Showing posts with label Tinnitus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tinnitus. Show all posts

Monday, March 06, 2017

Ringing In Ears (Tinnitus) – Home Remedies, Treatment, Prevention

Ringing in Ears (Tinnitus) – Home Remedies, Treatment, Prevention

Ringing ears is a common occurrence for almost everyone at some point of life. Ringing sound can be heard for short periods either in one or both the ears. There is nothing wrong if it happens occasionally. But ringing of ears constantly can be a nuisance causing discomfort. This phenomenon of ringing sound in ears is known as tinnitus. Tinnitus can occur due to various factors like ear injury, severe Ear infection, aging, reaching high altitudes, having recurrent respiratory tract infections. For some people vitamin deficiency can cause tinnitus. Abnormal growth of bones in the ear can cause ringing ears. Chronic disorders like Diabetes or high Blood Pressure or even circulatory problems can trigger tinnitus.

Treatment for tinnitus includes the underlying problems. Clearing off the earwax can help in providing relief from ringing noise. Giving alternate medication can reduce the tinnitus in some people. Noise suppression can be done by using devices like white noise machines or masking machines. Medical treatment is available in the form of antidepressants like amitriptyline or alprazolam.

Some of the simple home remedies for treating tinnitus are given here :-

1. Ginkgo Biloba

This herb is effective in improving blood flow which triggers proper ear functioning thus reducing ringing ears. Ginkgo biloba is also an excellent antibacterial agent for removing any ear infection causing tinnitus. You can easily get this herb from the drug store in your place. It is available in the form of pills and capsules. Prescribed dose of this herb is 120-240 mg per day. Ginkgo contains about 25% flavonoids and 10% of terpenoids. Once you start this medicine you need to follow it for minimum 6 weeks. Always check with your doctor before taking any treatment since some of the powerful herbs can interfere with your daily drugs.

2. Apple Vinegar

Vinegar solution can be used for controlling ringing of ears. You can mix 2-3 tsp of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water. Add few drops of honey for taste. Drink this mixture daily for a week or 10 days to get improved results. Vinegar solution is a good anti-inflammatory agent fighting with ear infection.

3. Basil Leaves

Holy basil is known for its antibacterial property. It can clear off any kind of bacterial or fungal infection causing earwax. You can easily extract basil juice by crushing few leaves in a blender. Slightly warm this juice and with the help of a ear dropper you can put 2-3 drops of basil juice in the paining ear. Basil helps in relieving wax and clearing off the pain in no time.

4. Onion

You can extract onion juice by cutting into small pieces and slightly heating it and crushing it with your hand. Apply onion juice directly in the ear and leave it for a while before draining the extract by tilting your head. Repeat this process several times a week or until the tinnitus clears off.


5. Garlic Pods

Similar to onion, garlic has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory property. Crush few pods of garlic and mix it with few drops of sesame oil. Filter it to extract plain juice and apply this juice with a dropper directly into the ear. You can repeat this remedy for a week or more until the ear pain goes off. You can get quality sleep without any ear pain by applying garlic juice on the ear before bedtime.

6. Chewing Ginger

If you are scared to apply juice directly into the ears, you can follow this simple remedy. Crush freshly cut ginger pieces and throw it into a cup of boiling water. Let it sit for a while. After that strain this solution and drink this tea after adding honey for taste. Alternatively, you can chew fresh ginger pieces slowly to get instant relief from ear pain.

7. Mustard Oil

Slightly warm the mustard oil and apply few drops of this oil into the ear with a dropper slowly. After allowing it for few minutes, bend your head slightly to drain off excess of oil. Earwax inside the ear canal gets loosened after mixing with mustard oil, which can be removed easily using ear-bud.

How To Prevent?

  • Include plenty of fresh fruits in your daily diet.

  • Drink fresh fruit juices regularly which add nutrients to your system thus improving immunity.

  • Do not use ear-buds to clean your ears.

  • Limit the usage of mobile phones.

  • Reduce the level of music while using earphones. Use only optimal level.

  • Stop smoking and drinking.

  • Avoid hearing loud noises.

  • Yoga and relaxation exercises can help in reducing Stress level thus providing relief from ringing ears.

  • Before going to sleep, play soft music.

