Showing posts with label Hyperthyroidism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hyperthyroidism. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Subclinical Hyperthyroidism

Subclinical HyperThyroidism

Thyroid-stimulating hormone, also known as TSH, is made in the brain to control the amount of thyroid hormones that are in your blood. These hormones help control growth, weight, body temperature, heart rate and a host of other things. When you have subclinical Hyperthyroidism, your level of TSH is too low, but that your typical hormones excreted by the thyroid, T4 and T3, are within normal levels.

Causes of Subclinical Hyperthyroidism
Subclinical hyperthyroidism can be caused by many things, including increased production of thyroid hormones and therapies that affect your hormone levels. There are many problems associated with it, such as an increased risk of heart and bone problems. In fact, patients might experience a lower quality of life or even face a higher mortality rate if the problem is not corrected. Subclinical hyperthyroidism can quickly evolve into hyperthyroidism which is more serious.

Symptoms of Subclinical Hyperthyroidism
The symptoms of the problem can develop suddenly over the span of several days, but it usually comes on gradually and takes years to be diagnosed. This is often because patients may chalk the symptoms up to other things. Signs of subclinical hyperthyroidism include:

  • Fast heart rate and fast respirations, even when sitting down

  • Sweating and an intolerance to heat

  • Fatigue and muscle weakness

  • Insomnia, shaking, restlessness and feeling very nervous

  • In women, periods that are lighter or completely absent

  • Weight Loss even with increased appetite

  • Diarrhea or Constipation

  • Bulging eyes and a large, painful lump in your neck, usually in the front

Does Subclinical Hyperthyroidism Cause Weight Gain?
Losing weight is the more common sign of hyperthyroidism. However, weight gain can also occur. The increased appetite can lead to eating more food and excessive weight gain. Since losing weight tends to be a hallmark sign of this problem, the weight gain often goes away upon treatment.

When to See a Doctor
Seeing a doctor for subclinical hyperthyroidism is very important. But when should you see the doctor immediately? If you are suffering from pain and swelling in your muscles or joints, or you are running a high fever, it’s time to talk to the doctor. If you begin to feel as though you are going to pass out, your heart is beating too fast, you have sudden chest pain, shortness of breath or a seizure, immediately call 911.

Treatments for Subclinical Hyperthyroidism
In some cases, the doctor will watch you closely instead of treating you. That’s because sometimes the treatment can cause other conditions, such as increasing your risks of heart problems or leading to bone density issues. However, if the symptoms become more severe, treatment will have to be given.

1. Radioactive Iodine
Iodine will work against the thyroid and kill some of the cells there, causing the gland to shrink and relieving the symptoms. It takes three to six months to see results from this method, but keep in mind that those who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant cannot take this treatment.

2. Anti-Thyroid Medications
These medications can reduce symptoms by blocking the hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Symptoms will begin to improve within 12 weeks or so. However, some of these medications – particularly propylthiouracil – have been proven to cause other problems, such as damage to the liver.

3. Surgery
If iodine therapy doesn’t work for you, if you can’t handle the anti-thyroid drugs and their side effects, or if you are planning to become pregnant, you might choose surgery which removes part of the thyroid gland. However, remember that this is rarely an option and doctors will try other remedies first.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Hyperthyroidism Natural Treatment

HyperThyroidism Natural Treatment

The symptoms of Hyperthyroidism can be difficult to deal with, which is why many people end up going to the doctor and get prescribed anti-thyroid drugs or beta blockers, while other people have to have a radioactive iodine treatment. And even though taking prescription drugs and having treatments done may work temporarily, they do not actually help or fix the initial problem that caused the hyperthyroidism flair-up. Of course, beta blockers, anti-thyroid prescription medicines, and the radioactive iodine treatments do and can help to treat the hyperthyroidism symptoms, they are not necessarily the easiest, or healthiest, options. Some of the best ways to prevent hyperthyroidism is to try out some natural remedies for hyperthyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism Natural Treatments

1. Change Your Diet
One of the easiest and best hyperthyroidism natural treatments is to add more iodine into your diet with the foods you eat. There are many prescription anti-depressants that can hurt the thyroid if not combined with iodine heavy foods. Try adding some cow’s milk, eggs, dairy products that are low in fat, shellfish and saltwater fish, and even seaweed. These are great iodine heavy foods that will help tame your hyperthyroidism.

2. Increase Your Vitamin Intake
A great home remedy for hyperthyroidism is to increase the amount of vitamins and minerals that you normally ingest every day. If you are not a fan of the adult vitamin gummies or vitamin supplements, try just increasing the amount of vitamin D that you get on a daily basis. The increase in vitamin D in your diet will help your immune system as well as increase the amount of calcium in your body.

3. Balance Your Nutrition
Going along with the first point we mentioned in this article about changing your diet, making sure that you start ingesting healthier fats in your diet is a key hyperthyroidism natural treatment. By avoiding food that is considered goitrogens (which interfere with thyroid development,) you are helping your body fix the most probable initial reasons for your hyperthyroidism. Some goitrogenic foods that you should avoid are: almonds, cabbage, canola oil, corn, and even mustard are just a few foods that should not be eaten more than once or twice a week.

4. Do Yoga
I am sure everyone knows the benefits of practicing yoga asanas daily, but I doubt that it is common knowledge that there are many different forms of yoga that can act as a hyperthyroidism natural treatment. Many yoga poses will not only help in the healing process of your thyroid, but also help you become a better person. Try doing some of these yoga poses as you are able: Sarvangasana, Viparitakarani, Janu Shirshasana, Matsyasana, and many more. Remember, the more you practice, the better your hyperthyroidism will heal.

5. Bugleweed
Bugleweed is not the most common herb, or even the most used herb, but this one does help you keep a healthy thyroid. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have an Enlarged Thyroid, do not use bugleweed tea or take bugleweed supplements because it can end up harming you in the end.

6. Lemon Balm
This herb can help you if you have an overactive thyroid gland. By using lemon balm as a hyperthyroidism natural treatment, you will lower the T4 levels circling through your system. Just add about two or three teaspoons of lemon balm to some tea or broth three times every day until you start to notice some changes.

7. Motherwort
Instead of going to the doctor for prescription beta blockers, just use the natural motherwort as a totally organic beta blocker (much healthier for you!) Not only will this act as a natural beta blocker, it will also help keep your heart rate steady and any palpitations that you may be having. Just add about two or three teaspoons to some tea or broth and drink three times daily to ensure that you receive all of the possible benefits from this natural herb.

8. Soy Products
If you are suffering from hyperthyroidism and using natural herbs is not for you, then try adding some soy products to your diet. Protein is great for you because it will transfer some thyroid hormones to other tissues in your body. If soy products are not for you, you can also add nuts, eggs, quinoa, special fish, and other healthy proteins to your diet.

9. Sea Vegetables
This might be one of the least favorite and enticing home remedies for hyperthyroidism, but believe me–eating sea vegetables (like kelp or seaweed) are great for treating hyperthyroidism. As mentioned earlier in the article, sea vegetables are great because they contain a lot of iodine to help offset some of your symptoms while not completely obliterating your thyroid gland like many radioactive iodine treatments at the doctor will. There are several types of sea vegetables out there, you just need to find one that will fit with your appetite.

10. Indian Gooseberry
Indian gooseberry powder (also known as amla) is a great addition to your teas, cooking, or what have you due to its many health benefits. Nutritionists suggest that you mix it with honey and eat it first thing in the morning either as a replacement for breakfast or with another healthy low-fat dairy food. The Indian gooseberry will help control the overproduction of thyroid hormones, causing your hyperthyroidism to begin to heal naturally.