Showing posts with label Ringing in Ear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ringing in Ear. Show all posts

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Ringing in Ear – Symptoms, Types, Causes, Treatment

Tinnitus is the medical term given for regular ringing or buzzing noise on the ears. There will be onset of sudden Ringing in Ear that lasts for few minutes. Here the affected person will hear a strange noise that does not exist physically and the sound will keep in time with that of your heartbeat. The sound can become constant nuisance and come and go on its own. Ringing in ear is common on aged people who are more than 45 years. It is seen commonly in 1 out of every 5 people. Tinnitus is indicative of the underlying hearing loss due to old age. With proper treatment you can remove the noise or ringing sound on the ears.

Symptoms :

Ringing sound, roaring or buzzing noise is the symptoms of tinnitus. The sound can be annoying for the affected person and one cannot say when it will come. Some people report of hissing noise on the ears and the intensity of noise may vary in frequency and pitch. Similarly the noise will occur either in one ear or both. For some people the sound will be so loud that it may disturb the ability of hearing and concentrating.

Types :

  • Subjective ringing in ear is the most common type and is experienced due to problems in the middle ear or inner ear. It can also be caused by nerve impairment on the brain that transmits nerve signals to the ear.
  • Objective tinnitus is one in which the doctor can hear the sound when he examines your ear.
  • Another category is pulsatile sound in which the noise will match with the rhythm of the heartbeat. The sound will be like the pulse or contractions of the muscle. Non-pulsatile tinnitus is experienced in both the ears and it involves the nerve signals.
  • Causes Of Ringing in Ear :

    • One of the major causes of ringing in ear is age related hearing loss. There are many reasons for hearing noise inside the ears. It can be due to excess of earwax, intake of medications (aspirin, diuretics, Cancer medicines, antidepressants) drinking alcohol and Ear infection.
    • Even dental problems can involve ear causing noise inside. If there is sudden change in the pressure of environment you can hear sudden gushing sound inside the ears.
    • Ear injury or trauma and working in the atmosphere of loud noise can cause this problem. People who are in the habit of using portable devices like MP3 or iPods have increased risk of getting this problem. It is necessary to use only minimal sound when hearing music.
    • Malnutrition or sudden Weight Loss can trigger ringing noise in the ears. If you have vascular problems like carotid arthrosclerosis or sudden high Blood Pressure it can cause ringing sound on ear.
    • Nerve problems like acoustic neuroma, labyrinthitis and Thyroid disease can trigger sudden noise on the ears. There are tiny hairs inside the ear that is responsible for transmitting nerve signals from the brain. If it is damaged or broken for some reasons, there will be a leakage of noise causing tinnitus.
    • Problems in ear bone like stiffening of ear bones on the middle ear can cause this problem.
    • Meniere’s Disease, TMJ disorder and head injury can trigger abnormal noise on the ear.
    Ringing in Ear

    Who Are At Risk ?

    People who work in constant noisy atmosphere like factory or construction sites are prone to get ringing noise on the ears. Smoking and drinking, cardiovascular problems, and age can aggravate this problem.

    Diagnoses :

    Your doctor will do hearing examination using earphone for detecting the nature of sound. He may ask you to make frequent eye movements for identifying the underlying problem. In rare cases, MRI test or CT scan is taken for analyzing the issue inside.

    Treatment :

    Treatment depends on the underlying issues and hence the doctor will identify the exact cause that is responsible for making ringing noise on the ears. In case if it is due to excess of earwax he will remove the wax for correcting the problem. If it is due to underlying blood vessel conditions, your doctor will have to surgically operate it for fixing the issue.

    For people who take strong medications your doctor will change or reduce the dosage so that the ringing noise will stop. Noise devices like hearing AIDS, white noise machines are suggested remedies for this problem. In this machine, you will hear the sound of falling rain or noise of ocean waves that will suppress the ringing noise.

    Some doctors recommend using masking device for blocking the noise or symptoms of ringing sound. Programmed music tones are used to mask the high pitched noise caused by tinnitus. Medications are not given for treating tinnitus but in rare cases antidepressants are given for treatment.