** The above given natural remedies are meant only for mild ear pain and ringing of ears. It is always good to consult your ENT doctor if the symptoms are severe and accompanied with vomiting and nausea.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



Tinnitus is a swishing sound in the ear heard by elderly people. Very often, they hear a ringing noise and this occurs in age group of 65-76, more particular in men. This noise can be disturbing but it does not cause any serious problem. Most of the people who experience tinnitus will not go for any treatment and only visit doctor if the noise interfere their daily life. This ringing noise will be heard by any part of the ear. Again the nature of noise may vary with different individuals. For some it would be like hissing sound or whistling sound and for others it may be like intense ringing etc.

Tinnitus can be categorized into two types namely objective tinnitus, in which other persons may also hear the noise and subjective tinnitus in which the affected person will only hear the noise.

Causes :

Loss of hearing is probably the cause of tinnitus in elderly persons. Any trauma caused to the ears can cause this illness. The inner ear or the cochlea may get partially damaged and produces such noise causing discomfort. Some scientists believe that there is no real damage in the ears and it is the brain that gets confused hearing this noise.

It may also be caused by ear infection or presence of wax in our ears. When a person gets exposed to environment of loud noises, then there is chance for him/her to get tinnitus soon. For example, high pitched music, loudspeakers, loud noise of fire engines can produce some damage to the hearing capacity of your ears.

Drugs like aspirin and powerful antibiotics may also produce this effect in old age people. Some say tinnitus is an indication of the underlying problem in the ears.

Symptoms :

The symptoms of tinnitus include hearing loud noise of ringing sound matching with that of heartbeat. In many cases, the noise will be heard only by the affected person and not by others. For some people, it may cause dizziness and partial hearing loss.

Tests :

The doctor will conduct a complete history of the affected person. Further he may also ask him to do audiogram test or auditory brainstem response test for assessing the intensity of disorder.

Pictures of Tinnitus :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Tinnitus

Tinnitus Tinnitus Tinnitus Tinnitus Tinnitus Tinnitus Tinnitus Tinnitus
Treatment :

Treatment should be aimed in addressing the underlying cause which causes tinnitus. It is wise to consult ENT specialist who will check the hearing capacity to assess the actual damage. In most of the cases, the doctor will give assurances to the patient that there is no other illness that causes this problem.

For patients who suffer from anxiety problem, antidepressant drugs are given and if needed, hearing AIDS will be supported for balancing hearing loss. In many cases, the noise gets intense when the person is stressed hence relaxation therapy would be given.

Tinnitus – Treatment, Causes, Relief, Symptoms, Remedies, Retraining Therapy

Tinnitus – Treatment, Causes, Relief, Symptoms, Remedies, Retraining Therapy

What is Tinnitus?

This is a ringing or noise in each or one ear. It is a very common problem and affects approximately 1 in every 5 individuals. Tinnitus is not a disorder itself – it is an indication of some condition which is underlying, such as ear injury, age-related loss of hearing or a problem with Circulatory System.

Although annoying, tinnitus normally is not a symptom of anything serious. Even though it can get worse with age, for most individuals, tinnitus can get much better with management. Treating a causal cause which is identified often helps. Other treatments mask or reduce the noise, which makes tinnitus less obvious.

Tinnitus Symptoms

Tinnitus consists of irritating perception of hearing sounds or noise when there is no outside sound existing. Tinnitus symptoms encompass these kinds of phantom noises in the ears:

  • Buzzing

  • Ringing

  • Clicking

  • Roaring

  • Hissing

  • Whistling

These phantom noises can differ in pitch from a high squeal to a low roar, and can be heard in both or only one ear. There are cases where this sound is so loud that it interferes with the ability to hear authentic sound or to concentrate. Tinnitus can be existent all the time or it can come and go.

There are 2 kinds of tinnitus:

Subjective Tinnitus
Subjective tinnitus occurs when only you hear the noise. This is usually the more common form of tinnitus. It may be instigated by problems in the ear either in the inner, middle or outer ear. It can also be created by complications with the auditory nerves or the area of the brain which may understand nerve signals as sound.

Objective Tinnitus
Objective tinnitus occurs when the physician can actually hear the noise when he/she conducts the ear exam. This is a rare form of tinnitus and can be triggered by blood vessel problems, muscle contractions, or an inner ear disorder.

If an individual has tinnitus that is annoying, see your primary care physician.

Schedule an appointment with your physician if tinnitus develops after a respiratory infection such as a cold; especially if the tinnitus does not recover within a weeks’ time.

See your doctor immediately if tinnitus happens suddenly or with no apparent cause, or if there is loss of hearing or dizziness along with the tinnitus.

Tinnitus Causes

There are numerous health problems that can create or can make tinnitus worse. In some cases, a precise reason is not ever identified.

