculitis. Those who have autoimmune disorder like AIDS and hepatitis and people who take anti-immune drugs are also under risk of getting hot tub rash.

Causes :

Very often hot tub rash is caused by microorganisms present in hot tub that spread infection. Basically it spreads due to poor maintenance and unhygienic atmosphere of hot tubs. It can also be caused by using irritating soaps and washes and due to internal abnormalities. Some medicines can also cause adverse effect by forming hot tub rash.

Diagnoses :

The doctor will examine the skin and if necessary he would do the culture test of the pus like discharge from the skin, for detecting the presence of bacteria.

Types :

Steroid folliculitis rash is one which is caused by continued usage of cortisone medicines. Cutting oil rash is one which affects workers who are exposed to insoluble oils at work environment and staphylococcal rash is caused by bacteria. The bacteria by name Pseudomonas aeruginosa causes hot tub rash and this is mainly due to poor hygiene of hot tubs. That is the reason why rashes commonly develop on the back and buttock region.

Hot tub rash is not contagious but it can spread when healthy person shares the razor or hot tub of the affected person.

Symptoms :

Initially the symptom will be in the form of Itchy Skin which will later give rise to bumpy rashes on the skin. These bumps will be of red color tender to touch and the lesions contain pus like liquid inside. The rash formation will be dense on private areas which are kept moist for long time. Bacteria thrive easily on wet areas like groin.

Complications :

Generally hot tub rash do not develop into any complication. However in some cases, the bumps may get enlarged forming painful cyst like growth which needs to be drained surgically. For some people, the skin color may get changed due to the formation of red bumps.

Pictures of Hot Tub Rash :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Hot Tub Rash

Hot Tub Rash Hot Tub Rash Hot Tub Rash Hot Tub Rash Hot Tub Rash Hot Tub Rash Hot Tub Rash
Treatment :

Basic idea should be to prevent the formation of hot tub rash by avoiding using public bath-tubs and swimming pool. Number of home remedies and over the counter medicines is available. You can use benzoyl peroxide which is effective in clearing the bacterial infection. Phisoderm wash can be used two times a day for clearing Skin Rashes.

You can soak yourself in the warm water tub which contains white vinegar for half-an-hour for preventing bacterial rash. Alternatively bacterial rash can be cured by taking oral antibiotics and by using topical creams.

You need to take cephalexin or dynacin pills for 2 weeks or a month depending on the intensity of rash.

You should follow the instructions of your doctor for completely curing the symptoms. Infectious folliculitis can be treated by using antifungal soaps and shampoo.

In case of change in skin color, you can use prescription creams by name hydroquinone 2-4%.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Hot Tub Rash – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Cure, Prevention, Pictures

Hot Tub Rash – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Cure, Prevention, Pictures

What is a Hot tub rash?

This is an infection of the hair follicles with Pseudomonas folliculitis bacteria. It most commonly develops in individuals who bathe in a hot tub, swimming pool, or a contaminated spa. Hot tub rash is a slang name with the medical term being folliculitis.

Around the world, hot tubs offer a safe and delightful relaxing practice for millions of individuals every day. When a spa is kept uncontaminated, balanced as well as disinfected, it provides a good environment for everyone. But the same features which make a spa striking to individuals, bubbly, wet, and warm can likewise make a below par managed hot tub attractive to bacteria. Certain of these can make individuals ill. Water that is hot opens up the pores and lets any microorganisms have an easy route to potential infections. We can even breathe in droplets of water that are contaminated and made airborne by the jets in the spa.

Hot Tub Rash Symptoms

The symptoms and signs of hot tub rash can vary depending on the kind of contagion.