    Lifestyle Changes :

    Counseling is helpful for managing Stress related problem that triggers noise. Reduce your presence in loud noisy atmosphere. You can cover up the noise by listening to soft music.

    Monday, March 06, 2017

    Ringing In Ears (Tinnitus) – Home Remedies, Treatment, Prevention

    Ringing in Ears (Tinnitus) – Home Remedies, Treatment, Prevention

    Ringing ears is a common occurrence for almost everyone at some point of life. Ringing sound can be heard for short periods either in one or both the ears. There is nothing wrong if it happens occasionally. But ringing of ears constantly can be a nuisance causing discomfort. This phenomenon of ringing sound in ears is known as tinnitus. Tinnitus can occur due to various factors like ear injury, severe Ear infection, aging, reaching high altitudes, having recurrent respiratory tract infections. For some people vitamin deficiency can cause tinnitus. Abnormal growth of bones in the ear can cause ringing ears. Chronic disorders like Diabetes or high Blood Pressure or even circulatory problems can trigger tinnitus.

    Treatment for tinnitus includes the underlying problems. Clearing off the earwax can help in providing relief from ringing noise. Giving alternate medication can reduce the tinnitus in some people. Noise suppression can be done by using devices like white noise machines or masking machines. Medical treatment is available in the form of antidepressants like amitriptyline or alprazolam.

    Some of the simple home remedies for treating tinnitus are given here :-

    1. Ginkgo Biloba

    This herb is effective in improving blood flow which triggers proper ear functioning thus reducing ringing ears. Ginkgo biloba is also an excellent antibacterial agent for removing any ear infection causing tinnitus. You can easily get this herb from the drug store in your place. It is available in the form of pills and capsules. Prescribed dose of this herb is 120-240 mg per day. Ginkgo contains about 25% flavonoids and 10% of terpenoids. Once you start this medicine you need to follow it for minimum 6 weeks. Always check with your doctor before taking any treatment since some of the powerful herbs can interfere with your daily drugs.

    2. Apple Vinegar

    Vinegar solution can be used for controlling ringing of ears. You can mix 2-3 tsp of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water. Add few drops of honey for taste. Drink this mixture daily for a week or 10 days to get improved results. Vinegar solution is a good anti-inflammatory agent fighting with ear infection.

    3. Basil Leaves

    Holy basil is known for its antibacterial property. It can clear off any kind of bacterial or fungal infection causing earwax. You can easily extract basil juice by crushing few leaves in a blender. Slightly warm this juice and with the help of a ear dropper you can put 2-3 drops of basil juice in the paining ear. Basil helps in relieving wax and clearing off the pain in no time.

    4. Onion

    You can extract onion juice by cutting into small pieces and slightly heating it and crushing it with your hand. Apply onion juice directly in the ear and leave it for a while before draining the extract by tilting your head. Repeat this process several times a week or until the tinnitus clears off.


    5. Garlic Pods

    Similar to onion, garlic has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory property. Crush few pods of garlic and mix it with few drops of sesame oil. Filter it to extract plain juice and apply this juice with a dropper directly into the ear. You can repeat this remedy for a week or more until the ear pain goes off. You can get quality sleep without any ear pain by applying garlic juice on the ear before bedtime.

    6. Chewing Ginger

    If you are scared to apply juice directly into the ears, you can follow this simple remedy. Crush freshly cut ginger pieces and throw it into a cup of boiling water. Let it sit for a while. After that strain this solution and drink this tea after adding honey for taste. Alternatively, you can chew fresh ginger pieces slowly to get instant relief from ear pain.

    7. Mustard Oil

    Slightly warm the mustard oil and apply few drops of this oil into the ear with a dropper slowly. After allowing it for few minutes, bend your head slightly to drain off excess of oil. Earwax inside the ear canal gets loosened after mixing with mustard oil, which can be removed easily using ear-bud.

    How To Prevent?

    • Include plenty of fresh fruits in your daily diet.

    • Drink fresh fruit juices regularly which add nutrients to your system thus improving immunity.

    • Do not use ear-buds to clean your ears.

    • Limit the usage of mobile phones.

    • Reduce the level of music while using earphones. Use only optimal level.

    • Stop smoking and drinking.

    • Avoid hearing loud noises.

