Showing posts with label Leucorrhea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leucorrhea. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Leucorrhea is a thick whitish discharge from the vagina and almost all women would get this during reproductive cycle. Although the vaginal discharge will be normally white in color, for some women it may be yellow or greenish yellow. There are number of factors like hormonal changes, diabetes and anemia which cause leucorrhea. However you need not worry about leucorrhea since it is a routine for every women. You need to pay attention only if the vaginal discharge is accompanied by other symptoms like itching and redness in the vaginal area. In rare cases, this white discharge begun before the first menstrual cycle of a girl.

Types :

There are 2 types of leucorrhea namely physiological leucorrhea and inflammatory leucorrhea. The first type is common in almost all women and is caused by the defense mechanism of the body for restoring chemical balance. It also preserves to maintain the flexibility of the vagina and the surrounding tissues. It has got its name “physiological” due to the reason that vaginal discharge occurs when estrogen levels are increased.

Inflammatory leucorrhea occurs when there is vaginal swelling or congestion of mucosa in that area. Very often the yellowish white discharge gives out a foul smell indicating infection. This type of leucorrhea also includes vaginal discharge caused by sexually transmitted diseases STD and due to lochia (post partum discharge after delivery).

Causes :

The main cause of white discharge in women is hormonal disturbance. Increased secretion of estrogen is the main cause for leucorrhea. It may also occur due to improper hygiene habits and loss of iron in blood.

Women having diabetes may also have increased leucorrhea. Wounds on the vagina can also trigger the secretion of whitish fluid with itching. It is also seen in pregnant women and after childbirth; it will be accompanied with foul smell and mucus of placental tissues. Sometimes, indigestion and Constipation also causes leucorrhea discharge.

Symptoms :

A woman who has increased whitish discharge will experience weakness and lethargy. It is seen as thick and sticky white colored discharge from the vagina between the periods. It can also be accompanied by Headache for some women. Due to frequent discharge, there may be pain in the calf muscle and in the lumbar region.

Treatment :

Generally, no treatment is required for leucorrhea. In case of increased whitish discharge along with symptoms like weakness and itching, you need to consult your doctor. He may prescribe you tetracycline pills to control the discharge and if needed, you can use metronidazole to manage infection.

In case if the infection is due to Chalmydia, then you can take azithromycin, and Tinidazole for curing infections of trichomonas.

Home Remedies :

You can apply yoghurt on the vagina to control itching and white discharge.Make a paste of mango pulp and apply on the genitals to get relief.

Drink the water residue which is used for preparation of white rice which is the best remedy to treat white discharge because of heat.

Drink the decoction of fenugreek seeds boiled and cooled in one liter of water. Likewise decoction of walnut tree leaves or coriander seeds are effective.