Showing posts with label Razor Bumps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Razor Bumps. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Razor Bumps

Razor Bumps

Razor bumps are known as pseudofolliculitis barbae in medical terms. It is marked by the presence of small bumps or lesions on the skin which develop after shaving the skin. Tiny particles of hair curl back inside and started growing into the skin. These are called as Ingrown hairs which leaves a scar on the affected area.

Easy way to get rid of razor bumps is to stop shaving but it is not possible all the time. Once you start shaving, these bumps recur. Normally razor bumps can get cured by home remedies but if you have severe scarring then you need to take antibiotic cream. You can use alternative methods for removing your hair instead of razor.

Here, the hair grows inward into the skin invading them and there are several methods of treatment available for curing razor bumps.

Symptoms :

Redness of skin is seen on the face and neck after shaving. It is also present in other areas like arms and legs if you regularly shave them. The bumps are nothing but tiny lesions resembling a scar on the place in which hair is removed abruptly.

There may be scarring on the affected skin area. For some people there may be swelling and inflammation apart from the presence of red scar. Actually, the swelling of skin and scarring is the result of body’s defense mechanism to protect the affected skin.

People with curly hair are more prone to get razor bumps scar than others. African Americans are at risk of having razor bumps when compared to people living in other regions.

Causes :

Razor bumps are obviously caused by razors, i.e. usage of blades for shaving.

Treatment :

Medications and Topical Creams

You should understand first that the process of shaving cuts the hair bluntly from your skin. This gives room for the formation of scar and recurrence of hair growth on the skin. Hence you should not apply pressure while shaving; instead use gentle Strokes for removing the hair. Again you should choose the right razor to avoid getting bumps and redness on your face.

You can apply hydrocortisone cream after shaving which will reduce inflammation and irritation caused by redness and scarring. However you should not overuse it and discontinue it once the scarring has faded away.

Irritating razor bumps can also be treated by glycolic lotion obtained over the counter in any drugstore. Instead of using soap for shaving you can try using shaving cream that contains aloe vera. Try shaving your skin after a warm shower which leaves your skin soft keeping the pores wide open. Soon after shaving you can apply moisturizing lotion or cream which is alcohol free.

Number of products is available at the store for treating razor bumps and redness caused by inflammation of the skin.

Watch your Shaving Techniques

Do not apply pressure but press gently on the skin with the blade to remove excess of hair. Use the razor in the direction of hair growth. Do not shave on the same area which may worsen the symptoms of scarring. Use a new blade or go for different kind of razor which gives a smooth shaving experience.

You need to prepare the skin prior to shaving so that shaving becomes less painful and pressure-free.

You can also disinfect the area using a good product that contains fatty alcohol to give astringent benefits for killing the bacteria causing inflammation.

Home Remedies

You can apply salt on the swollen area to pull out the ingrown hair. Some people use sugar scrubs for exfoliating the skin which leaves a silky shine on the surface. Try using the paste of aspirin pill for fighting inflammation which is beneficial in applying on bikini line or face.

Pictures of Razor Bumps :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Razor Bumps

Razor Bumps Razor Bumps Razor Bumps Razor Bumps
Prevention :

You can prevent razor bumps by letting the beard grow or not shaving. You can also try not to use razor for 3-4 weeks until the bumps have completely cured.

Some people prefer to remove the hair follicles permanently using laser treatment but this may cause discoloration and even scarring.

Razor Bumps – Cure, Home Remedies, Treatment

Razor Bumps – Cure, Home Remedies, Treatment

What are Razor bumps?

The medical term for razor bumps is Pseudofolliculitis barbae. This problem of the skin is called “pseudo” folliculitis due to the fact that it is not caused by any bacterial infection. Instead it is caused by the re-growth of hair after having been shaved. The condition normally occurs most frequently in individual who have very kinky, curly hair. After shaving the hair, it starts to grow again. But curly hair is inclined to kink back into the skin rather than out the follicle which is causing a mechanical irritation. The trademark of this condition is red or hyperpigmented papules. Often pustules can form due to a secondary infection.

Razor Bumps Cure

To cure and prevent this condition from occurring, the individual will need to change some basic shaving techniques.

First, do not shave daily if you are a person who suffers from razor bumps

It is suggested that the skin is given a rest of 2 to 3 days between shaving close with a blade. It is possible to use an electric shaver for those other days so that you do not lose control of the facial hair. If the individual only shaves legs or head, the hair should not become too out of control so give the skin the 2 to 3 days rest between shaves so as to elude razor bumps.

Soften the hair with water which is warm as this will help an individual get a much better shave as well as keep razor bumps from developing.

Most razor bumps are caused most often by an angular cut of the razor. So it is a good idea to soften that hair to make sure a much more even cut thru the hair. This may be done a several ways, but at this time here are two:

  • Shave when you are taking a shower

  • Use a wash cloth that’s been soaked in hot water and put across the face for approximately 5 minutes prior to shaving.

  • Both of the methods will reduce razor bumps and are relaxing so you will have to make time in a busy day for both of them.

    You're reading Razor Bumps – Cure, Home Remedies, Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

    Use correct shaving techniques are the best way to cure razor bumps. Here are rules to follow.

  • Use a shaving gel rather than shaving cream

  • Put on shaving gel and allow the shaving gel to sit on the face for several minutes prior to shaving. This helps soften the hair and skin.

  • Do not shave against the grain of the hair. And, do not shave the identical area more than twice so as to get a closer shave. Avoid the newer razor blades with 2, 3, or 4 blades in them as they are incline to lift and snap hair back into place, giving a closer shave but causing razor bumps.

  • Always rinse your razor with rubbing alcohol before as well as after use and change the blade every week. Razor bumps form immediately after shaving, so the individual will need to make certain that there are as few bacteria on the skin as possible.

  • If you are still having razor bumps, do not pick at them or squeeze them as well as not rubbing your face. If your skin is exceptionally irritable, consider trying a local antiseptic or antimicrobial treatment – alcohol based – to help numb the area and prevent infections. This should be done when you get nicks, scrapes or cuts from shaving. Tea Tree oil, and iodine or other alcohol based aftershaves will help stop razor bumps.

    Razor Bumps Home Remedies

    There are many home remedies to help with the problem of razor bumps. These include:

    • Always use water that is warm when shaving

    • Moisturize the skin well before shaving

    • Exfoliate the skin with a sponge or loofah using a scrub made with 1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed with liquid soap.

    • Apply witch hazel after finishing shaving

    • Soak 2 aspirins that are not coated in a little warm water. After the aspirin softens, apply this liquid on the skin to kill any infections.

    • Another good skin toner for after shaving is to take 3 drops of glycerin, quarter cup of water, 2 uncoated tablets of aspirin and mix all of this together well until the aspirin dissolves.

    Note – if you are allergic to aspirin do not use them in any preparations for the skin

    • Apply apple cider vinegar on the bumps

    • Aloe vera is also good for razor bumps

    • Essential oils of chamomile, lavender or tea oil are very good for razor bumps also

    Razor Bumps Treatment

    Razor bumps can easily turn into something much worse: folliculitis. This condition begins under the skin and affects the follicles of hair. Deep folliculitis causes large swollen bumps or masses on the skin, blisters which are pus-filled and residual scarring.

    In the case of staphylococcal folliculitis, you should see a dermatologist. A prescription of topical or oral antibiotic will help with this infection. Acne medication such as Retin-A can also be used for stubborn cases of infections. Often the ingrown hair may cause an extremely deep infection – a Carbuncle or boil. A physician may drain the area which is infected and prescribe antibiotics in order to fight the infection.