Showing posts with label Tailbone Pain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tailbone Pain. Show all posts

Saturday, July 01, 2017

How to Manage Tailbone Pain When Sitting

How to Manage Tailbone Pain When Sitting It is quite natural to give your tailbone no attention until it actually starts creating problems. The pain you experience is usually centered at the bottom of your spine and above your buttocks. Precisely, it affects the multi-segmented bone at the very end of your spine. While the size of your tailbone (coccyx) is quite small, it still plays an important role in keeping you stable when you sit. Moreover, many muscles, tendons, and ligaments go through the area, which is why you just cannot ignore your tailbone pain when sitting. Let's find out more about the causes and some treatment options.

Why Does It Occur?
Tailbone pain – coccydynia – may be the result of an injury or trauma to the coccyx caused by prolonged sitting or a fall. Vaginal childbirth and degenerative joint changes can also lead to tailbone pain. The pain you experience is usually dull and achy but can become severe during certain activities, such as changing your position, sitting, or prolonged standing. Some people may find sex and defecation quite painful. It can also make menstruation a bit uncomfortable for women.

Should You Worry?
You usually do not need to do anything about your tailbone pain when sitting because it goes away on its own. It may take a few weeks or sometimes months to recover completely. However, you should consider seeing your doctor if your tailbone pain is severe and has not improved after several days.

Tailbone pain is usually nothing serious, but in rare cases, it can be a sign of Cancer. Your doctor will order an MRI scan to rule out the possibility of cancer. It also helps identify any bone fracture or other injury. Your doctor may ask you to get an X-ray in both standing and sitting position to identify the root cause of problem.

How to Manage the Pain
As mentioned already, your pain usually gets better over time, but you can still try some remedies and take homecare measures to accelerate recovery. Here are a few ways to help manage your tailbone pain when sitting.

1. Apply Some Ice

Applying an ice pack on your tailbone may help relieve inflammation and pain. If you have sustained an injury, be sure to ice the area at least for the first 48 hours. You should be applying it at least once every hour. Simply get an ice pack or wrap some ice in a cloth and apply it to your tailbone for about 20 minutes at a time. You can apply ice only thrice a day after the first 48 hours.

2. Improve Your Posture

In many cases, your tailbone pain is the result of a bad posture. Therefore, the treatment would involve correcting the posture. You should make every effort to sit upright. Be sure to keep your core engaged with your back slightly arched and neck straight. It is possible to experience tailbone pain when you get up from a sitting position, but you can manage it by leaning forward a bit before you rise up.

3. Use a Cushion When Sitting

You can find special cushions that you have to place underneath the tailbone to reduce pain and discomfort. You can also use a piece of foam rubber to make a cushion. All you have to do is make a hole in the center of foam rubber like a toilet seat. Your doctor can also help you determine the type of cushion best suited for your needs.

4. Use Some Heat

Just like using an ice pack, applying a heating pad can also help decrease pain. Use a heat pad for at least 20 minutes at a time – you should be using it 4 times in the beginning. Taking a hot bath may also help reduce some discomfort and tailbone pain when sitting.

5. Take Some Rest

Your doctor will let you know if you have a tailbone fracture. A fracture in this area cannot be treated with a cast. Your only option would be to take plenty of rest and avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities until you feel better. In most cases, you have to stay away from strenuous activities for 8-12 weeks.

6. Do Not Strain While Using the Bathroom

Your pain may become worse when you strain during bowel movements. It is therefore important to take steps to avoid Constipation. You can increase your intake of fluid and fiber to help prevent constipation. It is also a good idea to use a mild stool softener until your tailbone pain goes away completely.

7. Take Medications

Along with using home remedies, you can also take OTC medications to relieve tailbone pain when sitting. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) usually work great to relieve tailbone pain. You can try naproxen or ibuprofen. Similarly, acetaminophen can also help relieve pain.

If your pain is severe, your doctor may inject a nerve block, local anesthetic, or steroid medication into your tailbone to help manage the pain. It is not uncommon for doctors to recommend a combination of steroid and anesthetic injections. You can also take an anti-seizure medicine or antidepressants to ease your pain. Your doctor will consider the severity of your pain and other symptoms to determine the best treatment option.

8. Try Physical Therapy

Along with taking medications, going for a physical therapy session may also help improve your overall condition. Your physical therapist will show you what exercises will help strengthen your pelvic floor and stomach muscles that support your tailbone. Your therapist may also perform coccygeal manipulation, a technique that involves inserting a gloved finger in your rectum to help move your tailbone in a correct position.

