Showing posts with label Shoulder Injuries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shoulder Injuries. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder Injuries

If there is pain and stiffness on your shoulder or if you feel it difficult to rotate your arm in all directions, then you may have shoulder injury. Sometimes you may feel weakness in your shoulder and discomfort in carrying out routine tasks. There are warning signs of shoulder injury. Several kinds of shoulder injuries like biceps rupture, scapula fracture and rotator cuff injuries are experienced by many people. Very often this type of injury damages the muscles and tendons of the shoulder instead of bones.

Those engaged in sports activities are prone to get shoulder injury. Many times people do not give importance to pain or stiffness on the shoulder which may worsen the problem.

Symptoms :

Symptoms of shoulder injury include pain, numbness, difficulty in moving arms, tingling sensation, swelling of arms, tenderness on the shoulder, change in temperature and discomfort while making rotating motion. The pain will aggravate when the person engages in strenuous work that involves moving the shoulder muscle upwards.

Some types of shoulder injury are discussed below:-

Instability :

When there is dislocation of the joints, it can cause instability and discomfort to the shoulders. The position of the joints will move from its original place leading to dislocation. This will cause great pain and difficulty in moving the arm. Many people feel this as slipping of shoulder from its place.

Impingement :

If the muscles of the shoulder rub against the blades it can cause impingement. People involved in frequent moving of arms in overhead position can get this problem.

Rotator Cuff Injury :

This is the major problem occurring in people with shoulder injury. Certain group of muscles called rotator cuff binds the entire muscles and tendons of the shoulder offering good support for flexible movement of shoulder. When the rotator cuff gets injured the person may not be able to lift his arm above his head thus unable to perform certain activities. Among all other joints of the body, shoulder joint has wide range of motions and for this reason this joint is subjected to more wear and tear and injury than other joints.

Causes of Shoulder Injury :

Acute injury can occur to the shoulder joints and ligaments suddenly during a fall or direct blow on the shoulder. When the arms are bent in abnormal position or twisted far from the normal position it can certainly cause injury. It causes sudden pain and severe pain.

When the nerves inside the shoulder get damaged during a fall, it can cause Shoulder Pain and injury. This may even cause leakage of blood into the tissues which can change the color of normal skin to blue or black color.

If the blood vessels on the skin of shoulder muscle gets damaged or ruptured it will cause oozing of blood into the skin tissues. Sprains can occur to the shoulder muscles when the ropy fibers connecting the bones get un-stabilized. When the muscles are pulled out with force it can cause strain to the underlying tissues and joints.

Brachial plexus neuropathy can cause nerve damage. Accidents can separate the collarbone from the end of shoulder blade causing torn ligaments. Fractures can occur on the shoulder bone when it is twisted in awkward position.

When the joints are overused or overstretched it can cause shoulder injury. Bursitis is a condition in which there is rubbing of bones due to lack of cushioning and lubrication. The connecting tendons may get inflamed due to swelling of ropy fibers. Biceps muscle or humerus muscles may get damaged badly when it is stretched beyond limit.

When the cartilages get broken or cushions are dislocated, it can cause shoulder injury. A herniated disc or Pinched Nerve can cause swelling.

Treatment :

Home Remedies for Minor Injury :

If there is considerable pain and swelling of shoulder muscles, you can apply ice compression. You can try RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) therapy for getting positive results.

Rest should be given to the shoulder muscles and bones when it is injured. Give complete rest by not doing any activity that may cause pain and increase swelling on the shoulder.

Apply ice or cold packs on the affected area to reduce swelling. You can wrap some ice cubes in a towel and gently keep it on the shoulder area where there is pain. Repeat this process many times to get relief from swelling. You can also use alternate cold and heat therapy on the shoulder muscles.

Compression is wrapping the area with fine bandage to reduce inflammation. Make your shoulder comfortable by wearing a sling.

Keep the affected shoulder in elevated position which would reduce swelling considerably. You can keep the arms to rest on a pillow while sitting.

All these remedies are effective only for short injury with mild pain and swelling.

Medical Treatment :

In case of bleeding of arms, you need to visit the clinic as early as possible. Before reaching the hospital you can apply force directly on the affected area to stop bleeding. You can use a sling for adding more support.

If your doctor applies a splint or casting for broken bones on the shoulder you should make every effort to keep it dry and clean.

Your surgeon and physiotherapist will teach you some shoulder exercises for strengthening the muscles. It can be like wall push-ups, stretching exercise and press-ups.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are given for reducing swelling. Cortisone is given directly in the form of injection on the affected area like joints.

