Showing posts with label Presbycusis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Presbycusis. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Presbycusis is age related loss of hearing that occurs in most people as they grow old. It is quite common to develop loss of hearing as one gets older. Around 50-60% of people of age group 75-85 develop hearing loss. Usually they have difficulty in hearing high pitched sounds. Old aged people can have the ability to hear low pitched sounds like chirping of a bird but they have problems in hearing loud noise. This condition is known as presbycusis. A change that happens in the inner ear is the main cause for this problem. Sometimes it can be due to defective nerve pathways. People with this problem may not realize that they have developed partial loss of hearing since this process happens gradually.

Symptoms :

Some of the common signs of presbycusis are difficulty in hearing the voice and understanding the speech. The sounds seem less clear for aged people and this is more particular for high pitched sounds. They feel that speech of others is often slurred. With more background noise aged people have little understanding of speech. There will be roaring noise in their ears or hissing sound which is described as Tinnitus. It is difficult to understand a woman’s voice with high pitch when compared with that of a man’s voice. For people affected with this problem certain sounds will be very louder than original tone.

Causes :

Loss of hearing in presbycusis is caused by disorders in the auditory nerve present in the inner ear. It is described as sensorineural disorder which happens as gradual changes or loss of hearing. Several factors like hearing repeated noise of traffic and working in noisy environment can cause these changes causing sensorineural loss of hearing. There will be loss of sensory receptors present in the inner ear due to aging process. Sometimes underlying medical issues and intake of certain medications like aspirin (for long) can cause this problem. It is believed to be caused due to hereditary factors.

If the blood supply to the inner ear is temporarily cut off due to heightened Blood Pressure, or due to diabetes or circulatory problems it can cause presbycusis. Any abnormalities in the outer ear or middle ear can cause loss of hearing. If the tiny bones present in the middle ear are not functioning properly it may not be able to receive sound waves properly and convey it to the inner ear.

Diagnoses :

Your ENT specialist can identify the loss of hearing by obvious symptoms. He may use special instrument to check the condition of inner ear to ascertain presbycusis.

Who are at risk?

Obviously aged people are prone to get hearing loss. It can occur due to genetics since some people will have predisposition of genes for loss of hearing. People working in heavy noisy atmosphere have increased chance for getting presbycusis resulting in loss of hearing. Having heart disease and high blood pressure can affect the hearing capacity of a person to some extent. Smoking is another risk factor.

Treatment :

It is easier to prevent or postpone presbycusis than to treat it. You should be aware of the potential noise producing machineries in the environment and use protective ear plugs. Exposing oneself to loud noise at workplace can cause gradual damage and los of hearing. You can avoid loud noise producing atmosphere and reduce the amount of time you are exposed to such noises. For instance you should know about the effects caused by damaging noises like firearms, lawn mowers, and snowmobiles and ensure that you are fully protected from hearing such noises.

Hearing AIDS are effective to manage loss of hearing caused by presbycusis. Plenty of listening devices can enhance the hearing ability in particular situation. You can use built in amplifier or FM systems for getting clear sounds. Such people can take training in reading the lip movements using visual cues to understand what others are speaking.

Hearing aid is not selected randomly for aged people. Professionals from audiology and ear, nose and throat department will work together for evaluating the intensity of hearing loss and select appropriate device. Audiologist will do complete evaluation of hearing to suggest right device. Further the person will be counseled how to use the device and in what aspects it will contribute for improved hearing.

Lifestyle Changes :

People having presbycusis disorder should face the person who is talking to him so that he can read his face. While conversing with others it is better to turn off the television or radio you are listening. There is nothing wrong in communicating the person about your hearing loss so that he will not use high pitched sounds. When dining in restaurants you can avoid sitting in high conversation areas or stay away from crowded place.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Presbycusis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Presbycusis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

What is Presbycusis?

This is age-related loss of hearing – the slow hearing loss occurring as individuals grow older.

Symptoms of Presbycusis

The hearing loss happens slowly over time. It is hardest to hear sounds that are high-frequency such as an individual talking. As the hearing gets worse, it might become hard to hear sounds at pitches that are lower.

Symptoms include:

  • Some sound seem too loud

  • Sounds that are high-pitched such as “s” or “th” are hardest to distinguish from one another.

  • Problems hearing in areas that are noisy

  • Voices of males are easier to hear than women’s

  • Other individuals’ voices often sound slurred or mumbled

  • Ringing in the ears

The symptoms of this loss of hearing can resemble other medical or condition problems. Talk with your healthcare provider when you have any of the above symptoms.

Presbycusis Causes

The ears contain hairs that are tiny inside that help with hearing. These hairs collect sound waves transforming these waves into the signals the nerves can take to the brain to interpret as sound. Loss of hearing happens when these hairs that are tiny inside the ear die or become damaged. These cells of hair do not regenerate, so the majority of loss of hearing of this kind is long-lasting.
There is not any single known cause for hearing loss that is related to age. Mostly, it is due to changes in the inner ear that happens as a person grows older. But loud noises such as from headphones or rock concerts and a person’s genes – can play a big role in when this occurs.

You're reading Presbycusis – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

The following are factors that contribute to hearing loss that is age-related:

  • History of family – hearing loss that is age-related runs in families.

  • Exposure repeatedly to noises that are loud.

  • Smoking – smokers are most likely to have this type of hearing loss than are individuals who do not smoke.

There are certain medical problems as well as medications can also add to hearing loss that is related to age. Approximately half of all individuals over age 75 have some quantity of hearing loss due to age.

Presbycusis Treatment

There is no cure that is known for hearing loss due to age. Treatment mainly focuses on improving the hearing function every day. The following can be of help:

  • Telephone amplifiers as well as other devices of assistant.

  • Hearing AIDS

  • Sign language – for individuals with hearing loss that is severe.

  • Reading speech – such as reading lips and using cues that are visual to help in communication.

A cochlear implant can be optional for some individuals with hearing loss that is very severe. Surgery is performed to situate the implant. This implant makes sounds seem louder but it does not restore normal hearing.