Showing posts with label Tick Bite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tick Bite. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tick Bite

Tick Bite

Ticks are arthropods that act as carriers of virus that infects your body. Next to mosquito they are well known to spread many diseases through secretions or saliva injected into the bloodstream. Some of the major diseases that is caused by tick bite are Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Babesiosis, tick related rash, tick borne fever, Tularemia, Colorado tick fever and Q Fever and African cattle disease.

Tick related diseases are intense from April-September since it is the time they metamorphosis from larvae to adults. It usually starts with mild winter or during early spring season where there is increased frequency of tick bites. The life cycle of different ticks is different and so the range of diseases also varies.

Ticks thrive in bushy areas and hence people who walk barefoot on the grass can easily become a host. Apart from human ticks also sucks blood from pet animals like dogs, cats, or sheep. On invading the host, it secretes some fluid like saliva which contains neurotoxins. Hence the person may not feel any pain or irritation when the tick is sucking blood. Some people develop allergic reactions in response to tick bite.

Symptoms :

The range of symptoms is not common for all persons who suffer a tick bite. It depends on various factors like age, health condition and intensity of tick bite and the type of tick etc.

Often there may be signs of numbness on the affected area, fever, rash or allergic skin reaction, flu, weakness, confusion, pain or swelling in the joints. In very rare cases, there can be shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, increased heartbeat, palpitation and fatigue.

Diagnoses :

There are no concrete tests to detect the tick bite since the tick dislocates from your body after biting. Hence your doctor will physically examine the part of the bite, and look for the above symptoms before making the right diagnoses.

In some cases, the tick may be found still attached to the person’s body and diagnoses become easy for the doctor.

Often he may order for complete blood profile for diagnosing the type of parasite that has been injected into the blood.

Tick Removal :

It is not that easy to remove the ticks from your body. In the event of removal, you may increase the chance of spreading the infection to other parts.

Some people use hot match head on the affected parts to destroy the ticks. This is not the right procedure for removing the tick completely. You can use a forceps or tweezers for carefully removing the tick from the body. You can flush it off in the toilet and wash your hands thoroughly.

Treatment :

The course of treatment depends on the symptoms and nature of tick bite and the nature of parasite it has infected. It is very much necessary to wash the affected area with cleansing liquid and apply antibiotic cream.

In case of itch your doctor may prescribe Benadryl cream or oral preparations. Further he would give you antibiotics after studying the symptoms. Often oral antibiotics will do for reducing the pain and discomfort. But sometimes you will be put on IV fluids and hospitalized if the symptoms are serious.

Based on blood test report treatment methods and antibiotics are chosen.

Pictures of Tick Bite :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Tick Bite

Tick Bite Tick Bite Tick Bite Tick Bite Tick Bite Tick Bite
Prevention :

Avoid wandering in grassy areas barefoot and often ticks will be lying on the trees and shrubs waiting for a host. You have to be little more careful during the peak season of winter and spring. Wear tight clothing of light colors so that you can spot them and remove. Cover the heels with socks and shoes.

In case your work warrants you to be on grass for long time, you can use inspect repellants like DEET.

If you have any doubts, you should promptly check the parts for locating ticks. Ensure that the ticks are not affecting your pets which in turn may affect you.

No vaccine is available for preventing tick bite till today.

Tick Bite – Pictures, Symptoms, Deer tick bite, Rash, Treatment

Tick Bite – Pictures, Symptoms, Deer tick bite, Rash, Treatment

What is a Tick bite?

Ticks are foremost transporters or vectors of illnesses to individuals, especially in the US. They are second to mosquitoes globally. It is actually not the bite of the tick but organism toxins or secretions that are in the saliva of the ticks and that is transmitted thru the bite that causes diseases.

There are 2 tick families that cause disease or illnesses to be transmitted or caused by bites. The two are:

  • Ixodidae – hard ticks

  • Argasidae – soft ticks

Hard ticks have a back plate or scutum which is tough that delineates this family’s appearance. Hard ticks have a tendency to attach and then feed from hours to days. The transmission of diseases normally occurs towards the end of the meal as the tick becomes engorged with blood.

Deer Tick Bite

Deer ticks are unlike any other kind of ticks because they carry Lyme Disease which is a disease that causes fatigue, flu-like symptoms, and joint pain as well as can often develop into a disease which causes lasting neurological damage and heart damage if not detected early and immediately treated. It is believed that almost one-third of all deer ticks can carry Lyme disease. It is important to learn how to correctly remove any tick as incorrect removal can force more bacteria into the body.

Tick Bite Symptoms

Bites on ticks are normally painless. Most individuals will not even notice the bite and can never even find the tick if it falls away. Ticks that are small, for instance the deer tick which transmits Lyme disease, are so very small that they can be also undetectable. However, there are certain symptoms that do occur which are directly linked to the tick itself; they are due to the bite of the tick. The actual bite can cause symptoms only after the tick is removed. But, some individuals may experience itching, local redness, burning as well as rarely, some intense pain (from soft ticks) after or before the tick falls off. But most tick bites normally have very few if any direct symptoms.
The effects of the diseases which are transmitted by ticks usually start days to weeks after the tick is long gone. That is the reason that physicians may not be suspicious of an illness being related to a tick since most individuals forget or ignore barely noticeable bites. The significant clue about an illness being tick-related is when the physician is told about a tick bite. As well, the individual should tell their physician about any outdoor camping or hiking in any areas which are tick-infested even if the individual does not remember being bitten by a tick.

You're reading Tick Bite – Pictures, Symptoms, Deer tick bite, Rash, Treatment posted by minhhai2d, the information is for reference only.

After being bitten by a tick, individuals might develop any of the below symptoms due to the pathogen that the tick might have transmitted during the bite:

  • Flu-like symptoms

  • Fever

  • Rash

  • Numbness

  • Confusion

  • Weakness

  • Pain as well as swelling in the joints

  • Palpitations

  • Shortness of breath

  • Nausea and vomiting

Tick Bite Rash

Observe any bite area for expanding redness, which can be an indication of erythema migrans or EM which is the rash which is characteristic of Lyme disease.

The EM rash is normally the color of salmon but, rarely, it can be a very intense color of red, and will often look like the beginning of a skin infection. It will almost be a uniform color. This skin lesion normally expands over the next few days or weeks and can grow to be over 20 cm or 8 inches in diameter. As the rash continues, the center of the rash will become a lighter color developing which is commonly called the “bull’s eye appearance”. The rash may itch or burn.

Tick Bite Treatment

Here are the procedures to follow to remove a tick when found on an individual’s body:

  • Calm the individual down and examine the site of the tick bite. If the tick is engorged it can be a sign that it has been there for some time.

  • Take tweezers and go near a very bright light. The most important factors in removal are to remove the entire tick.

  • Grasp the head of the tick as closely to the point of entry as possible.

  • Pull the tick out of the individual’s body carefully and then drop into a small glass container or jar.

  • Examine the bite and make sure the mouth-parts were removed. If not, you must go back with the tweezers and remove them.

  • Pouring rubbing alcohol into the container will kill the tick so that you can take it to a Lyme disease specialist for lab testing.

  • Wash the bite and dab tea tree oil on the bite. Tea tree oil is a natural oil which is antibacterial.

  • Visit your physician

  • If the individual develops any symptoms of Lyme disease, the physician will start the individual on a course of antibiotics.

    Tick Bite Pictures