9. Try a Surgical Procedure

You can control your tailbone pain when sitting using homecare measures and medications, but sometimes you need to under a surgical procedure to treat your injury. In some cases, your surgeon may remove part of the coccyx to treat the problem. They may also perform coccygectomy to remove the entire coccyx. Keep in mind that even if you go for surgery, you may not experience pain relief right away. It takes time to feel better. Moreover, surgery may also lead to complications, like infections. Be sure to discuss all the pros and cons with your doctor before you go for surgery.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tailbone Pain

Tailbone Pain

Coccyx (tail bone) is the bony area present in the buttocks and any inflammation on this area is known as coccydynia. There would be swelling and tenderness in the tailbone causing pain in the buttocks area. The affected person will have increased pain while sitting rather than standing or walking.

Causes :

Tailbone pain is caused by infection, injury or a fracture. Sometimes even a small injury or trauma can cause coccydynia (pain and inflammation in the tailbone). It can also be caused by pilonidal cyst formation or sciatica. Even a fall can radiate injury on the tailone damaging the ligaments attached to the sacrum.

For some women, tailbone pain is caused during delivery when the head of the baby pushes its way through the vagina creating pressure on the coccyx causing injury and pain.

Symptoms :

The area of coccyx (tailbone) becomes tender and inflamed. For some there may be severe problems in sitting. Acute pain can be managed with lifestyle modifications and oral medicines. But chronic form of tailbone pain is difficult to treat.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor will look out for the symptoms of pain in the tailbone area. If needed, he may do a CT scan or MRI scan on the affected area for diagnosing the illness rightly.

Treatment :

Most of the tailbone pain will get settled after few weeks but for some people, there may be Chronic Pain on this region. Since the region is not flexible for making a casting or bracing it takes time for complete healing. Unlike other areas of the bone where the site can be made immobile by wearing a splint or casting, in coccyx area this cannot be made. The area is continuously under movement and this also would delay in curing the inflammation, making the tailbone pain chronic or longstanding.

Persons who suffer from severe coccydynia should wear padding while sitting and should avoid sitting in the same posture for long time. Number of oral medications is available for giving temporary relief from pain and inflammation. You can take anti-inflammatory drugs available over the counter before visiting your doctor.

The ideal way to treat tailbone pain of chronic nature is to combine one or more methods of treatment. For instance, oral medications can be coupled with physiotherapy for getting fast relief.

For some people, intense pain on the coccyx area can affect their life making it difficult to sit or do other activities. In such cases, surgery is done for removing the injured bone to improve the quality of life.

Your doctor will find out the root cause of the tailbone pain before starting treatment. Anti-inflammatory medicines primarily inhibit the secretion of cyclo oxygenase and prostaglandin to give relief from pain.

Ibuprofen or Motrin or Advil is taken for reducing the prostaglandin synthesis. For some patients Acetaminophen is prescribed for relieving moderate to severe pain with inflammation. Tramadol is prescribed for reuptake of nor-epinephrine in the brain that transmits the signals of pain. Fentanyl citrate is administered for patients with hyperactive airway problems who have tailbone pain.

Physiotherapy is given for improving the functions of pelvic bones. There are specialists dealing with pelvic pain syndrome who can train the patients with tailbone pain for managing daily life activities without medicines. The exercises are meant to relieve the pressure from the coccygeus and priformis muscles that would give permanent relief for the person.

Coccygectomy is the surgery done for removing the infectious ligaments from the coccyx region. However there may be complications after surgery and it may not be successful in providing relief from pain.

Apart from treatment, the affected person should know the ways to manage the life with pain. He should be educated about the activities that are to be avoided and that which may aggravate the pain.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Tailbone Pain – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, when Sitting, during Pregnancy

Tailbone Pain – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, when Sitting, during Pregnancy

What is Tailbone Pain?

Also referred to as cooccydynia this is pain around or in the area of the tailbone or coccyx. Tailbone pain that is chronic is a problem that distresses thousands of adults. There are several factors that may trigger tailbone pain, including fractures, bruises, certain bone disorders as well as developmental problems. Regrettably, tailbone pain that is chronic may remain for some weeks, months or in some cases years.

Tailbone Pain Symptoms

The symptoms and signs described vary and they consist of:

  • Pain while sitting or afterwards – The pain level depends on the extent of time the individual sits. This is the major difficulty triggered by coccydynia. Exactly how painful this becomes is determined by the chair design as well as the padding inside the cushion. The pain increase and sensitivity created sitting too long can continue for several days.