Superficial folliculitis, including kinds that distress the upper areas of the hair follicle, can cause:

  • Red, small bumps in clusters that develop around hair follicles

  • Blisters that are pus-filled that rupture open and then crust over

  • Tenderness or itchiness

  • Inflamed and red skin

Deep folliculitis is a rash that starts deep in the skin around the follicle and distresses the total hair follicle. Symptoms and signs include:

  • Large swollen mass or bump

  • Pain

  • Blisters which are pus-filled, burst open and then crust over

  • Probable scars when infections are cleared


Superficial forms of folliculitis are caused by:

Pseudomonas folliculitis is the pseudomonas microbe that causes this type of folliculitis to flourish in wide-ranging assortments of environments, especially hot tubs with pH levels and chlorine levels not regulated well. Within 8 hours to 5 days of contact to this bacteria a round, red itchy bumpy rash will develop and later will progress into small blisters filled with pus or pustules. This rash is normally worse in the regions where a swimsuit clutches water that is contaminated next to the skin.

Pityrosporum folliculitis – This is particularly common in adult men as well as teens and pityrosporum folliculitis causes red, itchy chronic eruptions on the chest, back and often on the neck, upper arms, shoulders as well as face. It is caused by a fungus that is yeast-like.
Deep folliculitis – these include:

You're reading Hot Tub Rash – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Cure, Prevention, Pictures posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Folliculitis that is gram-negative
This often develops if an individual is under long-term antibiotic therapy for acne. These antibiotics change the bacteria balance which is normal in the nasal area and often causing the overgrowth of organisms – especially gram-negative microbes – that are harmful. In the majority of individuals, this does not create difficulties and the nasal bacteria flora will return to normal as soon as the antibiotics are finished. But in some individuals, gram-negative microbes can spread and create new acne lesions that are quite severe.

Carbuncles and boils
These happen when follicles get infected deeply with staph and this causes boils that normally develop unexpectedly as a red or pink painful bump. The area around the boil can also become swollen and red. These bumps fill with pus as well as grow quite large and become very painful before eventually rupturing and draining. The boils which are small normally heal without scars, but a large boil could possibly leave scarring.

Boils in clusters are referred to as carbuncles and often develop on the shoulders, thighs, back of neck, or back. These carbuncles create deeper and more severe infections than a lone boil does. Therefore, they progress and also heal much slower and are expected to cause scars.

Folliculitis that is eosinophilic
Mostly seen in those individuals with HIV, the precise cause of this kind of folliculitis is unknown, although it could possibly contain the similar yeast-type fungus that causes pityrosporum folliculitis. It causes recurring areas of pus-filled inflamed sores, usually on facial areas and often on the upper or back of the arms. These sores can spread, can itch extremely and will usually leave regions of normal skin that are darker than before healing – hyperpigmentation.

Treatment and Cure

Cases of folliculitis that are mild might heal without treatment. But when the infection does not improve even with home care, recurs often or seems to be spreading, it is important to call a dermatologist or your primary care physician. It is possible that you might need antifungal or antibiotic medication to help manage the situation. Antibiotic that is normally prescribed is oral ciprofloxacin but is usually needed only in resistant cases that are widespread.

Home remedies that can be tried include:

  • Compresses of vinegar that are applied for twenty minutes 2 to 4 times a day

  • Silver sulfadiazine cream known as Silvadene applied 2 times a day


Procedures which are very basic can help prevent any problems and these include:

  • Start with water that is cleaner by using a filter attached to the water hose and can provide filling water that is purified

  • A shower before using the hot tub is a good exercise for the family especially for children

  • Avoid using the spa with any open cuts or wounds

  • Maintain sanitizer levels which are adequate always by checking chlorine or bromine before each use

  • Maintain pH level that is proper to optimize the effectiveness of any sanitizer

  • Keep waterline as well as adjacent surfaces uncontaminated

  • Regularly clean the filter with any good commercially available compound for cleaning and replace filter annually

  • Clean spa thoroughly with every drain and refill. Keep spa cover clean outside and inside

  • Prior to draining, use some type of flush to purge heating and plumbing systems of grime, biofilm, oils as well as other contaminants

Hot Tub Rash Pictures

hot tub rash pictures

hot tub rash pictures

hot tub rash pictures

hot tub rash pictures