    • Yoga and relaxation exercises can help in reducing Stress level thus providing relief from ringing ears.

    • Before going to sleep, play soft music.

    ** The above given natural remedies are meant only for mild ear pain and ringing of ears. It is always good to consult your ENT doctor if the symptoms are severe and accompanied with vomiting and nausea.

    Tuesday, May 10, 2016

    Ringing in Ear

    Ringing in Ear

    Tinnitus is the medical term given for regular ringing or buzzing noise on the ears. There will be onset of sudden ringing in ear that lasts for few minutes. Here the affected person will hear a strange noise that does not exist physically and the sound will keep in time with that of your heartbeat. The sound can become constant nuisance and come and go on its own. Ringing in ear is common on aged people who are more than 45 years. It is seen commonly in 1 out of every 5 people. Tinnitus is indicative of the underlying hearing loss due to old age. With proper treatment you can remove the noise or ringing sound on the ears.

    Symptoms :

    Ringing sound, roaring or buzzing noise is the symptoms of tinnitus. The sound can be annoying for the affected person and one cannot say when it will come. Some people report of hissing noise on the ears and the intensity of noise may vary in frequency and pitch. Similarly the noise will occur either in one ear or both. For some people the sound will be so loud that it may disturb the ability of hearing and concentrating.

    Types :

    Subjective ringing in ear is the most common type and is experienced due to problems in the middle ear or inner ear. It can also be caused by nerve impairment on the brain that transmits nerve signals to the ear.

    Objective tinnitus is one in which the doctor can hear the sound when he examines your ear.

    Another category is pulsatile sound in which the noise will match with the rhythm of the heartbeat. The sound will be like the pulse or contractions of the muscle. Non-pulsatile tinnitus is experienced in both the ears and it involves the nerve signals.

    Causes :

    One of the major causes of ringing in ear is age related hearing loss. There are many reasons for hearing noise inside the ears. It can be due to excess of earwax, intake of medications (aspirin, diuretics, cancer medicines, antidepressants) drinking alcohol and ear infection.

    Even dental problems can involve ear causing noise inside. If there is sudden change in the pressure of environment you can hear sudden gushing sound inside the ears.

    Ear injury or trauma and working in the atmosphere of loud noise can cause this problem. People who are in the habit of using portable devices like MP3 or iPods have increased risk of getting this problem. It is necessary to use only minimal sound when hearing music.

    Malnutrition or sudden Weight Loss can trigger ringing noise in the ears. If you have vascular problems like carotid arthrosclerosis or sudden high Blood Pressure it can cause ringing sound on ear.

    Nerve problems like acoustic neuroma, labyrinthitis and thyroid disease can trigger sudden noise on the ears. There are tiny hairs inside the ear that is responsible for transmitting nerve signals from the brain. If it is damaged or broken for some reasons, there will be a leakage of noise causing tinnitus.

    Problems in ear bone like stiffening of ear bones on the middle ear can cause this problem.

    Meniere’s Disease, TMJ disorder and head injury can trigger abnormal noise on the ear.

    Who are at risk?

    People who work in constant noisy atmosphere like factory or construction sites are prone to get ringing noise on the ears.

    Smoking and drinking, cardiovascular problems, and age can aggravate this problem.

    Diagnoses :

    Your doctor will do hearing examination using earphone for detecting the nature of sound. He may ask you to make frequent eye movements for identifying the underlying problem. In rare cases, MRI test or CT scan is taken for analyzing the issue inside.

    Treatment :

    Treatment depends on the underlying issues and hence the doctor will identify the exact cause that is responsible for making ringing noise on the ears.

    In case if it is due to excess of earwax he will remove the wax for correcting the problem. If it is due to underlying blood vessel conditions, your doctor will have to surgically operate it for fixing the issue.

    For people who take strong medications your doctor will change or reduce the dosage so that the ringing noise will stop. Noise devices like hearing AIDS, white noise machines are suggested remedies for this problem. In this machine, you will hear the sound of falling rain or noise of ocean waves that will suppress the ringing noise.

    Some doctors recommend using masking device for blocking the noise or symptoms of ringing sound. Programmed music tones are used to mask the high pitched noise caused by tinnitus. Medications are not given for treating tinnitus but in rare cases antidepressants are given for treatment.