Surgery is done in case of internal fracture or severe muscle damage.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder Injuries

Common Shoulder Injuries

AC joint separation or the acromioclavicular joint

The condition is related to the separation of the two bones forming the acromioclavicular joint. The ligaments connecting them are said to be damaged, that is why the state is possible. This is also referred as the shoulder separation injury.

Dislocated Shoulder

A very common traumatic injury that is a usual result of a wide range of sports activities. The head of the upper arm bone is forced forward when the arm is turned outwards. Because of the high mobility of the shoulder, it can result to easy instability and injury.

Impingement syndrome

This is also referred as Swimmer’s shoulder or Thrower’s shoulder. This is caused by the tendons of the rotator cuff to become impinged from the acromion.

Frozen shoulder

The medical term for this condition is adhesive capsulitis. This usually occurs on one specific side. But take note, the condition can spread to the other shoulder too. The condition is due to capsulitis, an inflammation of the joint capsule. The primary cause of the condition is trauma, surgery or illness.

Rotator cuff injury

The condition is possible because of a lot of shoulder rotation. Sports activities are common causes of this condition. The mechanism of the condition is acute and chronic tear. First, the condition can be a result of a sudden, powerful movement. The chronic state can develop over a period of time and result to a more serious problem.

Types of Shoulder Injuries

The shoulder is supported by our muscles, tendons and ligaments. A fracture or injury of these supports can lead to injury, that’s why we need to be careful in performing movements of the shoulder. It is believed that one is prone to such condition when a person has been experiencing consistently some joint weakness, inflammation and pain. Here are the following types of shoulder injuries:

The rotator cuff tears occur as one ages. Over use of the muscles can tear the muscle surrounding or supporting our shoulder. An injury can cause the present condition too. It has been noted that most rotator cuff problems are treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and with gentle exercises.

The state occurs when the rotator cuff and the acromion bone becomes narrowed, resulting for tendons to move freely.
Overhead movements are the common cause of this condition. Sports such as baseball, basketball, football, tennis, swimming and volleyball are common causes of this condition.

You're reading Shoulder Injuries posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

This is also referred as dislocation. Because of instability, the person affected can have overstretching of the muscles and tendons thus resulting to loosening of the bone from its ball and socket. Full dislocation can also occur when there is serious trauma.

The collarbone is a common injury area when it comes to contact sports.

Shoulder Injuries Symptoms

There are specific characteristics of the shoulder injuries. But when the presenting symptoms are compared with each other, they can be identified as similar or can be grouped in general. Here are the following symptoms of the injury:

  • Pain at the end of the collar bone is a common manifestation

  • Pain may radiate from the shoulder to the back

  • Pain upon movement is a common sensation or complaint.

  • Pain may also be described as pins and needles. Sometimes numbness may be experienced.

  • Pain is felt when one is to lift things.

  • Swelling may occur.

  • Step-deformity may be visible. This is a lump where the joint has been disrupted and is made visible, depending on the severity.

  • Stiffening can start as the case may be frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. It has been reported that the condition can last up to 5 to 12 months, depending on the severity.

Shoulder Injuries Diagnosis

Diagnostic exam of the condition is very much necessary in order to identify the proper treatment for the condition. Here are the following tests to perform for shoulder injuries:

Physical examination

This includes assessment of pain, location and limits of movement and extent of dislocation.

Radiologic exam

X-rays can identify underlying conditions.

Ultrasound and MRI

Ultrasound and MRI are helpful tests for this condition.


This is an image test that uses contrast fluid to assist in the visualization of the underlying problem or current problem.

Shoulder Injuries Treatment

Physical treatment or assistance is the first stop for the treating a shoulder injury. As the condition has been detected here are some of the steps to consider in avoiding serious problems from the shoulder injury:

Shoulder exercises
These exercises are aimed in the strengthening of the shoulder muscles. These would include basic shoulder strengthening, such as attaching elastic tubing to a doorknob at home then gently pulling the elastic tubing toward one’s body. Wall push-ups should be done twice a day. Shoulder press-ups are done by sitting upright in a chair with an armrest. Use the arms to slowly rise off the chair and perform twice a day.

Taking of anti inflammatory drugs is necessary to reduce the pain and swelling that the person affected is experiencing. NSAIDS are provided for patients.

Bed rest
Rest is necessary to regain the lost energy from the injury.

Apply ice or cold pack
The area affected is painful. The use of cold compress can reduce the swelling and discomfort.

Physical or occupation therapy
Sometimes, those who had shoulder injuries have altered physical capabilities because of the injury. In order to return to the normal capacity, attendance to a physical or occupation therapy is a must.

Surgical intervention is a last resort
This is only applicable to worst case scenarios.