Showing posts with label Pimples on Arms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pimples on Arms. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Pimples on Arms

Pimples on Arms

Dry skin is the main cause for the formation of pimples or acne on the skin. Normally millions of people are prone to get acne during their life since it is one of the most common skin problems. Acne or pimples may develop anywhere on the body due to the underlying medical condition. For some people pimples develop on the skin since they take certain allergic foods. But many of them have pimples on their face. Pimples also occur on the arms and back giving embarrassing look for the person.

Causes :

Pimples occur on the arms because of dry skin layer. For some reason, the skin starts accumulating huge number of dead cells which in turn block up the pores, leading to reddish bumps or pimples on the hands. Very often people forget to bother about upper arms giving attention only to the lower arms and fingers. This may be the reason for pimple formation.

Pimple on arms can be hereditary in nature. For some people it is passed on to the next generation from the parents. Lack of Vitamin D is another reason for developing red bumps on the skin. Change in hormone can very well trigger acne or pimple formation on the arms and this is more particular in girls who are in the stage of puberty. Even pregnant women can get pimples on the upper arms due to the same reason.

The major cause for pimple formation is the clogging of pores which accumulate dust particles forming pimples. The hair follicles on the skin get blocked due to excess of oil secretion. This in turn forces the skin to retain the dead cells which will lead to the development of pimples.

Another reason for getting more number of pimples is wearing tight clothing in summer. This in turn causes more sweating which gets blocked on the skin causing acne.

Treatment :

Keratosis plaris is the medical term given for pimples. Though it may deter the looks of the person, pimples are never harmful. It can be managed by regular exfoliation and application of moisturizing lotion. In case you are getting pimples due to lack of D vitamin, then you need to include more of Vitamin D in your diet. You can also increase the D vitamin secretion by exposing your skin to sunlight.

Follow preventive measures for managing clear skin free from dust particles. Take precautions when going out in hot sun by covering your face and other body parts completely. Similarly, remember to use moisturizing creams during winter months. You can also use the scrubber for removing the dead cells regularly from the affected upper arms.

It takes time for the development of pimples on arms, since it does not happen overnight. Slowly there will be accumulation of debris on the skin layer which may lead to pimples or acne. Hence it takes enough time for the pimple to disappear, irrespective of the method of treatment. You cannot expect positive results in a day or two. You need to continue taking home remedies like exfoliation for removing the dead cells.

You can use moisturizing lotion that contains Amlactin 12% or Carmol for having positive effect. Your dermatologist may prescribe corticosteroids ointments in case of large pimples on arms which gives temporary relief.

Pictures of Pimples on Arms :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Pimples on Arms

Pimples on Arms Pimples on Arms Pimples on Arms Pimples on Arms
Home Care :

You can wear loose clothes and avoid tight fitting clothing on the upper arms. Make sure that you are bathing regularly after getting back from work. Further you need to sleep well to avoid stress. Drink plenty of water which can flush out toxins from your body.

Pimples on Arms – Causes, Treatment, Pictures

Pimples on Arms – Causes, Treatment, Pictures

What are the reasons for pimples on the arms?

Numerous individuals endure acne during their lifetime. Approximately 70% of individuals in the United States have this fairly common skin problem. Acne may develop almost anywhere on the body and the causes differ depending on the area where they develop. For example, the main cause of pimples on the tongue is due to Allergy to certain foods. Most individuals usually have pimples on their face. But then, there are those who don’t have them on the face but have pimples on the back and arms. Pimples on the upper arm are tremendously perplexing and not easy to get rid of.

Pimples on Arms Causes

It is believed by most medical professionals that the majority or approximately 90% of pimples on the upper arms are caused by dry skin. This skin on the upper arm tends to collect numerous dead cells since it lacks proper attention. It is these dead cells which clog up the pores and cause the formation of bumps on the skin. These bumps in some cases are related to acne. Many individuals just forget about the upper part of the arms. They treat elbows with moisturizing as well as exfoliating but neglect the upper arms until summer time.

There can be other causes such as hereditary problems such as Keratosis pilaris, vitamin D deficiency, as well as hormonal shifts. These hormonal shifts are most common with women who are pregnant and lead to the occurrence of pimples.

Generally, males have more arm pimples than females. Just as in the case of the face, arms also have follicles of hair which connect to the oil secreting glands. When these glands get blocked because of dead skin combined with the oil, it leads to pimples. This problem is more common with those who dress in tight fit clothing as well as those individuals who sweat profusely.

Pimples on Arms Treatment

Keratosis pilaris is not a condition that is harmful and it response well to exfoliation and moisturizing. Vitamin D deficiency can be treated with Vitamin D supplements, daily diet as well as exposure to sunlight. But it is important to remember that tanning of the skin is not healthy so watch for any overexposure to sunlight.

You're reading Pimples on Arms – Causes, Treatment, Pictures posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

There are a couple of methods which should be adopted in order to get rid of skin disorders or pimples and keep them away. It is important to scrub the body with a loofah as well as a liberal sum of moisturizer or soap with moisturizer in those areas of the upper arm.

Exfoliating these areas will also help to get rid of all the dead cells on the skin. For any treatment to take effect, you need to continue what you are doing to get rid of pimples as it will often take 15 days to show any effectiveness.

Listed are some recommendations for controlling arm pimples:

  • It is important to wear clothes that fit properly in order to keep arm pimples away.

  • After working out it is important to shower in order to keep the arms clean.

  • Get the proper amount of good sleep since sleep helps to keep away stress which helps prevent pimple breakouts.

  • Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water as this can help with problems with pimples.

  • People who have problems with upper arm pimples are advised to keep their hair cut short as long hair is prone to touch the upper arms and cause pimples.

  • Pimples on Arms Pictures

    Pimples on Arms

    Pimples on Arms

    Pimples on Arms

    Pimples on Arms