    Lifestyle Changes :

    Counseling is helpful for managing stress related problem that triggers noise. Reduce your presence in loud noisy atmosphere. You can cover up the noise by listening to soft music.

    Ringing in Ear – Causes, Treatment, Remedies

    Ringing in Ear – Causes, Treatment, Remedies

    Ringing in Ear Causes

    There are many possible underlying causes. Tinnitus usually resolves itself once the problem is fixed.
    There are a few cases where the health practitioner will be able to hear the sound as well. This is called objective tinnitus. They can be caused by muscle spasms with create a clicking or crackling sound in the area surrounding the middle ear.

    You're reading Ringing in Ear – Causes, Treatment, Remedies posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

    When a person can distinguish a pulsating sort of sound, this condition is termed vascular or pulsatile tinnitus. The causative factors include alteration of the flow of blood or an increase in turbulence close to the ear. This ringing in ear is caused by either a venous hum or atherosclerosis. It may occur to the an increase in the patient’s awareness of his or her bodily functions. In rare cases, it may be a sign of fatal conditions like an Aneurysm of the carotid artery, giant cell arteritis , intracranial Hypertension or Vasculitis.

    • The ringing in ear may be a symptom of a hearing problem that is common to aging individuals. It has been reported that out of five people in the 55 -65 age bracket , at least one is experiencing this condition.The microscopic nerve endings found in the nerve responsible for hearing could be damaged. This is common in older people (Presbycusis ). It may lead to chronic tinnitus. It could be a side effect of congenital loss of hearing and more commonly, hearing loss due to excessive noise.

    • Infection of the bones in the middle ear is also a plausible factor. This can also signify infection or fluid retention in the area.

    • The ear canal is sensitive to excessively loud sounds. Even brief exposure to this can result to tinnitus. Earphones that are put on high volume and reveberate through the canal will produce this result. This can also damage hearing.

    • Ear infection or the build-up of ear wax is a common causative factor. The presence of foreign objects in the ear can produce that annoying ringing sound.Studies have also shown that aggravated sinus or nasal allergies has been identified to be a common precursor. Because it causes fluid build-up.

    • Ototoxic drugs are medications that can lead to loss of hearing and ringing in ear. The can damage the cochlear hair cells and impair our balance by deterioration of the auditory nerves. Dizzyness, sound hypersensitivity (hyperacusis), vertigo and temporary or permanent loss of hearing are common results. Some antibiotics, NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, aimoglycosides, trigyclic anti-depressants, loop diuretics, calcium blockers, Ace Inhibitors, beta blockers, diuretics and anti-convulsants are responsible for hearing loss.

    • Ringing in ear may be caused by withdrawal from benzodiazipine medication. There have been studies that link tinnitus to aspirin , chloroquine, quinidine and low levels of serotonin.

    • People who have psychiatric disorders like Depression and anxiety may also experience ringing in ear syndrome.

    • Meniere’s disease is a condition that can cause vertigo, tinnitus and episodes of hearing loss. It is known to affect only one ear and is common in individuals in their early forties to late fifties. This does not mean it is exclusive to that age group. A number of children have been struck with this as well.

    Ringing in Ear Treatment

    There are no available treatments to cure tinnitus. The main concern of health care practitioners are to help those affected in living fuller lives. Counseling is done to help people cope with their problem. This is best for those that have insecurity issues and are depressed because of their condition. You may be given anti-anxiety medication or anti-depressants to help lift your mood and allow you to sleep better.

    Ringing in Ear Remedies

    • Hearing aids can be installed in patients with severe hearing loss and tinnitus. There are also wearable sound generators that are inserted into the ear canal and emit a relaxing sound to help mask the ringing. Nature sounds can be played by way of your iPod to help you relax. Place the device near your bed and listen to the crashing of waves, birds, rainfall or gurgling streams.

    • There is a new procedure called ANS ( acoustic neural stimulation) this is used for people with very loud ringing sounds. It is about the size of your palm and has headphones that send a broadband acoustic signal along with music.

    • Severe cases are suggested to try cochlear implants. It works by sending an electrical signal directly to the auditory nerve.