A very common reason of tinnitus is cell damage of the inner ear. Delicate, tiny hairs move in the inner ear linked to the relationship to sound wave pressure. This will trigger these cells to discharge electrical signals thru the auditory nerve that goes from the ear to the brain. The brain deduces these as sound. If hairs in the inner ear are broken or bent, they can also “leak” electrical impulses which are random to the brain, creating tinnitus.

Additional reasons for tinnitus can include other problems of the ear, conditions or injuries affecting the auditory nerves or the center of hearing in the brain, as well as chronic health conditions.

Common reasons of tinnitus
In the majority of individuals, tinnitus is caused by one of these below conditions:

Loss of hearing that is age-related
For the majority of people, hearing gets worse with age, normally beginning around 60 years of age.

Exposure to noises that are loud
Loud noises such as heavy equipment, firearms, and chain saws are all common sources of noise-related loss of hearing. Portable music devices, for example MP3 players or iPods, can also cause noise-related loss of hearing if played loudly for long periods.

Earwax blockage
Earwax is protection for the ear canal by ensnaring slow growth bacteria, as well as dirt. When there is too much earwax accumulated, it gets hard to wash away as expected, causing loss of hearing or irritation of the eardrum which can cause tinnitus.
Modifications in ear bone
Stiffening of bones in the middle ear can not only affect hearing but can cause tinnitus. This condition created by abnormal growth of bone runs in families.

You're reading Tinnitus – Treatment, Causes, Relief, Symptoms, Remedies, Retraining Therapy posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Drugs that can cause tinnitus
A number of drugs can cause or worsen tinnitus. Normally, the greater the dose of medicine, the worse the tinnitus comes to be. Often the annoying noise vanishes when the medicine is stopped. Drugs which are known to worsen or cause tinnitus include:

  • Antibiotics, such as erythromycin, chloramphenicol, gentamicin, bleomycin as well as vancomycin

  • Cancer drugs, including vincristine and mechlorethamine

  • Diuretics or water pills – such as furosemide, bumetanide, ethacrynic acids

  • Chloroquine, a malaria medication

  • Quinine drugs used for malaria

  • Aspirin especially when taken in high doses

Remedies and Relief

There are times when tinnitus is not able to be treated. Several individuals get used to the constant tinnitus or note it less than when it started. For some individuals, certain adjustments make the sound less annoying. These may help:

Avoid likely irritants
Lessen exposure to anything that makes tinnitus worse. Examples are loud noises as well as nicotine.

Cover over the noise
In a setting that is quiet, a fan, low-volume radio static or soft music can mask this noise.

Management of stress
Stress makes tinnitus worse. Management of stress, by biofeedback, relaxation therapy, or exercise can offer some relief.

Reduce intake of alcohol
Alcohol raises the force of blood by dilating the blood vessels causing blood flow which is greater, especially in the area of the inner ear.

Tinnitus Treatment

Treating underlying health problems
To manage tinnitus, the physician will try first to detect any treatable underlying disorder that can be linked to the symptoms. If tinnitus is caused by a health disorder, the physician may take steps to diminish the noise. Examples include:

Removal of earwax
Removing any earwax which is impacted can decrease symptoms of tinnitus.

Treating any condition of blood vessel
Vascular conditions which are underlying probably need drugs, surgery or other types of treatment to manage problem.

Changing drugs
If a medication seems to be the reason for tinnitus, your physician can advise stopping it or decreasing the dose or changing to a dissimilar medication.

Suppression of Noise
In several cases, “white noise” can help to subdue the sound so that it is not so annoying. Your primary care physician can suggest using some type of electronic device to overwhelm the noise. Devices can include:

White noise devices
These devices produce environmental sounds such as rain falling or waves on the beach, and are often an effective management for tinnitus. Try a white noise device with speakers that go under the pillow to help you with sleep.

Hearing AIDS
These can be help if you have hearing problems as well as tinnitus.

Masking aids
These are wearable in the ears and produce a white noise low-level and suppress the symptoms of tinnitus.

Tinnitus retraining
This is a device worn in the ear which delivers programmed tonal music that masks the exact frequencies of the tinnitus that an individual might be experiencing. The technique over time can accustom an individual to the tinnitus, by helping the person to stop focusing on it.

Tinnitus Medications

Drugs do not stop tinnitus but in several cases can help reduce the harshness of complications or symptoms. These include:

  • Tricycle antidepressants, for example nortriptyline and amitriptyline, have been used with success.

  • Alprazolam – Xanax can help reduce tinnitus symptoms but are habit forming and have side effects.