  • Acute pain when rising from sitting position to standing – The cause of this pain is believed to be the various muscles used in rising as these are involved with the coccyx. Then when the individual goes to stand up, these muscles pull the coccyx out of position if the joint has been damaged.

  • Pain triggered by sitting on surface that is soft – This normally occurs because the joint in between the coccyx and sacrum is not stable, so it is easy for the coccyx to be pushed out of place when the individual puts pressure on it during lying or sitting.

  • Deep aching surrounding the coccyx

  • Sensitive sensation to pressure on the edges or tips of the coccyx

  • Pains that shoot down along the leg

  • Pain that feels similar to sitting on a marble that moves around

  • Pain that feels similar to sitting on a knife

  • Pain from bowel movements and often before.

  • Increased pain during a woman’s monthly period

Tailbone Pain Causes

What parts of the anatomy that trigger coccyx pain is not understood clearly. In the majority of cases, the precise reason for pain is unknown – called idiopathic coccydynia – and within these cases the symptoms or signs can only be managed not cured.

Generally, the pain can be triggered in the coccyx when there has been injury or some sort of excessive pressure in the region causing these bones to move further than their normal but limited range, causing localized pain and inflammation. Any injury to the vestigial disc or the ligaments can also be a trigger for the pain. Very rarely, the coccyx bones may fracture and this triggers pain. Also, again in rare cases, when there is an infection or tumor in the coccyx this can be the major trigger of tailbone pain.

Tailbone Pain Treatment

Invest in a donut cushion or pillow
Individuals suffering from coccyx pain are usually not able to set for prolong time periods. Since they often need to set for most activities during the day, patients need to buy one of these special cushions. Coccyx cushions are specially intended for coccyx pain. These pillows have an opening which takes pressure off the coccyx.

Anti-inflammatory drugs
Frequently it is inflammation causing chronic coccyx pain. But “over the counter” anti-inflammatory medications are helpful. If these do not offer any relief, speak to your physician as well as inquire about a prescription for a strong anti-inflammatory drug.

Make an appointment
Make an appointment if the tailbone pain does not respond to these medications. The individual should see their primary care physician or spinal doctor. MRI or X-rays will probably be ordered to take images of the coccyx and will help the physician diagnose the underlying reason for the pain.

Steroid injection
Often, chronic coccyx pain does not have a major cause. Instead, it is caused by posture which is poor or prolonged periods of sitting. In these cases, the problem might need a much stronger drug. If needed, the physician may give an injection of steroid into the coccyx area. This will treat the inflammation as well as stopping the pain.
Apply cold packs or ice to the coccyx area
Cold therapies as well as heat therapy are effective management techniques for pain. Cold packs are perfect for coccyx pain that has been caused by injuries. Heat therapy is also advised for pain that is chronic.

You're reading Tailbone Pain – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, when Sitting, during Pregnancy posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

Stay on the feet and practice correct posture
Coccyx pain is mendable however it may at times take up to two years to heal an injured coccyx. During the period of healing, pay close attention to posture that is correct. Sit with the back straight as well as leaning forward. This is the position that can take pressure off the coccyx and speeds healing. Additionally, avoid long trips in the car as well as any actions that requires prolonged sitting.

Tailbone Pain When Sitting

Most individuals with coccyx Chronic Pain need to set for prolonged periods of time during their normal daily activities – such as school or work. So it is important to sit properly. Sitting on a donut cushion or pillow can help take pressure off some of the areas that are known to trigger this type of pain – so it is suggested to invest in one of these types of pillows or cushions.

It is also important to use correct posture when sitting. Sit with the back straight as well as leaning forward. This is the position that can take pressure off the coccyx. It is also advised to take frequent breaks if only just to stand up and stretch. It is also important to go from sitting to standing slowly as not to pull any ligaments or muscles in the already painful area.

Tailbone Pain During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, those women who suffer with tailbone pain are often concerned that these symptoms can worsen while being pregnant or during childbirth. There are several steps that can be taken.

Consider using a donut cushion or pillow especially designed to take the pressure off of areas that contribute to tailbone pain. There are also cushions that have a triangle wedge shaped cut out so that the coccyx does not make contact with the cushion.

Avoid sitting on surfaces that make the pain worse. Also avoid sitting for prolonged periods of time. Find a position for sitting that is most comfortable for you.

Also consider ways to decrease this pain without any drugs, such as taking soothing baths, local icing, or relaxation techniques. If these methods do not work, speak with your physician about some sort of medication that will not be harmful for the baby.

It is also important to discuss the problem of tailbone pain with your physician and if childbirth could make the pain worse. You might want to discuss with your physician the option of having a C-section instead of a normal birth.